My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 68: Detoxification

Chapter 68: Detoxification

Jinyang City was just a small town. They had unexpectedly arrived here, not having high hopes for the local physicians. However, the handsome young man disguised as a gentleman was on the brink of death. If not treated soon, even the Life-Preserving Lotus might not be able to save him.

With no other options, they sought out the most famous physician in the city, hoping to try their luck.

However, when they found out that the so-called Physician Qin everyone was talking about was just a young man, their disappointment was palpable. Seeing the pale young man on the verge of death, they had no choice but to cling to the hope that maybe he could help.

But what they didn’t expect was that this young physician, without asking questions or performing any examinations, simply glanced at the patient and discovered the Life-Preserving Lotus in the young man’s abdomen!

In their hearts, the tiny strand of hope they held onto instantly magnified.

“Physician Qin, your reputation is well-deserved. You can recognize the Life-Preserving Lotus. May I ask, Physician Qin, can our Young Master be saved?” the two middle-aged men asked anxiously.

Qin Feng pondered for a moment, not giving a direct answer. Instead, he turned and said, “Miss Lan, please go to Bao Yi Tang and fetch these medicinal ingredients.” He listed dozens of medicinal herbs and added, “Make it fast!”

Lan Ningshuang didn’t hesitate and left immediately.

“Your Young Master has severe internal injuries, with damage to his organs, ribs, and bones. But with the nourishment of the Life-Preserving Lotus, his life won’t be immediately threatened. The most significant danger at the moment is the toxin contaminating his heart,” Qin Feng said, furrowing his brows.

Hearing this, the two middle-aged men were both excited and worried. “Physician Qin, you must find a way!”

“I already have some guesses, but just in case, please tell me how your Young Master was poisoned,” Qin Feng said.

The two middle-aged men exchanged a glance and recounted everything that had happened today.

Listening to their story, Qin Feng widened his eyes in astonishment. This group had escaped from Qiyuan City! They claimed to be a merchant caravan going to Qiyuan City for business, but they were caught in the disaster of the demonic invasion. The people in the city lost their minds and chaos ensued. Among the invaders, there was a presence with power surpassing the sixth level of cultivation, causing Qiyuan City to be on the verge of destruction.

Fortunately, several high-ranking officials from the Demon Slaying Department intervened in time, creating an opening in the swarm of insect creatures surrounding the city. This allowed the remaining clear-minded citizens to escape, including them.

However, during their escape, the top experts from both sides clashed, generating shockwaves that engulfed them. At that moment, an elongated, purple venomous insect seized the opportunity and bit their young master. The toxin inside the young man’s body was acquired at that time.

After hearing the whole story, Qin Feng fell into contemplation. The confused state of the citizens was likely caused by the Heart Devouring Gu. It seemed his earlier speculation was correct: Qiyuan City had long been infiltrated by the Heart Devouring Gu.

However, these two individuals were definitely hiding something. How could an ordinary merchant caravan possess such high-quality horses as the Snow-Treading Dragon Steeds? Moreover, Qin Feng had observed them; they had strong internal energy, and their golden energy was continuous, indicating they were at least sixth-grade martial experts.

He didn’t believe that a wealthy merchant’s Young Master could have two high-level experts accompanying him. Moreover, Qiyuan City was extremely dangerous; escaping from there must have been exceptionally difficult. It was impossible for them to trivialize the situation like they described.

Qin Feng didn’t delve deeper into it. In this chaotic world, it was reasonable for them to be cautious and conceal certain information.

“Physician Qin, do you have a solution?” one of them asked.

Qin Feng nodded. “In the book ‘Strange Insects’ there is a record of the purple long insect you mentioned. It’s called the Purple Viper, about one zhang long (3.3 meters), resembling a snake, highly venomous. If its poison enters the bloodstream, death is certain.”

“Now that we know the identity of the poisonous insect, Physician Qin, you must have a way!” the two middle-aged men exclaimed excitedly.

