Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 192 - She is said as the main pillar of his success

Chapter 192 - She is said as the main pillar of his success

Then Aria stood up and walked towards her mother-in-law. She gave her a small peck on cheeks and took the microphone, she smiled gently looking at audience who are gawking at her like she is some sort of alien.

"Thanks everyone for your kind support. You may know me as a painter Ms. Riya, but don’t worry whether I have experience in this business field or not. Painting is my passion but I am professionally the lead consultant in Jason constructions limited. So, basically I have good idea about how to handle these project. I heartily thank my mother-in-law for believing in me." She gratefully looked at her mother-in-law.

Aria could see the ridicule behind the soft gazes of the people in front of her and she know exactly why they are acting in such a way. They might have thought that she is nothing but a novice at business. So, she couldn’t bear when others think of blaming Nathan and her mother. To prevent this from happening she revealed her main career.

While others are gawking at her, unable to believe her words, sudden realization hit them. She is the same woman who use to attend every business meeting with Samuel Jason, as a co-businessmen they identified her. She use to help Samuel in taking every importance decisions about the new projects in hand, never and ever her predictions went wrong.

She is said to be the main pillar of his success in taking any huge decisions whether to accept any project or not. And that woman turns out to be next madam of Herren’s family. It looks like these people are entwined much more deeper in each others lives than they have anticipated. It really made them worried..

"I hope all of you will support Nathan and me in further future. Thank you." Aria smiled genuinely and followed her mother to the table where Nathan is looking at her dotingly.

Others are just shocked again. How can she ask for a help when she is that perfect in finding out whether a project suits the company budget or not. They could ascertain that competing with Herren’s will not be easy any longer from now.

For preventing any type of ridicules Aria let go of her most hideous secret, how much she must be in love with Nathan to do that. Right now he knows that he escaped his shackles that held him to beautiful memories of Kiara.Now he felt free and light...

Then he kissed her slowly yet passionately and this is their first kiss in public...a first one of many and the start of their true love. Sooner or later Nathan will surely become as pervert as Scott.

Nathan could feel someone glaring at him with fierce intensity, they felt like a daggers stabbing back of his heart, he looked around but couldn’t find anything like that. Mean while most of the young ladies boiled up with jealousy looking at the passionate couple.

Jean and Raymond are the most happiest person in world at that instant. This kiss might not mean anything for others, but for them they knew exactly from what their brother freed himself from. He at last let go of his past that clinged to him like a vine.

As Aria and Jean are sitting little close, others could see both of them giggling for something. Mr. Summers joked. After some exchange of words Jean suddenly pinched Aria’s arm blushing furiously as others at the table laughed teasingly at Jean. These friends looked so lively and natural.

They couldn’t help but suspect Jean. All her friends are special and have their own perfections and good careers. To be one of their friends she must have to be equal to their league and standards, does that mean she is hiding her identity like Aria and Seline.

Scott, Nathan and Samuel were also someone who kept low profile till the perfect time. When it was very essential to blow their covers they had came into lime light and stupefied every one. Now Aria and Seline followed their suite by revealing their identities because it is now essential for them to stabilize their position in business field just like their husband’s.

Even Seline is known as doctor so others thought that there will be no other business oriented genius from Summers. They felt at ease that they only have to face Scott and Shawn from Summers family. But now all in sudden their sister disclosed her position as CTO of INA and as also next mistress of Black’s.

This is really a big shock to digest. Their opponents are now even more strong with the addition of new people in the family. Black’s are now related to Summers. While Summers are long back considered as extended family of Herrens.

They are stronger than ever and also have chances to become even more indestructible. Who knows how Scott and Shawn respective wife’s will be. If they are just like Aria and Seline... they couldn’t even think of the future that awaits in business field for them.

Little they knew almighty CEO of INA is already a pampered daughter in law of Summers and loving child of both Black’s and Herren’s. Little they would have dreamed that she will also rule the Grey empire.

Shawn being a perfectionist he will surely love someone of his standards, she will be someone they can’t offend to look down on.

Jean might also be some one like them. Though they are curious to know who she is or to which family she got engaged, They couldn’t dare to interfere in her matters when her friends are protecting her like a hawks.

They couldn’t think but wonder, what was so special about her that these people are so cautious about her. She surely is someone much more powerful than they could anticipate.

As others are immersed in thinking about Jean, Samuel went on to the stage. His will be the last speech and later there will dinner and then they could go home.

But they are sure that no one could sleep peacefully after seeing these youngsters. If they team up and form a one big conglomerate it will be next to impossible to win over them.

"Thanks for every one for inviting me here. I am also honored to work together with Herren’s and Grey’s. I am more interested to handle this project directly because I will get a chance to see how good both my sisters are in working on their own." he looked at Jean and Aria who are glaring at him and chuckled softly, they dared to challenge him...then how can he let go of them this easily.

"As Zenith will also work with us it makes them three. My best friend who is founder of Zenith and both my sisters Jean and Aria have a challenge for me. So, sorry to say that but I will not go easy on both Herren’s and Grey’s when we work together." He playfully said it.

But indirectly it is a warning for Grey’s. Samuel, Aria and Daisy will protect Jean from Grey’s when it comes to ventures and projects.

Raymond and Seline will protect her if it is INA project. Scott, David and Nathan will support her if it is Cyphers project. In every way Grey’s are stuck between three big huge projects on which they have invested almost everything of their yearly budget. One wrong move and they will be bankrupted to no return.

This is the last outcome for poor Grey’s. They should let their company go bankrupted or they could compromise and give it back to Jean.

Though they don’t know most of the plan. They have known enough to have a sense not to offend Jean. They never ever thought it will turn out this way, Jean will surely become next CEO of Grey empire. According to their narrow minds she is trying to snatch away the position of CEO.

But their niece is far more powerful and rich than them. The CEO position is nothing but a dust on her slipper. Little did they knew that this is one of the simple plan to reach out for the killer of her parents, a simple step to avenge her past.

The real game is yet to begin when she will officially take over Grey corporations into her hands and that is not far from now. Still she has many shocking surprise in her sleeves that could give them a heart attack.

Scott... INA... hidden heir of Valdez’s.... next mistress of Summers.... and so on.

Later the banquet got completed but the face slapping event is still in progress. How can they forget about Scott and also the event of her grandfather’s attack.

Little did they knew that Vanessa will get caught red handed and thrown out of the house. One enemy might have stepped out of her family but unknowingly to Jean another enemy has already set foot in her family again.

But this one is not naïve or stupid. Bit extremely genius and knows very well how Jean’s brain works. Someone even Nathan, Raymond and Scott couldn’t control.

That person might also become prime reason for Jean and Scott exposure as the couple...

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