My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1421: Piled up sins

Chapter 1421: Piled up sins

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands?

It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them hehehe.


"What did you say?" At the hospital, Zheng Baozhi was given the shock of her life as she looked at Lin Bolin who had told her that he was now giving up on art. Her eyes turned as she smiled at Lin Bolin and said to him, "There is no need to do that, I mean Bolin you have just started learning why are you giving up on yourself so soon?"

Lin Bolin studied the woman carefully and when he saw the hidden anger in her eyes, he was more or less certain that Song Yan was right. This woman was after his skills!

If he did not escape from her now then he might never be able to escape from her.

He clenched his fingers and said with a shake of his head, "I am sorry teacher but my mother is sick and I need to earn some money as quickly as possible. I cannot afford to use my time creating sculptures."

"If that is the matter then I can pay your mother's medical bills," Zheng Baozhi offered promptly. She did not look like someone petty and arrogant.

Lin Bolin sucked in a breath. Back when he told Song Yan that he was going to leave the studio, she warned him that there was no way Zheng Baozhi would let him go. He did not think that Zheng Baozhi would cling to him like this.

"There is no need," Lin Bolin smiled and said to Zheng Baozhi, "I don't want to trouble the teacher more than I already have."

After saying those words he stood up and left the ward.

Zheng Baozhi stared at the door that closed behind Lin Bolin and waited for two seconds before letting out a scream, "AHHHHH!!"

"That dumb bastard, how dare he escape!" Zheng Baozhi gritted her teeth as she raised the basket of fruits that Lin Bolin had brought with him and threw it on the ground, scattering the fruits all over the floor.

Her eyes flickered left and right as Zheng Baozhi clenched her fingers. "Did he find out something? However, it is impossible." Even her husband couldn't find out that his wife had changed.

So how could Lin Bolin?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ringing of her phone.

Zheng Baozhi turned to look at the small device that was lit up and picked it up before answering the call.

"Mom! Help me, Mom, that bastard... that Lin Bolin he left the studio! I still need to borrow his skills to finish the wax statue of the royal princess of the B city family," that was right, Zheng Baozhi had always been borrowing the skills of others to create wax statues. Till now she had been relying on Lai Meifeng's skills but those skills have rusted.

She couldn't make that statue anymore with her skills, she was bound to ruin it and with Lin Bolin gone what was she supposed to do? The deadline for the exhibition was getting closer as well.

She couldn't let it fail right? This was her only chance to hit the big lottery.

"Calm down," Old Madam Zheng noticed the panic in the voice of her daughter. "There is no need to be so angry. You can always pay him more money, bugs like them are doomed to be squashed by people like us. Just stuff some money in his mouth and he will follow you with ease."

She sipped on the tea that she was drinking as she spoke while sitting in the living hall of her house.

"He refused it!" Zheng Baozhi snapped harshly. With her hand covering her face she spoke in a dreading voice, "That man refused to accept it."

A frown etched on Old Madam Zheng's face as she heard the words of her daughter. She set down the teacup on the saucer and questioned, "Did that man find out something?"

"It's impossible," Zheng Baozhi shook her head and immediately refused. No one knew about Zheng Baobei, all the acts of kindness that she had done were under her name. Thus, Zheng Baozhi was a kind and considerate woman in the eyes of many.

Zheng Baobei was a rude and disgusting woman whose improper videos were spread all over the internet.

How could anyone even find out that it was her all along with Zheng Baobei gone?

"Still it's better to nip the bud before it blooms," Old Madam Zheng said in a quiet voice. "Bring that man to the small warehouse of our company. I have already contacted the master to deal with the matter."

"Mother then what about that malicious spirit?" Zheng Baozhi asked in a hurry.

"We will see what we can do but for now it's more important for you to bring some glory to our family."

On the outside of the ward, Lin Bolin who returned to grab his wallet that he had dropped by mistake in the ward, was stunned.

He knew that Zheng Baozhi was not the woman who was behind the wax studio but upon hearing it from her mouth, he was scared out of his wits. Even though there were more than two hundred yuan in his purse, he turned on his feet and ran away.

He would rather lose that money than his life!

Inside the ward, Zheng Baozhi had no idea that Lin Bolin had listened to her words. She ended the call and then walked to the bathing room where she turned the tap on to wash her face.

She scooped a handful of water to splash on her face, however as soon as Zheng Baozhi splashed the water on her face she smelled something rotten and unpleasant.

"What in the ..." her words came to a sudden halt as she noticed the rotten blood trickling down her face, on the left cheek of her face, another mouth was stretched open. It was grinning as it spoke in a hoarse voice, "Aunt...aunt it hurts... don't cut me open. Because it hurts."

It sang those words in an eerie voice causing Zheng Baozhi to stumble. She forgot about everything that was happening as she turned on her feet and rushed to the door where she opened it with all her might. However, no matter how hard she pulled, the door remained closed.

"!" She screamed in terror as she raised her hands and banged on the door. "Someone come and save me."

"Someone come and save me, someone come and save me," the voice from the mouth on her cheeks mimicked her.

"No! No!"

"Isn't that I screamed, aunt?" The voice suddenly changed into malevolent rage as Zheng Baozhi felt something press against her stomach. "Isn't that I begged you to let me off? Why did you not listen to me? Why did you kill me? I will kill you too! I WILL KILL YOU TOO!"

"AHHH!!" Zheng Baozhi screamed as she felt sharp nails dig into the inside of her stomach. She tried to shake it off but she couldn't because the scraping of the nails came from inside of

her stomach.

Her face twisted in pain and her legs turned to jelly. Yellow liquid dripped down her legs as she begged, "Please...Please let me off. We are family....we are family, Meifeng..." However, the malicious spirit did not listen to her or maybe it did not want to listen. Inch by inch, Zheng Baozhi could feel the layers of her stomach getting pierced. "AHHH!!!" a scream erupted from her mouth when Zheng Baozhi looked down and stared at the tip of the bony finger that was sticking out of the inside of her stomach.

"I beg you! I BEG YOU!"

Her begging was futile as the malicious spirit continued to tear her stomach open.

Bit by bit the small finger-sized hole turned bigger and bigger as the malicious spirit used its fingers to tear it open.

As the hole got bigger and bigger, one could see parts of human limbs, eyes and tongue lying inside Zheng Baozhi's stomach.



"How were you paying attention?" Master Lai said to the doctor in charge as he glared at the man angrily. "My wife was almost killed because of the lack of security at your hospital. How could you not know that she was attacked!"

Master Lai knew that it was because of the malicious spirit but he did not wish to ruin the reputation of his wife. If someone was to find out that Zheng Baozhi was attacked by a malicious spirit then he was worried that his wife would be blamed for doing something


He did not want such a thing to happen.

"We were indeed paying attention--" "Then how did she get hurt like this?" Master Lai snapped harshly.

The doctor sighed and bowed his head in apology before saying, "Master Lai, did you and

your wife go somewhere shady?"

"What do you mean?" A frown etched on Master Lai's face upon hearing the question of the

doctor. Did he notice something?

"There are traces of human flesh inside your wife's stomach."


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