My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1432: A cruel death

Chapter 1432: A cruel death

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


***********+"What did you say?" Old Madam Zheng raised her head and looked at Vincent who smiled at her. Though he was smiling sweetly, Old Madam Zheng felt a chill climb up in her heart.

"I told the truth," Vincent took out a stack of documents and threw them at Old Madam Zheng. "This woman is not your daughter but instead she is the daughter of that maid. Your husband exchanged the two when they were just born. So the one you killed with your own hands was your daughter, Old Madam."

Old Madam Zheng scrambled to snatch the documents from the floor and read them carefully. When she finished reading it, Old Madam Zheng seemed to have lost her soul.

Zheng Baobei was her daughter? She killed her own daughter and granddaughter with her own hands and even raised this bastard!?

Old Madam Zheng's vision darkened and she swooned on the spot. No wonder, no wonder she always felt that there was something wrong with Zheng Baozhi but she let it slide since this girl looked like her husband and she trusted her husband who swore and said that it was a mistake.

That he never wanted to sleep with someone like that small maid.

Who would have thought that he was lying and would even exchange their children just because he foolishly fell in love with that maid!?

Zheng Baozhi noticed the changes in old Madam Zheng's face and she knew that this rotten old woman had found out the truth.

She glared at Vincent who raised a brow at her.

He then turned to look at Old Madam Zheng and said to her, "Old Madam, that's not all. This precious daughter that you have raised also knows she is not your daughter."

"However she kept this matter to herself and watched you kill your own daughter. Tell me, are you regretful?"



She was filled with regret at the moment! Her intestines were turning green with regret. Old Madam Zheng could not believe that she was being played like a fool by these people. She lost her daughter and her granddaughter because of her husband and that sly maid.

This woman as well. She knew the truth but she hid it from her and watched her kill Zheng Baobei.

Her daughter! Her precious daughter!

"I will kill you! I will kill you, you bitch!" Old Madam Zheng screamed as she rushed to the front of the prison where Zheng Baozhi was crouching.

With her hand reaching forward, Old Madam Zheng knotted Zheng Baozhi's hair and slammed her feet on the wound that was yet to heal.

"Bitch! You are just like that bitchy mother of yours. Only knows how to seduce men left and right."

"You actually lied to me like this!?"

"How dare you! How dare you!"

Old Madam Zheng seemed to have gone crazy as she beat Zheng Baozhi.


"Save me! Stop her!"

Zheng Baozhi coevred her face and stomach, as she tried to escape the beatings. But no one stopped Old Madam Zheng, as this was what these two women deserved.

Vincent glanced at the two women and then turned on his feet befrore leaving. Anyway, Old Madam Zheng was a smart woman she would not kill Zheng Baozhi and --

He turned to look at the two spirits watching Zheng Baozhi getting beaten and smirked.

Karma never leaves anyone alone. ******A few days later, the arrangements for Madam Song's funeral were finished. The entire Fu family flew to the S city for the funeral, and Fu Yu Sheng not once did he leave Song Yan's side.

Even when the funeral was being held, he stayed by her side and watched Song Yan place the white lilies on the tombstone.

"Are you alright?" He asked when Song Yan was done putting the lilies.

"I am fine," Song Yan answered with red-rimmed eyes. She was not going to break down so easily.

Fu Yu Sheng saw that Song Yan did not want to say anything more and thus he did not say anything to her either. He just stood by her side and held her hand and gave her support


The funeral ended quickly and with that the news that Madam Chu had murdered and trapped Madam Song spread around the S city.

Song Lan who was hiding in the rotten slums trembled with anger and fear as she listened to the news that was being played on the television.

She knew that everything was done for sure now. These days she was hoping for her mother to come back and save her from this hell where she had to use her body day and night to make a living but now that this news was released, Song Lan knew that there was no way out for her from this hell hole.

"Ahhhh!!" Song Lan clutched her head and knelt down the floor. Why did she have to be so greedy? Why didn't her mother stop when she got a place to stay?

Why did she continue snatching more?

If they had lived an honest life then nothing like this would have happened. They would be living a happy life even if they were not rich.

Madam Chu, who was trapped in the small basement of an abandoned house, was also having the same regret as her daughter.

At that moment, her body seemed to be burning with an unknown fire which made her groan in pain. Madam Chu knew that the second she revealed the truth about where she had buried

Madam Song's corpse she would suffer through endless pain.

Thus, even though Song Dong Ming tormented her, she never said a thing. It was because she knew that no matter how ruthless Song Dong Ming was he would not kill her in such a cruel way where she would neither be human nor demon.

Madam Chu felt her body churn, with each second that passed by, Madam Chu felt like her body was slowly shrivelling up.


Madam Chu's entire body twisted at an inhuman angle before the sound of bones popping and snapping echoed in the basement.





The screams soon turned into feeble moans that couldn't even be heard by anyone. However, the guards who were stationed outside had heard the commotion already and rushed inside

the basement.

"What do you think -- AHHHH!!!"

The guard who stepped inside screamed in terror as he looked at the mess inside the basement. Blood was splattered all over the basement and in the centre of the basement was a

pulsating blob of flesh and bones.

From the moving eyes to the painful groans that echoed in the basement, the guard knew that

this pile of flesh and bones was actually alive.

"What.., what is this thing!?"

"Help someone help!"


At the Song family graveyard in S city,

"What did you say?" Song Dong Ming turned serious when he heard the report that the guards

had told him.

"What happened father?" Brother Song looked at his father and questioned. He could see that something serious had taken place as his father's expression was rather solemn. "Madam Chu is dead," Song Dong Ming told his son whose eyes widened in shock and they

were soon filled with terror when Song Dong Ming told the condition in which Madam Chu

was found by the guards.

"T..This is horrible," Brother Song hated Madam Chu and wished for a cruel death for that woman but never did he expect that the woman would die in such a terrible manner. Song Dong Ming furrowed his brows and sighed. "Not only is it terrible but from what I can

see your mother's death was not that simple. Someone deliberately killed her and the scheme behind it is yet to be disclosed."

"Shall we tell this to Yan Yan?" Brother Song asked Song Dong Ming who nodded.

"This is something that Yan Yan should know."

His gaze softened as he spoke of Song Yan before saying, "However, wait for the funeral proceedings to completely stop. We can tell her the rest of the matter after this."

Song Yan did not know about the tragic death of Madam Chu, at that very moment, she was looking at her mother's soul that had been pieced together by her.

"M...Mother," Song Yan whimpered like a child as she looked at the familiar face which looked similar to her but a bit more regal and prideful.

"Yan'er," Madam Song spoke in a soft voice. She raised her hand but dropped it down as she

did not want to affect the Yin energy of her daughter's body. "There is no need to cry."

"I..I was the one who was in the wrong," Madam Song closed her eyes as she rubbed her abdomen where she was stabbed by Madam Chu, the wound was still there even when she was dead. "I trusted a white-eyed wolf and it was my fault that I did something so foolish. It was my naivety that turned the entire situation of our family into this terrible mess." *******************[My dear fairies can you please send a few golden tickets and gifts along with comments and power stones? Please continue supporting the author! Your support is my motivation to work hard! ]*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

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