Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 936: Tathagata comes

Chapter 936 Tathagata is coming

 “Has the Tathagata come?”

Huang Di nodded slightly, "Although he received the inheritance from Lord Buddha, he was able to leave the original world alone, come to the Supreme Continent alone, and find us accurately. It seems that he has inherited the law of cause and effect from Lord Buddha and has a good grasp of it. .”

“In the future, there will be at least one top-level **** in the human race, and even the Tathagata may be promoted to the level of a true god, reaching the same height as the Buddha.”

“Do you really want this successor of Lord Buddha to be my subject?”

Zhou Zhou asked.

“Of course.” Huang Di said with a smile, “Your territory has the highest growth potential. Only when he arrives in your territory and becomes your subject can his potential and inheritance be brought into full play as quickly as possible.”

“But in the future, I ask you to part with me, release him, and let him take over as the leader of human Buddhism.”

 “This is His cause and effect, and He cannot escape it.”


Zhou Zhou agreed without much hesitation.

  It is just a subordinate and a subject. To him, it is not worth as much as a black iron-level heart of fog.

Furthermore, by leaving this successor of the Lord Buddha in his own territory, if he can really grow into a super strong person in the human race in the future, he can also have some friendship with this strong person because of this matter.

 In short, you will definitely make a profit without losing money.


Zhou Zhou thought for a while and then said: "If one day, Lord Buddha is born again, how should we treat the Tathagata?"

As soon as these words came out, the three gods were stunned.

Later, Lu Zu, who had the most extensive knowledge, was the first to react. He said excitedly: "You mean, you are sure that you will resurrect the Buddha one day in the future?!"


 Huang Emperor and Bai He were immediately excited after hearing the news.

They and the Lord Buddha have been friends for tens of thousands of years, and they are also comrades who protect the human race. The friendship between them cannot be fully described in thousands of books.

  After hearing the news of Lord Buddha's death, although they did not react with tears on the surface, their inner sadness was actually greater than that of the Bodhisattva Rayana who cried at that time.

Now that they suddenly heard the news that Lord Buddha could be resurrected, how could they not be excited?

“It is indeed possible to be resurrected in the future.” Zhou Zhou nodded, then shook his head and said, “But the price is very high.”

 “At what cost, tell me!”

Huang Di and others asked immediately.

In order to resurrect their close friends and give the human race another true god-level fighting force, they are willing to pay no matter how much they have to do.

“The basic conditions for resurrecting the true god’s lower level are: 100,000 Holy Spirit-level faith crystals, 100 true god’s lower level **** crystals, and one of the true god’s natal possessions.”

“And if you want to resurrect an intermediate-level True God Buddha, the price will only reach a higher level based on this basis.”

“The thing of destiny can be the physical relics left behind by the Buddha after his nirvana.”

Zhou Zhou thought thoughtfully, "As for the Holy Spirit-level faith crystals and the lower-level True God crystals, when you go out to hunt those hostile foreign gods or their believers, you can bring me some corpses, and then I will extract them. With the trophies from their corpses, I should be able to collect enough Holy Spirit-level Hearts of Faith and True God-level Divine Crystals faster."


“This does not affect the transaction of exchanging corpses for artifacts as we mentioned before.”

"Zhou Zhou." Upon hearing this, Huang Di immediately took Zhou Zhou's hand and said with gratitude and shame, "You have paid too much for our human race."

“And we, it seems, can’t give you anything in return.”

“I have received the inheritance from Emperor Pangu, and Huang Di Mian said this...as if I am not the Speaker of the Human Race.”

Zhou Zhou smiled and said, "This is your human race, and it is also...my human race!"

This transaction was not a loss for him in the first place. On the contrary, as the king of trophies, he could earn a large amount of divine crystals, artifacts, divine fragments, "Book of Gods" and the like through the blood of corpses brought back by Huang Di and others. of treasure.

In other words, in terms of profit alone, He earned it with blood.

 And in the future, he may have to compete for the title of Lord of the Human Race to support his feudal affairs.

 So these current efforts should be regarded as accumulating merit for the future position of the leader of the human race.

at this time.

  A handsome young monk came from not far away and came to them.

