Martial Research Master

Chapter 179


“The body seems to have awakened itself due to the poison’s effect. Describe what you felt through the process.” Long Tao wanted to help Su Menqi open up. It was a near-death experience for her and it would be better to let her express her emotions.

“The final view I remember was the spider biting me in the leg and I trying to push the sword into its brain. I felt accomplished when I finally killed it, but the elation seems to have paved the path for the poison to take complete effect over my body.”

“Due to my soul being disordered, I lost consciousness. I almost felt that death was quite near me. I had almost given up when a slow stream of bright light seemed to be flowing through my body.”

“It flowed into a white center of my body, which was constantly devouring it. The constant inflow of energy made it glow brighter and brighter. I decided to approach it. I started inspecting the energy ball all around, but I couldn’t find any special features, except for the feeling of a struggle coming from it.”

“I was being drawn to it. It felt like something I possessed and very dear to me. Just as my hands approached it, the energy stream seems to have started to flow into me. The last thing I remembered was the feeling of that white ball, as it broke down and absorbed me into it.”

“I struggled to get free, but I blacked out and when I finally woke up, you were sitting beside me in the middle of this snowy plains.”

Long Tao was impressed by the explanation. The process began to make sense to him and assured him that the seal seems to have finally broken.

“The snow around is caused by the awakening of your ice jade body. You should be able to feel it as of now. I hope your mother has given you some ice-element cultivation techniques, which you can now start practicing.”

“I would be leaving you for a little time to hunt beast from other regions as well as collect some herbs for pill making. Who knows I may come across multiple king rank herbs? You are to grab this period to consolidate your training base and use it to practice some minor skills. The next destination for us is the firefox tribe. I would need your help to successfully capture it.”



The Crimson lord world-

In the last few days, Qin Weng and Lu Ming were tasked with hunting beasts of Qi general level to refill the used-up blood pool. They also managed to get their hands-on multiple king rank herbs. The biggest find was a king of ice-type herb which would help Long Tao to successfully absorb the beast flame from the Crimson fox tribe.

“You need to hunt a beast of at least advance Qi general to get a well-refined beast flame. The only beats at that level would be the tribe leader. We need to lure it out for you to successfully hunt it.”

“Wouldn’t a beast that powerful be moving around alone?”

“That is the primary characteristic of any fox tribe. They never move alone. The movement in the group also makes it quite difficult to hunt them. But you are quite different. You have the avatar art, so you should be able to catch them easily. All you need to do is prepare well for the absorption process.”

“Would the ice element herb that I collected until help in that?”

“The biggest problem is the intensity of the fire and the flame poison present within it. Elemental poison is different from the normal poison used to attack your beloved. They can only be countered with an element of the opposite characteristics. The best environment for absorbing the fire is an extremely cold one. It would not only help compensate the extreme heat generated but also create a balance resulting in more efficient absorption of it.”

“Would the frost spring be enough for that purpose?”

“Well, it should be, since the woman guaranteed that it could help Su Menqi in improving her body type. But I would insist you first let her use the pool since her leveling up is of vital importance at this moment.”


The central region of the Kemono plains-

Qin Weng was tasked with searching for clues of the fox tribe. It was a very elusive species that generally avoid getting spotted. Qin Wen managed to pinpoint the location to a radius of around 10 Kilometers. The search was still on, but he couldn’t find any clue relating to the movement of the Crimson fox tribe.

It was until he heard a nearby explosion and followed it up, to find a group of people facing a group of beasts. The beast was none other than the Crimson fox tribe. They were being assaulted by a group of people who seem to have come here for the exact same reason as Long Tao.

“I guess I would simply look around first.”

Qin Weng decided to stall his time and wait for the other three to arrive at this location. The match was quite enthralling to see. It seemed that the group of cultivators were in a disadvantaged position since more and more beast kept arriving.

The match was soon decided by two simultaneous death on the cultivator’s side. They were no longer able to hold it out. Even after all of them began to utilize their full power, the crimson fox tribe was able to overpower them utilizing sheer strength. The corpse count began to increase until only one person remained and got his throat bitten off by a beast.

Qin Weng wanted to stay hidden in his location until he was informed about a particular detail by the keeper.

“I guess I need to make an appearance then.” He unsheathed his sword and ran towards the nearby beast, killing it with a single slash to the neck. The rest of its group members were alerted by this swift swing and instantly spotted Qin Weng. He started utilizing a breathing technique and his sword intent of level 3 to continue to kill the foxes.

The biggest problem with sword intent was its expendability like soul aura. Although it was quite lethal when used in a fight, it was exhausted quite fast. Just 3 incense stick into the fight and the intent was already starting to diminish.

Qin Weng never expected there to be so many beasts within this small region. The tide seemed to be endless. “switch to utilizing your body strength. It would let your intent get rejuvenated.”

Qin Weng was simultaneously using wood arts to heal himself while sword art was used to kill utilizing his extreme body strength. The killed beasts were being absorbed into a storage ring. Finally, the beats tide ended with Long Tao wiping the floor out with them. He instantly collapsed on the ground out of exhaustion.

The fight was quite tedious even for him. He sat down and started absorbing Qi from the surrounding after eating multiple pills.


Qin Weng was in the middle of recovery when a sound alerted him. “I am impressed by my brother’s strength. But I would like to request you to leave all your belongings and get slain by my sword.” A group of four soon appeared behind Qin Weng. But as he turned around the four people were astonished.

Qin Weng Wasn’t a bit nervous or scared. In fact, he was laughing.


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