My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1433: Promises

Chapter 1433: Promises

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


*******"Mother," Song Yan had no words to say at the moment. In the past, she used to think that when she would see her mother again for the last time, she would tell her a lot of things but now as she stood in front of her mother's soul, she had no idea what to say.

"It's okay," Mother Song reached out and placed her hand on Song Yan's cheek. She cupped her face ever so slightly before saying, "I know everything, Yan'er. Even though your mother has been nothing but a burden-- I have been watching over you.

She was not in the right state of her mind as half of her soul had been split apart but she watched and knew about everything that was happening with Song Yan and her family.

And now that her soul was complete, those memories seemed to make sense.

"Mom!! Mom! I missed you! I miss you so much!" Song Yan wished she could hug her mother but no matter how strong she was, she could not bring her mother back. Not when the soul of mother was too weak to go through a heavenly tribulation.

"My dear, I missed you too," Mother Song's eyes turned red as blood dripped from her eyes. She felt guilty and uncomfortable when she thought about how her children and husband had to suffer all because of her mistakes.

She had done nothing wrong in her life, the only mistake she made was to show mercy to someone who did not deserve it.

If she had only listened to her husband, then nothing would have happened to her family. She would be alive and they would be happy.

"Yan Yan... are you there?" Song Dong Ming walked past the small shed and arrived in the empty room of the funeral house where Song Yan. He looked at his daughter who was crying and he understood everything. "Your mother is here...?"

Brother Song, who was right behind Song Dong Ming, raised his head and looked around the room as well. His eyes flickered as he tentatively called, "Mother?"

Song Yan did not answer, instead, she turned to look at her mother who nodded. Only then did she flick a Ghost Vision talisman at her father and then at her brother. The second the talismans struck the two men, their vision changed and they could see Mother Song standing right beside Song Yan.

"Honey..? Honey..." Song Dong Ming stared at the beautiful woman standing in front of him and his expression changed from disbelief to ecstasy before he rushed towards Mother Song. "Honey! Honey!"

His eyes pooled with tears as he sobbed like a child.

Brother Song was not in any better condition than his father, he stared at his mother whose face he had almost forgotten as nothing, not a single memory was left behind of her because of Madam Chu destroying everything--and cried as if his life was dependent on it.

"Why did you leave me? Why did you not listen to me? If only you had....if only you listened to me then nothing like this would have happened," Song Dong Ming scolded Mother Song however the tears in his eyes told him that this scolding came from the yearning that he had been suppressing in his heart for years.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry," Mother Song cried along with Song Dong Ming as he was not the only one who had suffered. She too, when half of her soul was trapped inside the array under Madam Chu's bed, thought that her husband had betrayed her --the anger and heartbreak she had felt was not something that Mother Song would ever want to feel.

It was only now that she knew that Father Song had never betrayed her did she feel relieved.

"Mom! Mom..." Brother Song reached to hug his mother but couldn't. His heart ached when he thought about how he would never be able to feel the warmth of his mother ever again. "There is no need to cry," Mother Song saw that the entire family was crying and sighed as she wiped the tears off her face. She could not wipe the tears of her family members but she could wipe her own. As she did not have enough time, she didn't want to waste it by crying. "Now listen to me," Mother Song said to Song Dong Ming and her children. "Even if I am gone, there is no need for you to feel upset. What happened, has already happened. Big Yan," she turned to Brother Song and said to him, "Take care of your sister and wife. You are going to be a father so learn how to take care of yourself and don't trust anyone blindly. There will be some obstacles in your future but don't lose your mind by acting too kind."

"Work hard and raise your children with love and care."

"I will...wuuu mother...I will take care of my wife and child," Brother Song closed his eyes as tears flowed down his cheeks.

Mother Song then turned to look at Song Yan before smiling, "Little Yan, I don't have to worry about you. I have been watching you and I know that you will protect yourself and your family but I hope you will pay attention to your safety as well. I don't want to see you in the underworld any time soon."

"I...I will Mom," Song Yan replied with teary eyes.

"And honey?" Mother Song turned to Song Dong Ming before smiling at him, "Stop drinking so much, take care of your health after all you need to care for our two children in my place. Don't miss me all the time, I will wait for you on the other side but don't be in a hurry to come and meet me." "No...don't go...Yan Yan-- she will do something. She will bring you back," Song Dong Ming reached out to hold Mother Song's hands but missed.

When Mother Song saw his desperation, her eyes reddened even more. She shook her head and dissuaded her husband, "Don't make things difficult for Yan Yan. My soul was split in half and the pieces of my soul were buried in two different places. My soul has weakened too much and there is no way that you can bring me back to life. Even if you soul will only be ripped apart as I do not have enough energy to keep it intact."

Song Dong Ming turned to look at Song Yan who nodded and his heart fell somewhere inside his stomach. He turned to look at his wife and opened his mouth but the latter stayed calm as she said to him, "It is alright. Like I said, I will wait for you on the other side, and when you come there I will welcome you with my arms open."

Song Dong Ming did not want to agree to such a thing, he wished for them to leave together but when had everything gone according to his wishes?

"I understand... then I will live for you as well and when we meet again...I will tell you about all the adventures and trips I went on," Song Dong Ming promised Mother Song. "I will visit every place where you wanted to go when you were alive."

Mother Song's eyes widened before they returned to their usual size. Her gaze softened as she smiled, "Yes. But don't be in a hurry to look for me, I left a list of places where I wanted to go so don't miss out on even a single place."

"I won....won't," Song Dong Ming agreed with a thick voice.

"And son-in-law," Mother Song suddenly spoke up causing Fu Yu Sheng who was hiding

outside the room to flinch.

He peeked inside with a sheepish look as he said, "I was not eavesdropping. I was just worried about Yan Yan." As he spoke he walked inside the room.

"I know," Mother Song smiled at Fu Yu Sheng. "I am grateful for all the care that you have shown to my daughter, and I hope you will continue taking care of her."

Her soul turned a bit paler as Mother Song raised her hands in the air and sighed, "It looks like

it's time for me to go."

"Wife..." Song Dong Ming reached out, even though he knew that he would not be able to touch Mother Song, he wanted to be close to her.

"Ming'er," Mother Song leaned forward and placed her forehead against Song Dong Ming. "I love you, I have always loved you... for me, you were the best thing that ever happened to me. Marrying you and having your children-- those were the moments that brought me immense joy. So never blame yourself, you gave me everything that I wanted. If there is a next life...I hope that you will wait for me."

Her soul shattered into shards of golden light as Mother Song finished her words and Song Dong Ming who watched her disappear knelt on the floor.

He covered his face and cried, "I love you too. I have loved you from the very moment I saw you...and I will tell you the same when I see you again." ****** *********[My dear fairies can you please send a few golden tickets and gifts along with comments and power stones? Please continue supporting the author! Your support is my motivation to work hard!

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