“Little Monk Tathagata, I have met all the leaders of the human race.”

 He said politely.

"Tathagata, as the reincarnation of Lord Buddha, you should know me. Let me ask you, now that you have inherited Lord Buddha's Dharma inheritance and have great cause and effect, what are your thoughts about your future?" Huang Di looked at Tathagata and asked directly He asked straight to the point.

"Your Majesty the Yellow Emperor." The Tathagata clasped his hands together and said from the bottom of his heart: "Nowadays, the human race is surrounded by a great crisis, and the young monk has inherited the inheritance of the Lord Buddha. At this moment, he naturally has to stand up and uphold the wishes of the Lord Buddha, and use his own meager power. Power, protect all sentient beings of the human race."

“When the crisis of the human race has passed and the young monk has repaid the cause and effect of the Lord Buddha, he plans to travel through the heavens and the world, feel the suffering of all sentient beings, and understand the mystery of Buddhism.”

Zhou Zhou and the others looked at each other and nodded.

"Tathagata, you stay with me for the time being and practice with me."

 “This king’s territory has many special features, which you will know later.”

“You are here with me, and I guarantee that you will grow the fastest, and you may even reach the achievements that the Buddha achieved during his lifetime.”

“If you work harder, surpassing the Buddha is not empty talk.”

 Zhou Zhou said to him.

 “The little monk is willing.”

Tathagata said to Zhou Zhou.

 The next second, his body suddenly shook, and he felt a warm current appear out of thin air at the position of his heart, and flowed to all parts of his body with the beating of his heart.

 Under the influence of this warm current, Tathagata felt as if he had been reborn, and even felt that he could now grow to a height that he had never been able to reach before.

 “Thank you so much, Your Majesty the Emperor of Cangsheng…”

Tathagata knew that he and Zhou Zhou had received huge benefits here, and immediately thanked him.

"It doesn't matter. From today on, you are one of our own." Zhou Zhou looked at him and said with a smile, "Practice well and reach the height of the Buddha as soon as possible."

"When that time comes, you can leave if you want, stay if you want, and I will never force you."

 “The emperor has a broad mind, and the little monk is ashamed of himself.”

 The Tathagata spoke from the heart.

Only He knows how much benefit he has just received.

He was originally only an intermediate-level true **** with potential, but after becoming the subject of the Common Emperor, his potential was directly increased by a large level, and he was promoted to the intermediate-level potential of the Lord God!

 This means that he will be qualified to impact the realm of the Lord God in the future.

 For Him, the difficulty of the true God has dropped more than ten times!

This is a huge cause and effect, but they said that you can leave if you want, and stay if you want to stay. They didn't say anything about what they would give in return.

At this moment, Tathagata just wanted to say: This living emperor is worthy of being the strongest lord among the lords of all races. His actions and ambition alone are far superior to those of other races!

 When Huang Di and the others saw that Tathagata's potential suddenly increased by a large level, their eyes suddenly widened.

 Did we read that correctly?

 This...is this the potential of the main **** level? !

Joining the Sun Kingdom actually has such great benefits? !

At this moment, they have the idea of ​​​​converting all human beings, including themselves, to the household registration of the Sun Kingdom.

  They are all members of the human race anyway, it’s just a change of identity, what’s the big deal?

 At their level, concepts are no longer limited to one family, one country, or even one realm.

 What they value most is their own race and the power they possess.

As long as these two bottom lines are not touched, they can accept almost anything.

 What does it mean to just change household registration?

 But they quickly thought of the Supreme Agreement and suddenly became discouraged.

 The Supreme Agreement will not allow them to blatantly help the lords of all races within their own race.

If this is really the case, the fight for hegemony among the lords of all races will no longer be such a trivial matter.

Chaos wars in all realms have probably begun, and a lot of the Lord Gods may have died.

 They looked at Tathagata with secret envy in their hearts.

 This inheritor of the Buddha has good luck.

First, I have obtained the inheritance of the Buddha, and now I have obtained the status of a citizen of the Emperor of the Living World. My future prospects are limitless.

 While they were sighing in their hearts, they saw another thing that made them breathe quickly.


 (End of this chapter)

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