Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 937: Give the inheritance to the Lord God! Gerald, God of Original Sin and Demon Hunting

Chapter 937: Gifting the Lord God’s inheritance! The God of Original Sin and Demon Hunting-Geralt joins the Kingdom of the Sun!

 Zhou Zhou looked at Tathagata with deep thoughts in his heart.

 In the future, if I have a chance, I will most likely resurrect Lord Buddha.

By then, Lord Buddha will definitely continue to be in charge of human Buddhism, and Tathagata will no longer be able to sit in the position of Lord Buddha.

 In this case, it is better to play with the big one.

 Let's train Tathagata to become the top powerhouse in the human race.

 Isn’t it just the inheritance of the Lord God?

 It’s up to you!

 The Tathagata has received such great help from me. He, who majors in the law of cause and effect, will definitely give back to him.

Just do it.

Zhou Zhou turned his right hand and saw a "Book of Spirits" appearing in his hand.

It is the spiritual inheritance of the subordinate **** of the main **** - the great sun god!

“Tathagata, are you willing to take over this inheritance of the Lord God?”

Zhou Zhou asked.

 After Tathagata saw this inheritance of the Lord God, his body was shocked.

Not far away, Huang Di and others also watched this scene in silence.

If it were the turn to decide who is most suitable to use this "Book of Spirits" written by the Great Sun God, among all the people present, only Tathagata is the most suitable.

Huang Di and others have long been extremely firm on their own laws and paths. Unless it is time to change, they will not easily accept the inheritance of other gods.

Although the Tathagata has accepted the inheritance of the Lord Buddha, he has not yet achieved the status of a god, and his plasticity is still there. He can completely combine the inheritance of the Lord Buddha and the inheritance of the Great Sun God to find a more glorious path.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

After seeing this "Book of Spirits", Tathagata's face gradually became serious after being shocked and surprised.

This god-level inheritance not only represents a bright future, but also represents great cause and effect!

Once he takes over, he will definitely return his crown to the emperor of the common people in the future. Otherwise, his future will be unstable and his future will even collapse. Naturally, he is unwilling to accept that kind of future.


In such a chaotic time for all races, who can escape from the cause and effect and become an idler who is immune to all calamities?

Even the supreme will is fighting to the death with the Scarlet Lord?

 So Tathagata chose to take over this cause and effect.


“If you want to quickly improve your strength, you can accept this inheritance from the Lord of the Sun and fight with the legions under my command. Your strength will definitely improve quickly.”

Zhou Zhou smiled and handed the "Book of Spirits" written by the Great Sun God to Tathagata.

 After Tathagata solemnly took it, he nodded seriously.

 “The little monk will improve his strength as soon as possible and help God as soon as possible.”

Zhou Zhou smiled and nodded.

at this time.

Zhou Zhou’s expression suddenly changed.

 Then the faces of Huang Di, Lu Zu, and Bai He also became horrified.

 They looked up.


I saw an extremely majestic and terrifying divine thought falling from the sky, and it directly broke through the first level of the Nine Worlds of Gods and Demons Falling into Dreams formation. However, after a slight pause, it broke through the second level of the Nine Worlds of Gods and Demons Falling into Dreams formation again. Go towards Geralt who is breaking through.

Huang Di and the others' eyes were cracked, but their divine bodies were suppressed by this terrifying divine thought and could not move.

 They were filled with grief and anger.

This terrifying divine thought is definitely a main god!

A majestic god-level existence actually attacks a newly promoted true **** from a race just to prevent the opponent from making a breakthrough? !

 “So shameless!”

Huang Di and the others thought through gritted teeth.

The main **** who can do such a thing of relying on the strong to bully the weak can really only be described as shameless.

 At the same time, they also had a desperate idea in their hearts.

I'm afraid Geralt's process of becoming a true **** will be interrupted.

Not only that.

Geralt was interrupted by the Lord God in the process of being promoted to true god.

The injuries suffered during this process are probably much more serious than those caused by the interruption of the promotion process by the true god's divine thoughts.

After this blow, Geralt may not only have no hope of promotion, but may even be in danger of losing his life!

 Just when everyone is in despair.

 A soft sigh sounded.

“Isn’t it bad for a majestic lord to attack a weak person who has not yet been promoted to a true god?”

This voice resounded in the hearts of Huang Di and others, and at the same time, Zhou Zhou's illusory figure appeared in the depths of their hearts, and seemed to be permanently engraved in the depths of their hearts for them to remember forever.

 This is the power of will!

And when Zhou Zhou used the power of his will, the divine thought at the level of the Lord God was immediately easily blocked from the outside of Geralt's practice chamber, preventing him from entering.

The main **** who didn't know where he was didn't seem to expect that his spiritual attack had no effect, and there was no other movement for a while.

 After a while.

Just when Huang Di and others were sweating coldly and feeling uneasy in their hearts.

 A gloomy voice suddenly sounded.

“Will is like light...You, a little guy who has just been promoted to a god, have actually realized the power of will.”

“No wonder he was able to achieve the status of an emperor and be feared by all races.”

"If I didn't have direct hatred towards you, I would probably try my best to get rid of you."


Huang Di and others were a little confused. They didn't know what kind of power the will was. Why did the existence of this main **** specifically mention it? It seemed that he valued this kind of power.

 “Just a fluke.”

Zhou Zhou said calmly.

 “A fluke?”

