My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1428: Suppressing the dark master

Chapter 1428: Suppressing the dark master

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


********** "Put him on the altar,"

When Lin Bolin woke up, he found himself in an abandoned warehouse where small candles were burning. In the middle of the warehouse was a magic circle drawn with blood and inside that magic circle was an altar.

"Mhmm!" Lin Bolin struggled as he tried to get away from the thugs who had kidnapped him. He never thought that Zheng Baozhi would go so low as to kidnap him.

"Drag him to the middle of the altar," seeing that the man was awake and was still struggling, Zheng Baozhi did not want to waste any more time. She had been living like a fish without water ever since Lai Meifeng's skills started to deteriorate.

Only after snatching Lin Bolin's skills would she be able to live at ease.

The thugs listened to Zheng Baozhi and dragged Lin Bolin to the middle of the altar where he was sort of thrown as the man was trying to escape too much.

Once Lin Bolin's back hit the altar, heavy pressure ended up being pressed on his chest. Even if he wanted to get up he couldn't, as the pressure that was being applied on his chest was simply too strong.

Lin Bolin felt like his ribs were going to explode.

"There is no need to struggle anymore," Master Bai said to Lin Bolin. "This altar is enchanted by the yin energy of many souls that I have reaped. Even if you give up your life, you will not be able to get away from this place."

"Unless a skilled master comes to save you, there is no way for you to escape from here. So accept your fate and give up."

Lin Bolin's eyes widened in fear, as he seemed to realise that he had gotten entangled in a dangerous situation. However, there was no way he was going to give up even if he was to die trying. He was not going to make it easy for these people.

He did not want to die! Who would want to die willingly?

"Master, now that this man is will be able to destroy that malicious spirit that's haunting me?" Zheng Baozhi asked eagerly as she looked at the dark master. She had been living in fear these days and even though the talisman that had been suppressing the spirit was working well, Zheng Baozhi did not want to rely on it too much.

Zheng Baozhi stared at the dark master with a burning gaze causing the man to raise his head and look at her. He said in a low voice, "There is no need to worry madam. Since the sacrifice is here I will certainly make it impossible for you to be harmed."

Lin Bolin's pupils started to shake, as the reality started to set.

While his heart was filled with terror, Zheng Baozhi's was filled with delight. She clenched her fingers and bowed her head before saying, "Then I will thank you for your help, Master Bai."

Master Bai nodded as he turned his attention to Lin Bolin. Master Bai started chanting spells before picking up the bowl that was sitting on the side.

His eyes flashed as he grinned slyly.

"Undo his clothes," said Master Bai as he raised the dagger in his hand.

Zheng Baozhi immediately got up from the floor and undid the shirt that Lin Bolin was wearing. As she had done these rituals before she knew what she needed to do.



Lin Bolin shook his head as he tried to get away from the woman but every time he moved, the pressure on his chest started to get even more intense.

Tears filled his eyes as he realised his own helplessness.

Zheng Baozhi did not take pity on the man even though she saw his tears, instead she felt excited. This was her status, she was above all of these people who were lower at the low status.

They could only be used as her stepping stone and yet they could never bite her back.

"Here master," Zheng Baozhi obediently sat back as she looked at the man who nodded and raised his hand and brought the dagger down on Lin Bolin's chest as he wanted to draw the blood that was closest to his heart.

However, as soon as he brought the knife down on the chest of the man, there was a loud bang before a golden talisman was thrown at his hands.

The dagger in his hand was thrown aside along with the bowl.

"Who goes there!?" Master Bai shouted as he turned his gaze to the entrance of the warehouse.

"There is no need for you to know my name," Song Yan stepped inside the warehouse. Her eyes swept through the dilapidated warehouse before she hurled another talisman at Lin Bolin. "Come here."

Lin Bolin did not need to be told twice, as soon as the pressure on his chest vanished, he ran towards Song Yan.

"You! What are you doing here?" Zheng Baozhi snapped out of her daze when she realized who interrupted their ritual.

"What do you think?" Song Yan smiled at the woman, and with her hands clasped behind her back, she said to Zheng Baozhi, "Did you think that you are really smart? That if you tell me all those stupid lies, I will believe you without a doubt?"

Zheng Baozhi's eyes widened and she turned to look at her mother who had gone pale as well.

"You idiot! You can't even do something as simple as making up a lie?" Old Madam Zheng screamed at Zheng Baozhi who opened her mouth and closed it again.

She never thought that her lies would be caught so easily and Song Yan would be so skilled that even catching her lies she would pretend to be calm.

"Mother...I...I..." Zheng Baozhi wanted to say something but she did not get a chance to speak as Song Yan attacked the master whom they had brought with them.

With the golden purplish whip in her hands, she attacked Master Bai who dodged to one side.

"You are skilled," Master Bai had not expected such a thing to happen, nor did he think that a skilled master would come to save this man that Zheng Baozhi and her mother had brought with them.

"Thank you for your praise," Song Yan smiled at the man as she flicked a set of exploding talismans. These talismans were B-grade talismans, thus even though Master Bai was a high- level cultivator he was not able to escape.

"Damn, you bitch!" He cursed when the cloak on his body was burned and his face was revealed. As soon as his face was revealed Zheng Baozhi gasped in horror.

Because the face of the man was burned so badly that he was missing an eye, in place of it was

a fleshy pink glob of mangled flesh.

He looked terrifying.

"And you are quite ugly," Song Yan retorted, causing the man's face to twist even more. He let out a roar as he started hurling talismans after talismans at Song Yan who dodged them


When Master Bai saw that the woman was even better at dodging him, his eyes narrowed and he summoned the evil spirits that he had trapped in his Ghost Dimension.

He did not believe that the woman would be able to fight these evil ghosts as they were not only malicious but they were also very powerful.

With a wave of his hands, twisted souls that had been trapped inside the Ghost Ring that Master Bai carried with him appeared in front of Song Yan.

Song Yan glanced at the spirits before rolling her eyes. Why did all the dark masters believe that as long as they summoned malicious spirits their victory was set in stone?

She waved her hand and summoned Ceribi.

With a roar that shook the warehouse along with the very ground on which it was built, the three-headed dog appeared in front of others.

"M..Mother, what is that?" Zheng Baozhi panicked when she saw how skilled Song Yan was, she thought that Master Bai would be able to restrain this woman in a jiffy but now she no

longer believed the same thing.

Old Madam Zheng gritted her teeth when she saw Song Yan summon a familiar. She had no idea how skilled Song Yan was but given that the woman could do something that Master Bai could not, Old Madam Zheng had a feeling that the woman was much more skilled than

Master Bai.

"Let's get out of here," said the old woman. "We still have time to run away."

She was not going to stay here and die with that dark master! However, as soon as she turned around, Old Madam Zheng ran into someone else.

"Are you going somewhere?" Fu Yu Sheng said with a smile on his face as he summoned a bunch of venomous snakes. ****************************************[My dear fairies can you please send golden tickets and gifts along with comments and power stones? Please continue supporting the author! Your support is my motivation to work hard! ]*_*_*_


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