My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 67: White Clothed Young Master

Chapter 67: White Clothed Young Master

The opening on the man’s chest was covered with healing ointment and bandaged. The sturdy man finally regained his breath and weakly said, “Thank you, Physician Qin, for saving me.”

Qin Feng nodded slightly, his face incredibly solemn. “The people traveling with you have likely been infected by this strange worm as well. Can you inform them?”

The man nodded. “I can, but it will take some time.”

“Good. Tomorrow, bring them all to the Qin residence. I will examine them,” Qin Feng ordered.

The man agreed immediately.

After dealing with this matter, most of the guests in Moonlit Pavilion had left. Qin Feng didn’t pay much attention to it and briefly instructed the Manager, Peng, before returning to the Qin residence with a heavy heart.

For safety’s sake, the moment Qin Feng returned to the Qin residence, he gathered everyone in the main hall and scanned the crowd with his eyes.

Only when he confirmed that no one had been infected by the Heart Devouring Gu did he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Hmm? Wait, why does it seem like someone is missing?

Qin Feng furrowed his brows. “Second Mother, where is Father?”

Second Mother sighed helplessly. “At noon today, your father suddenly said that he had come up with a brilliant idea, and he went out of the city to do business in high spirits. I couldn’t persuade him to stay.”

That unreliable fellow, how could he run around at a time like this?

Qin Feng’s expression became extremely grim.

Second Mother, noticing his worry, asked, “Feng’er, is something wrong? Why did you gather us together so late at night with such a serious expression?”

Others also looked at him with puzzled expressions.

To avoid causing too much worry, Qin Feng quickly made up an excuse and brushed it off. Then, he returned to his room alone, trying to sort out his thoughts.

At the Lakeside Pavilion, a woman in white turned her head and looked at the worried Lan Ningshuang, asking softly, “What happened?”

Lan Ningshuang hesitated for a moment before truthfully reporting everything she had seen and heard today.

After hearing her report, Liu Jianli fell into silence again. After a long while, she whispered, “Protect him.”

“Yes, Miss.”

The night was calm, and most of the people in the Qin residence had fallen asleep. However, Qin Feng, lying on his bed, was still tossing and turning, his mind filled with countless thoughts.

Why did those two officials from the Demon Slaying Department come to Jinyang City? Could it be that they wanted to invite Si Zheng to help in Qiyuan City? No, that’s unlikely. It would be too much trouble to go back and forth like that. By the time Si Zheng arrived, Qiyuan City would probably have been captured.

Moreover, even with Si Zheng’s strength, facing such a formation, he wouldn’t be able to change the course of the battle.

Speaking of which, why did those people attack Qiyuan City?

If they only wanted to consume flesh and blood, there was no need to gnaw on that tough bone. It would be more reasonable to find a few smaller cities.

I wonder how Qiyuan City is doing right now. Did any powerful figures go to support them? If the Heart Devouring Gu has truly infiltrated Qiyuan City, it will undoubtedly be a disaster.

Wait, why am I still concerned about them? Even Heavenly City isn’t safe, let alone this small Jinyang City. Should I find a way to take the Qin family back to Imperial Capital?

“Sigh, being born in chaotic times, one’s fate is truly beyond one’s control. Only by improving one’s own strength can one have the ability to protect one’s family.” Qin Feng sighed, feeling deeply moved.

Just then, a loud knocking on the door shattered the tranquility of the night.

Startled, Qin Feng jolted up from the bed and quickly put on his clothes before opening the door.

Many dark rooms were lit up with oil lamps, casting flickering shadows.

Lan Ningshuang arrived first. “Young Master, are you all right?”

Qin Feng shook his head, and the two of them hurried toward the front door together.

The intense knocking continued, and next to the main door stood an empty long spear, which upon closer inspection, was indeed Xing Sheng’s spear!

Where was Hei Tan Tou? Could something have happened to him? Oh, there he was, standing right there. It was so late at night, wearing black clothes, making it difficult for me to recognize him at first glance. Qin Feng muttered to himself in his heart.

Several people had gathered at the entrance of the Qin residence. Under Qin Feng’s nod, Xing Sheng cautiously opened the main door.

In their sight were seven individuals. The two leading figures were middle-aged, stern-faced, exuding an aura of authority. They wore luxurious clothing, but their demeanor clearly showed signs of fatigue. Their opulent clothes were tattered and damaged in several places.

Qin Feng also noticed fresh bloodstains on their arms beneath the rolled-up sleeves.

At this moment, these two middle-aged men were supporting a handsome young man dressed in white and adorned with brocade. This young man was truly exceptional, his features delicate and refined, even more so than Qin Feng’s own younger brother. However, the young man’s current condition was not good. His face was pale, devoid of color, especially his right arm, which was raised and clearly heavily injured.

Outside the Qin residence, the sound of horse hooves echoed. Qin Feng looked outside and was surprised to see Snow-Stepping Dragon Steeds, horses equivalent to high-end Lamborghinis in the previous World, something not commonly owned by ordinary families.

Combined with their attire and bearing, it was evident that this group of people held a prestigious status.

The seven individuals didn’t mince words and walked directly into the Qin residence. The taller middle-aged man at the front anxiously demanded, “Where is Doctor Qin?!”

“Are you looking for me?” Qin Feng, wearing a puzzled expression, stepped forward and said, “I am the Doctor Qin you are looking for. What can I help you with?”

“So young?” The two middle-aged men exchanged glances, disappointment evident in their eyes.

“I heard in the city that Doctor Qin is highly skilled, the best physician in the city. I earnestly request your help to save our young master. If successful, there will be a substantial reward!” The middle-aged man spoke sincerely, and the others accompanying him also bowed respectfully.

“There’s no need for such formality. Qing’er, prepare a guest room.”

A girl in a green dress promptly ran off, and Qin Feng followed, saying, “Follow me, please.”

They arrived at a guest room, where the two middle-aged men gently placed the handsome young man on a soft cushion.

After dismissing the servants from the Qin residence, Qin Feng examined the young man’s injuries. His eyebrows furrowed immediately.

The injuries were more severe than he had imagined. Four ribs were broken, internal organs damaged, extensive internal bleeding, and the meridians in the upper arm of the right arm were shattered by some powerful force.

The most critical issue was the purplish color around the heart, indicating a lethal toxin!

The injuries were so severe that an ordinary person would have likely perished already. The reason this person survived was a jade-colored spherical bead in his abdomen, emitting a warm wave that repaired the damaged internal organs and ribs, halting the spread of the toxin into the bloodstream.

Qin Feng had read about this bead in a book. In the Northern Domain’s Tian Shan Mountains, there was a multicolored lake where a Blue Leaf Green Lotus grew. Every hundred years, it produced a lotus seed resembling a jade bead. Consuming it could miraculously extend one’s life. This lotus seed was called—

“Life-Preserving Lotus,” Qin Feng blurted out.

Upon hearing this, the two middle-aged men were first startled, then their eyes lit up with excitement.

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