My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1429: Finding her mother’s corpse

Chapter 1429: Finding her mother’s corpse

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


********** "Ahhh!" Zheng Baozhi let out a scream as she saw

the snakes slithering inside the warehouse. Even if she was no snake expert she could tell from the fangs that the snake bared at her and her mother that they were venomous.

Old Madam Zheng also turned pale with fright when she saw that they had been trapped inside the warehouse. Where did things go wrong?

"Stay where you are!" Zheng Baozhi shouted at Fu Yu Sheng. She couldn't believe that Fu Yu Sheng, whom she thought of as a decent man, was actually a monster. Just look at him control all these snakes without even breaking a sweat.

If he was not a monster what was he!?

"I have not moved an inch from the moment I came here, Madam Zheng," Fu Yu Sheng said to the woman with a calm voice. "It's you who is moving backwards," he pointed out causing Zheng Baozhi and Old Madam Zheng to pause and turn around.

They were now standing in the middle of the warehouse where Song Yan had subdued the dark master that they had invited to sacrifice Lin Bolin.

"Was it fun?" Song Yan asked as she turned to look at the two women. "I don't think it was, given that you look terrified."

She raised the whip in her hand and then raised it in the air. The dark master who was trapped inside the whip was lifted by the motion and was sent flying to the wall next to her as Song Yan threw him out.

Old Madam Zheng's legs trembled when she saw the condition of the dark master. Even though Master Bai's body was still intact, he could neither move nor save them.

With a thud, she went on her knees and begged Song Yan, "Please...please let us off. We were not thinking clearly, I will compensate everyone. I will compensate the family of those who have lost their lives, but let us off."

"Mother!" Zheng Baozhi exclaimed in surprise when she saw that her mother had fallen on her knees and was begging for her life.

What was going on? Why was this happening? Why was her mother on her knees and begging? They were supposed to be better than everyone else, it was them who held the power to make others kneel. So why was her mother kneeling on the ground?

"Did it surprise you?" Song Yan noticed the shock in the eyes of Zheng Baozhi. Her lips coldly curled up in a mocking smile. "Your mother knelt in front of me because she knows that I am more powerful than her, wasn't this the reason you made others bow down to you? Because you were more powerful than them?"

Zheng Baozhi gritted her teeth, she wanted to fight but she couldn't as what Song Yan said was indeed right. She was much more powerful than her, since she could even beat a dark master, she could kill them too.

"Now where did you bury the bones of Lai Mefeng and Zheng Baobei?" Song Yan questioned the two women in front of her. She needed to find the corpses of these two women before giving them a proper burial ritual only then would their souls find peace.

Zheng Baozhi and Old Madam Zheng flinched when she heard the question of Song Yan. Their eyes flickered and Old Madam Zheng gritted her teeth when she realised that this trouble was never ending.

Old Madam Zheng was flustered but Zheng Baozhi was flustered and furious when she saw that Song Yan had saved Lin Bolin. Just a moment ago, she was going to get everything she wanted but with Song Yan interfering, she had lost everything. With a hideous expression, she reached her hands forward to choke the life out of Song Yan's body.

There was no way she was going to let this matter slide just like that.

"Yan Yan!" Seeing Zheng Baozhi try to harm his wife, Fu Yu Sheng immediately rushed forward. This Zheng Baozhi had actually gone crazy and wanted to kill his wife. Unfortunately, he stood too far from Song Yan and even if he wanted to rescue her, he could not do anything.

Song Yan calmly glanced at her husband before she shook her head in disbelief. Did he think that she was this weak? With a flick of her hand, she threw Zheng Baozhi aside and then turned to look at Old Madam Zheng.

"Now, are you going to tell me where the corpses of Zheng Baobei and her daughter are?" She was not going to waste any more time on these foolish women.

Old Madam Zheng looked at Zheng Baozhi who was sent flying to one side and immediately replied, "...We...we buried them in wax statues. Behind the studio in the storehouse. I...the dark master told me that the safest place is closest to me."

When Fu Yu Sheng and Song Yan heard that Zheng Baozhi and Old Madam Zheng actually buried the two women inside wax statues, they were stunned.

Lin Bolin who was hiding behind a small wooden barrel let out a gasp of terror. These women were really terrifying. They actually turned corpses into wax statues.

Song Yan was not surprised when she heard that these women actually buried the two women inside wax statues. However, what caught her attention was what the dark master said to Old Madam Zheng.

Her eyes narrowed, as she turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng and said to him, "I have called Vincent, can you wait for him? Once he arrives here you can go back home."

Though Fu Yu Sheng did not understand why Song Yan suddenly said such a thing to him, he agreed at once when he saw the cold expression on her face.

Song Yan walked past him however as soon as she came to a stop next to Zheng Baozhi, she looked down at the woman and said to the malicious spirit, "Do you want to come with me? Your mother is following me."

She could sense that the talisman that the dark master had given to Zheng Baozhihad weakened by a considerable degree and it was not going to take long for it to stop working completely.

Sooner or later the malicious spirit would be free to deal with Zheng Baozhi as she liked.

Song Yan waited for a while before Lai Meifeng made her appearance, a small slit open on Zheng Baozhi's neck and Song Yan heard a hoarse voice answer her, "Wi..will return...soon... revenge."

Though the words were incomprehensible, Song Yan understood what the ghost was trying to say to her.

She glanced at Zheng Baozhi before turning to look away as she said, "Don't kill her."

With that, she snapped her fingers destroyed the remaining power of the talisman and vanished from the warehouse by using the teleportation talisman.

The talisman as usual took too much of her energy causing Song Yan to feel really sick as she covered her eyes with her hand when her feet came in contact with the land.

"What's going on?" Fang Yanli asked Song Yan. "Why did you come to this place all of a


Song Yan left the warehouse in a hurry, seeing the panic in her eyes, Fang Yanli thought that there was something wrong with her.

But Song Yan came to a stop at the old Song manor which had been abandoned by the Song


"There is something that I want to check," Song Yan gritted out, her hands trembling and her heart thudding harshly in her chest. She seemed to have come to a conclusion after hearing

Old Madam Zheng say those words.

She had asked her father to make Madam Chu confess the burial spot of her mother but nothing seemed to have worked. Even the truth talisman that she sent to her father had no effect which caused Song Yan to be confused.

As the truth talisman should have worked but it did not.

Which meant that someone with much higher cultivation than her back then had helped

Madam Chu. They could only blindly search for the corpse of her mother who held the other

half of her soul.

But no matter where they looked they couldn't find anything.

So what if...

However, after listening to the advice that the darkmaster gave to Old Madam Zheng, Song

Yan had a feeling that maybe they were wrong to begin with.

They graced Madam Chu with enough humanity by thinking that the woman might have buried her mother somewhere else but what if ...her mother was buried close to them all this


Given how perverted Madam Chu was, Song Yan had a feeling that she might really have done

something similar to Zheng Baozhi and her

mother. **************

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