“Don’t be hasty. Once the medicinal ingredients arrive, I will remove the potent poison,” Qin Feng said. He then called outside, “Qing’er, prepare a bucket of hot water!”

“Understood, Young Master.” Qing’er responded.

After an incense stick’s worth of time, a bucket of steaming hot water was placed in the room. Lan Ningshuang had also returned.

“Young Master, here are the medicinal ingredients.” With a flash of the spatial jade pendant, all the medicinal ingredients Qin Feng needed appeared on the mahogany table.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and, following the instructions in the book, put the medicinal herbs into the water bucket in certain proportions. In no time, the fragrance of the medicine filled the air.

“You can put him in the water now,” Qin Feng said.

The two men hesitated, their faces showing uncertainty. “Doctor Qin, should we remove his outer clothes?”

“No need.”

Upon hearing this, the two men breathed a sigh of relief. They carefully lifted the Young Man in white cloth from the bed and gently placed him into the herbal bath.

The young man in white cloth, who had been unconscious, shuddered all over the moment his body immersed in the water bucket. He suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

“Young Master!” the two middle-aged men exclaimed in shock.

“Don’t panic, he just coughed up accumulated blood from his body,” Qin Feng explained briefly, then stood silently beside the water bucket, waiting patiently.

The people present didn’t understand what was happening, but they dared not ask questions and remained silent, waiting together.

Time passed quietly, and the water in the herbal bath slowly turned a pale purple. Even the complexion of the young man in white improved somewhat, no longer as pale as before.

Seeing this scene, both middle-aged men showed signs of relief and joy.

Qin Feng judged that the timing was right. He gestured for the people around the water bucket to step back and then used his fingertips to form sharp needles. His golden eyes opened wide, aiming at a specific spot. The needles swiftly pierced through the young man’s white robe in the herbal bath, penetrating his heart meridian, and were then quickly withdrawn.

A stream of purple liquid spurted out from the young man’s chest, landing on the ground nearby. White smoke rose, and the hard bluestone slab beneath it instantly melted under the astonished gazes of the onlookers.

“I have removed the toxins from his body, and there’s no longer any danger to his life. Here is the prescription; the medicinal herbs are on the table. Prepare the medicine according to the instructions on the prescription, and let him take it every two hours. Combined with the Life-Preserving inside his body, it should help quickly heal the injuries inside your Young Master’s body.”

The two middle-aged men took the prescription, exchanged glances, and then half-knelt on the ground. “Doctor Qin, we will forever remember your life-saving grace.”

“No need for that, I’ll be charging for my services, of course.”

“Of course, the reward will definitely satisfy Doctor Qin.”

Qin Feng nodded and then looked at the young man’s right arm. “Oh, by the way, the meridians in his right arm are severely damaged. If not treated, he will inevitably be disabled.”

Hearing this, the two middle-aged men looked despondent. “Meridian damage is almost incurable. In the current world, only the imperial physician of Heavenly City might have about a thirty percent chance of repairing it, but even that success rate is too low.”

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow. He had always wanted to find someone with damaged meridians to practice his skills on. Now, the opportunity had presented itself.

“I can give it a try, but I might only have about a fifty percent chance of success. If it fails, there will be no possibility of repairing his right arm. What do you think?”

“Fifty percent?!” The two middle-aged men widened their eyes. Wasn’t that a higher success rate than Heavenly City’s imperial physician?

Even so, they hesitated, not daring to agree on their own.

“It’s alright. Tomorrow, when your Young Master wakes up, you can discuss it with him. If he decides to have his meridians repaired, you will need to prepare yourselves. I must emphasize, the medicinal solution for repairing meridians is extremely precious and rare. You will have to prepare it yourselves,” Qin Feng said before leaving.

The two middle-aged men looked at each other. One of them couldn’t help but sigh, “This young man is truly extraordinary.”

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