Martial Research Master

Chapter 180


“I guess the long-term fighting has got into his head, turning him into a lunatic. Why are we even bothering to inform this bitch? Just go ahead and kill the guy.” One of the swordsmen at the back came forward to begin the attack.

But the one who just spoke out, raised his hand to signal a stop. He turned to Qin Weng with a grim expression and asked: “I don’t remember cracking a joke in my words earlier. Why would brother be in a mood to laugh?”

“I just couldn’t hold it back when I saw a bunch of cowards moving together in a group. I expected you to be a back-stabber, but you brought another twist to the plot, by introducing yourself rather than performing a surprise attack. I guess all that knowledge and cunningness was wasted just to formulate this pitiful idea of hitting me during my weak period.”

“I couldn’t help but thank you for the service you have provided by killing the horde of beast. You are quite a powerful martial artist, to have so easily taken care of the whole bunch, but luck doesn’t seem to be shinning on you.”

“Also, the hypocritical comment on us being the backstabber is a little inappropriate for you to say. Didn’t you use the previous group for the same purpose. You let them kill the beats till their death, while you profited from all the bodies of those beast. I guess your storage ring should also be a high grade one for it to be able to carry as many corpses.”

“We would like for you to leave all the resources with us and leave for the netherworld.”

One of the four person even joked about it. “You must have heard about the famous idiom: The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. We are just following your example and gaining some of the fisherman’s benefit.”

Qin Weng laughed out loud. “You are absolutely right about the placement of that idiom. But the fact remains, who is the cicada here.”



Some time ago-

“How long would these people be able to hold up.” Qin Weng was getting impatient.

“Even though the group is weak, their coordination is quite commendable. You can see the two swordsman and the spearman around the borders, with the other two in middle. The two people who are being protected must be a healer and a long-range attacker. The formation is quite commendable.”

“They should be able to hold out then?”

“I suppose it depends on how long they manage to keep the formation intact. One of the biggest loopholes of a battle formation is the fact that there is no alternative once a major component of it is breached by the enemy. Take the spearman for example. He is the weakest link in the whole chain. Once he is taken down, the whole formation would befall into chaos and the group would be exterminated.”

“The situation largely depends on the beasts. They don’t seem to realize the fact yet. The moment they decide to concentrate their attack on one part, this group is as good as dead. It is a game of time now. The group which is able to hold out longer wins.”

Just as the Keeper pointed out, the beast tide didn’t seem to end. Exhaustion was taking over the five adventurers. Soon enough two beasts simultaneously attack the spearman, who although managed to come out on the top, was inflicted with a grievous wound.

The other beast soon noticed the weak link and attacked the spearman in large numbers, resulting in his neck being bitten off. Although the two swords men were alert enough to begin covering the whole area on their own, the death of their teammate seems to have taken a toll on their healer, who broke down.

This resulted in a rapid depletion of their forces and the group was terminated one after the other. The two swordsmen were the first to die, since they were holding the frontline. The long-range attacker tried to defend the healer, but was soon killed by the rampage of the beast. The same beast bit the healer’s neck and took her life.

“I thought you might want to save them.”

“I am not that charitable of a fellow. They knew about the risk of getting killed when they decided to mess with the fox tribe. If they still chose to confront these beasts, they must have been prepared to face death.”

Qin Weng stretched his legs: “I guess its time for me to make an appearance.”

“Stop.” The keeper alerted Qin Wen. “There seems to be a third party involved in this situation. They have already spotted you and are waiting for you make a move.”

“trying to steal from a thieves house. Well guess we should give them a surprise.” Qin wen rushed out and began the kill. He wasn’t even surprised when the four people made an appearance just after he finished the whole group of beasts. The enemy didn’t realize that the trap was all set for them to walk in.


“I suppose friend is indicating that he wants us to go down together.”

“Well I do have some power in reserve for these situations. I am confident in taking down at least two of you in a suicidal attack.”

“You won’t get a chance to do that dear friend.” All four people released their aura. Level 6 Qi generals. They must have some real confidence with this kind of strength. “Do you still want to take a chance at our life? We welcome you to try. You would still be struggling in your death bed.”

“I guess what you say is the truth. You would need to struggle even in your death bed, when you decided to fuck with matters involving me.” Three figures appeared from the forest. It was none other than Long Tao, Lu Ming and Su Menqi. Su Menqi seems to have changed a bit and her body was radiating cold energy on its own. Her pearly white skin looked as if it was carved out of the moon, mesmerizing the men around her.

“I guess you managed to get yourself in trouble, brother Qin.”

Qin Weng decided to act in foolish manner, biting his tongue and acting lamely. “I am sorry for my rash decisions.”

Long Tao took his sword out and pointed it at the enemies. “We can have a chat latter. Lets just take care of these insects first.” Another massacre began.


Three bodies were lying on the forest floor. The last man, their leader was holding a sword against Qin wen’s throat. “let me go, or else I will kill your companion right here.”

Su Menqi was having a worried expression, but the other two looked amused. It was as if they were watching a fool’s show. The leader got nervous and shouted at them. “what is so funny. Don’t you bastards understand the gravity of this situations. I will kill this guy if you so much as take a step forward.”

Long Tao laughed and said “Go ahead.” Not only the leader, but even Su Menqi was astonished. But the reason soon came to light.

Qin Wen, who was silent until now was glaring at the leader with a murderous look. “Do I look that weak to you, that I am the hostage.” He directly utilized his newly made attacking weapon, a metallic claw to penetrate the under-chin of the enemy and slice through the skull with pure force.

Blood spattered all around, as Qin Wen came forward to join the group.

“We should move in. The Crimson Fox tribe’s dwelling must be near.” They have come quite close to their objective. The tribe leader would be the one carrying the beast flame.


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