Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 191 - Banquet is exclusively hosted to stab Greys family again and again

Chapter 191 - Banquet is exclusively hosted to stab Grey's family again and again

Seline bowed to Evan and walked towards the podium. She couldn’t help but smile at audience who are gawking at her, she is supposed to be doctor not a chief technology officer. No wonder that others are shocked and confused by this sudden revelation.

" Thanks to Mr. Grey and Mr. Brooks for inviting me. I will not take much time for this speech" she playfully winked at others, instantly hitting their soft corner. Her voice is so smooth and friendly that others are rooted in their places staring at her.

She is not only charming but can also tie up a person with her deep brown eyes. It is predictable why cold and aloof Raymond Balck got attracted to her.

"I am professionally a doctor, but because of my brothers influence on me I got attracted to technology side. That is how I reached this position. I am happy that I will be working with Grey’s, but I am mainly excited because I will be working with my best friend Jean. You can say that it is the foremost reason I agreed to take this project into my hands." Seline warmly smiled at Jean and toasted her best friend.

Jean returned her smile and lifted her glass. While Susan patted Jean’s shoulder as if supporting her. Meanwhile other people in banquet are shocked by this sudden exchange of pleasantries.

Is Jean this close with almighty Summers family. She is even sitting together with them, it is a huge honor and respect one could crave for. They secretly swore deep inside their hearts never to offend this woman. They couldn’t believe their ears about what they had just listened now.

Seline is not only a doctor but also a CTO of INA, she agreed to this project only because she wants to spend time with her friend . But in reality one could realize that she wants to support and protect her friend Jean, Looking at all these others couldn’t help but pity the Grey’s.

Not only Black Corp, but also INA is in support of Jean. Logicall the project is not in hands of Adam but under control of his niece, this is not at all a success but it is rather a shame.

He is imprisoned from either sides of the project. How miserable his downfall will be if INA and Blacks simply withdrew from this project, Company will be bankrupted and will be wiped away from business field.

With a blink of her eye Jean will be able to do it...

Having Raymond as their partner is a very big deal for them to handle, given with their previous relationship. But now they also have to endure office romance of this couple if Seline also moves under same company.

How pitiful it is for Cassandra. How can she endure this daily torture and moreover when her sister is having upper hand than her.

When others are immersed in their own thoughts, pitying Grey’s. Raymond walked up to Seline and took the microphone from her with a small smirk on his face.

As soon as audience saw him they straightened their back instantly and became more alert. His smirk indicated them enough that something more interesting is going to happen.

He didn’t beat around the bush like others, he is so excited to reveal something...

"As this event is perfect with everyone of you here. I take advantage of this event and want to announce my relation with this beautiful and amazing woman here"

He smiled lovingly as his eyes shone with warmth and tenderness while he looked at her. They entwined their fingers and bought it to front of camera while looking each other into their eyes.

Highlighting their rings, cameras zoomed as others gaped at the digital display on TV near every table. They are engagement rings, not an ordinary one’s but the heirlooms of Blacks. Which are only allowed to be worn by the next master and mistress of household.

Both of them scrutinized the reactions of the people. After getting contended by their shocking faces they chuckled. They could see the agonized faces of Adam and his family. This is such a hilarious situation to announce his engagement with other woman in front of the family of his ex- soon to be fiancée.

"We are engaged long back. But now we are going public because we couldn’t wait anymore to marry and start our family."

Raymond beamed at Seline and kissed the back of her hand lovingly. Seline blushed furiously making others chuckle by the impact he has on her.

"Our parents will soon announce our wedding date. Thank you." Seline politely ended the speech and walked to their table with Raymond clinging to her.

Jean is the first one to hug them. She gave each of them a loving kiss. And both of them thanked her and pressed their lips to either of her cheeks making Jean giggle. While some of them glared at her enviously. Mainly Grey’s

They are giving her the first priority in every aspect, this hurts a lot to see when she is the woman they hated most. To whom they never showed any care or love.

Later Mr. and Mrs. Summers followed the same suite. Nathan and Samuel couple congratulated them happily. Ignoring the gawking people in the room.

These people are so close to each other that made the other business delegates feel terror. If they collaborate and form a big conglomerate, it will be impossible to out run them.

It will impact whole economy of their country. They again couldn’t stop thinking about the plight of Grey’s if their niece get offended. These people are pampering her rotten.

It is like this banquet is exclusively hosted to stab Grey family again and again. How humiliating it will be if this happens in front of people, whose daughter was betrothed once to a person who is now announced his engagement with other woman in their own party. How humiliating it will be if the woman whom they disregarded till now is technically having reins of whole company in her hands.

Others glanced pitifully at Adam, they wished even their enemies should not encounter such a helpless plight as his.

Adam is fuming with anger and frustration but he is utterly helpless and could only endure the ridicule he is facing now. He is now a laughing stock not only in front of his whole family but also in front of every socialites of this city.

Even before the heat from recent revelations subsided the acting president of Grey corps took the role of Adam, who is not in a position to face the people anymore.

"Such a lovely couple, on behalf of Grey corps I congratulate you both. And we look forward to work with your companies under your control." He smiled at them.

He is actually very happy that Adam got slapped like this, he never wanted anything as badly as this in his life. He always hoped Jean to be happy and safe, mainly after knowing who her mother was...

"We are also proud to announce our collaboration with Herren group of industries. We will now be working together in developing and creating modern ventures all over our country. I respectfully insist Mrs. Herren’s to talk about this project."

He politely gave the microphone to Mrs. Herren, who actually declines this type of opportunity and keep low profile. It is shocking that she agreed with a single request. So many wonders are happening...

"We are equally honored to work with Grey’s. But before I continue I have some important things to share with you. Me and my husband will be retiring from business field from now on. We have decided to handover our responsibilities to our son and daughter-in-law, so the first project they will handle behalf of us will be this one" she smiled at Aria who is beaming at her. Her eyes are twinkling with joy and admiration as she looked at her mother-in-law.

"As everyone of you knows that my daughter-in-law is technically an artist, we thought that her set of mind will be more synchronized with this type of projects. So, basically everything about this project will be under her control from now on, I hope Grey corporations will take good care of my daughter Jean and also my daughter-in-law Aria and not offend them" She smiled sweetly but the warning is too evident.

She called Jean as her daughter just because her son treats her as his sister. So, her relation didn’t stop with him but also spreaded to his whole family....does that mean Jean will have other company backing her up against Grey’s

"We are also proud to announce that Herren’s will collaborate with Jason constructions in building this ventures. And also for interior designing’s my daughter-in-law and her friend who is the founder of Zenith fashions will work together for best outcome." as soon as she completed whole venue bustled with gasps. And instantly filled with sudden whisperings and gossips.

Jason constructions (Samuel’s company) is one of the most prestigious constructing company. Herren’s collaborating with it is one of the huge blow to other companies and their economic growth.

Moreover Zenith fashions has never been in partnership with others, it always declined any type of contracts. This will be the first time they took this step. One can say that this is an epic combination. Actually this can be called as a real fortune of Grey’s. They are so lucky to work with Herren’s, Jason’s and Zenith.

Unfortunately these three also belongs to their niece friends who are now in vibes of avenging their beloved friend and protecting her from any other sudden migraine strokes.

But the next speeches of Aria and Samuel will surely change their minds and make the Grey’s feel even more pathetic....

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