This sinister voice chuckled, and then said: "Do you understand the power of will? I am not interested. I am asking you, are you sure you want to protect this human race high god? So you will go against me?"

“I am not protecting this human high god, but your power has invaded my royal capital. As the king of the Sun Kingdom, how can I just watch your power act wantonly in my royal capital?”

 Zhou Zhoudao.

 “I think this human race is unhappy and banishing it from your kingdom has nothing to do with you.”

 The Lord God spoke again.

"He hasn't done anything, so I have no reason to banish Him out of thin air." "Well, Your Majesty, this Lord God, I will interview Him again after He is promoted to the true God, and I will definitely let Him leave my life by then. Sun Kingdom, how about discussing things with Your Majesty?"

 Zhou Zhou said with a sincere face.

 After hearing Zhou Zhou's words, the Lord God suddenly cursed in his heart.

He originally wanted to use his divine mind to interrupt Geralt's promotion, so that the human race would have another true **** to protect this living emperor and continue to grow.

 Nowadays, all the civilizations of all races regard this common emperor as the strongest opponent for the lords of all races to compete for hegemony.

In order to prevent the position of supreme lord from falling into the hands of this common people emperor, he was invited by a super strong man from a certain civilization, just to interrupt the promotion of this true **** of the human race.

 Unexpectedly, his attack was actually blocked by the power of will of Emperor Cangsheng.

Who would have thought that a lower-level **** who had just been promoted to a lower-level **** would now have mastered the power of will that only the main **** can master?

Even though it looks like He doesn’t know how to use this power of will.

 But it was easy to block his divine attack.

Since he failed to interrupt the promotion, he originally wanted to use deceptive words to trick the common emperor into conflicting with him and thus antagonizing him, so that he would have the opportunity to attack Zhou Zhou.

I didn’t expect that this emperor of the common people could not walk the ball, and he didn’t fall into his language trap at all.

Now they are talking about waiting for him to be promoted successfully before letting Geralt leave his territory.

What’s the use then? !

Although His divine thoughts are mixed with the power of will, they can crush the divine thoughts of the true God.

 But not to the extent of directly crushing him to death.

 When he is successfully promoted and leaves the Sun Kingdom, his own divine thoughts will no longer be able to kill him.

 Because of the Supreme Agreement, I cannot easily come to the Supreme Continent.

  This means that if he lets Geralt go now, he will never have a chance to deal with Geralt again.

Think of this.

 The Lord God felt even more embarrassed.

I thought it was a trivial matter that could be easily done. I didn't expect to be blocked by an ant in the lower level?

This is the first time He has suffered such a big loss from such a small god!

"Are you sure you don't want to call out the human race inside? If you do, I will be very unhappy."

  This main **** had clear murderous intent in his tone, and he had already issued an ultimatum.

Huang Di and others were already sweating profusely.

 They simply couldn’t imagine the pressure Zhou Zhou was facing at this time.

That is an unknown true main god!

Zhou Zhou has not upgraded his strength to the level of a true god, but still maintains the level of strength of a lower-level god.

“After Your Majesty Geralt comes out of the secret practice room, I will discuss with him to let him leave the Kingdom of the Sun and resolve your and his affairs with Your Majesty.”

 Zhou Zhoudao.



 Just after this maddening and frightening silence lasted for an unknown amount of time.

 This unknown main **** finally spoke.

"very good."

 “The emperor of the common people.”

 “I hope you will never leave the Supreme Continent in your life.”

 “I look forward to meeting you outside the High Continent.”

The Lord God stopped talking after he finished speaking.

 Zhou Zhou stood there for a while, then turned to look at Huang Di and the others: "He has left."

 “I thought He would leave his name as God.”

“I didn’t expect him to be so low-key and just leave at the drop of a hat.”

 Zhou Zhou said regretfully.

He also wanted to wait until he was promoted to the realm of true God to meet this crowned minister.

After Huang Di and others listened to Zhou Zhou's words, how could they not hear the connotation of his words?

They wiped their foreheads and felt that the Sixth Speaker was getting bolder and bolder.

In the next hour or so, no gods came to cause trouble, and no existence at the level of the main **** appeared, which made Huang Di and the others heave a sigh of relief.

at this time.

Everyone suddenly felt something and looked at the door of the secret practice room.

The closed door trembled slightly, and then was slowly pushed open, and a middle-aged man with white hair and a scar on his face, who looked like he had been through many vicissitudes of life, walked out.

It is Geralt.

At this time, the aura of the true god's divine power on his body fluctuated a little, and he looked a little unstable. It was obvious that he had just made a breakthrough and had not yet fully mastered his own divine power.

 However, seeing this scene, Zhou Zhou and the others all smiled.


 “Our human race has added another true **** and strong man.”

Zhou Zhou was the first to congratulate.

Huang Di and others also congratulated each other from the bottom of their hearts.

 “Thank you all.”

Geralt nodded, then looked at Zhou Zhou, and suddenly knelt down on one knee to salute.

“Geralt, the true **** of original sin and demon hunting, requests to join the Kingdom of the Sun and become His Majesty’s subject.”

 “I wonder if your Majesty is willing?”

Geralt looked at Zhou Zhou solemnly.

Zhou Zhou looked at Geralt and nodded without hesitation.

Then he smiled and said:

 “Welcome to the Kingdom of the Sun.”

 (End of this chapter)

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