My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1422: The past of him and her

Chapter 1422: The past of him and her

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands?

It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them hehehe.


"What nonsense are you speaking? How can there be traces of human flesh in the stomach of my wife?" Master Lai thought that the doctor had gone insane, the accusation that he was putting on Zheng Baozhi could lead them to serious trouble.

"It's not nonsense," the doctor was long annoyed by the blame of Master Lai and was not as cordial as he was at first. "Human flesh is hard to digest and it can take weeks or months before it's completely cleaned out from the inside of a person. Since it hadn't been that long, the traces of human flesh are still inside your wife's stomach. Are you sure that she didn't do something she shouldn't have?"

Master Lai was left stunned by the accusatory remarks of the doctor. He wanted to believe that it was because of the ghost that was haunting his wife but even if the ghost was haunting his wife, how did the traces of human flesh appear in her stomach?

"It must be a mistake, there has to be a misunderstanding," Master Lai said to the doctor before turning on his feet and walking away, while the doctor responsible for the treatment of Zheng Baozhi, snorted.

If not for the fact that he did not have any power against the Lai family and could get into serious trouble, he would have complained against Master Lai and his wife.

'Such a dangerous woman...she even ate the flesh of a human. If I were to complain then..." the Doctor shuddered and immediately walked away leaving behind the idea of filing a complaint.

He was a man with a family and couldn't get into trouble with people like Zheng Baozhi.

On the other side, Master Lai's heart was in turmoil as well. He couldn't believe the words of the doctor, or more like he didn't want to believe. How could Zheng could she feast on the flesh of a human? His wife was so kind and gentle ....

Though Master Lai continued to repeat these things in his head, he was having a hard time settling his heart down.

What if it was true?

"No, what am I even thinking?" Master Lai shook his head and smiled. "My Baozhi has always been kind and gentle, there is no way she would have done something so cruel."

As he spoke, he asked Yuan Heng who had been following him to go and take care of Zheng Baozhi, while he went to meet Fu Yu Sheng. The two of them had another meeting where they needed to discuss the final terms of the agreement.

Master Lai arrived at the Fu Corporation in a hurry and went straight to the meeting room where Fu Yu Sheng was already waiting for him.

"Master Sheng," Master Lai greeted Fu Yu Sheng with an apologetic smile on his face. "Sorry, wife, she met with another tragic accident and I had to stay with her... I couldn't leave her."

Master Lai had pushed the meeting by two hours already and yet he was still late to it.

"It's fine," Fu Yu Sheng waved his hand as he let Master Lai take a seat. He glanced at the man and thought of the thing that his wife asked him to do but ...

He turned to look at Dong Ha.

"Secretary Dong, can you bring some tea for the two of us?" Fu Yu Sheng asked with a smile, the woman on his side paused before nodding. She turned on her feet and walked out of the room. Once she was gone, Fu Yu Sheng flicked the Ghost Seeing Talisman at Master Lai.

Only then did he heave a sigh of relief.

Fu Yu Sheng did not know why but Dong Hai gave him a very eerie feeling. Sometimes she would stare at him as if she was looking at someone else through him.

Not to mention, he looked down on his hands which were now covered with scales. This was something that started of nowhere when Dong Hai approached him.

Even now Fu Yu Sheng couldn't understand what was happening to him.

He was a how could the scales of a snake appear on the back of his hands? He couldn't even tell Song Yan about this matter as if he did not want to make things difficult for her. What if he was an entity that she needed to exorcise?

What if Song Yan couldn't kill him? He was not scared of death but he was scared to see his wife face that heavenly punishment.

"Master Sheng, is something the matter?" Master Lai questioned when he saw that Fu Yu Sheng was lost in thoughts.

Fu Yu Sheng snapped out of his daze and looked up before shaking his head, "It's nothing, let us start with the meeting."

By the two of them finished speaking, Fu Yu Sheng was rather tired. He raised his hand and covered his eyes with it.

"Are you tired, boss?" Dong Hai asked as she looked at the man in front of her.

Her eyes flickered as she wished to touch him, even after centuries, he was still as beautiful as he was centuries ago.

What a pity, he had to follow that bitch. If he had followed her and taken her hand when she offered it to him, he wouldn't have to suffer alongside that woman.

'I heard that he spent countless years in hell by her side, even though he did nothing and could have gone to heaven,...he chose hell all for the sake of that woman. Why! What did she not have that the woman had?' Dong Hai breathed heavily as she clenched her fingers on her


"Is something the matter?" Fu Yu Sheng sensed someone looking at him with a fervent gaze and turned to look at Dong Hai as she was the only one in the room. Why was she staring at him like that? It was as if he had wronged her in a way.

However, Fu Yu Sheng did not remember even meeting this woman.

"It's nothing, Master Sheng," Dong Hai smiled at Fu Yu Sheng. That was right, this man did not know who she was but there was no need for her to hurry, she would make him follow her sooner or later.

Fu Yu Sheng looked at Dong Hai before nodding and then walking out of the room. Once he was out of the meeting room, he summoned Xiao Bai.

"Little Bai," he called the white snake that slithered out of the cuff of his shirt.

"Hiss," the snake hissed at the meeting room, spitting its venom as he did that.

Seeing this Fu Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes as he questioned, "Do you know that woman?" Xiao Bai turned his head to Fu Yu Sheng and slowly very slowly nodded his head. How could he not know that woman? She was the one who fell for his master even though he was already married to another sect leader and that sect leader was none other than the sister

of that woman!

But that did not stop that woman, Xiao Bai did not know how that woman did it but she took over the sect of his master's beloved.

While his master's beloved was forced to take a last stand against this woman to get her husband back. However, she died with thousands of arrows piercing her body and his master

died in sorrow.

He would never forgive that woman for what she had done. Who would have thought that this perverted woman was still pinning on his master?

This time, however, he would never let this woman take his master away. Back then he was poisoned and forced to sleep for years by the time he woke up, his masters were already dead

and locked in hell.

He could only wait for his master like a wife waiting for her beloved.

After centuries of waiting his master was finally back as he refused to reincarnate without his


But...his beloved who had killed millions of people while rescuing him was trapped in hell. So how could they reincarnate easily?

They could only wait for their punishment to end.

"I see," Fu Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes as he continued walking down the building. He knew that there was something weird about that woman but how should he find out about her?

Should he tell Song Yan?

'Her final stand...would you like to see it?' Dong Hai's voice echoed in his head and Fu Yu Sheng clasped his hand with one of his head.

In front of his eyes, the scenery changed. Now he knelt on the floor while in front of him stood

Dong Hai, she was smiling at him with a smitten gaze and then turned to look somewhere


Fu Yu Sheng followed her gaze and what he saw shocked him to the core. It was Song Yan, dressed in vivid red as she bled through all of her orifices as thousands of arrows flew at her.



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