Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 170 170 HOW

Chapter 170 Chapter 170 HOW

Her voice was raw- plain, without the filter from the illusion;

". . .you paid quite price to break free. . ."

Nodding her head slightly, her eyes drifted towards her bleeding thigh;

"That was nothing but sheer willpower on your side. I can tell it had nothing to do with your strength as a mage. . ."

Trying to mask her fear, Selina's mouth twisted in a nasty snarl;

"What the actual fuck! What's this really about?! How do you know my name?! Who sent you?"

Hands clasped together in front of her, the girl stepped out of the shadows- still dripping in red, and still keeping her feet cloaked underneath her long skirt as she strode out- into the light;

"Don't be silly Selina. . .we both know that's not how this works. . ." a look- vaguely resembling regret, streaked across her eyes; ". . .like I said, you're pretty impressive. . .it was actually interesting watching you fight back. . .your determination was really admirable. . ."

Her shoulders heaved and fell in a slight shrug;

"But it's too bad it was all for nothing. . .like I said, you're going to die here Selina. . .but on your part, just know it wasn't for lack of trying. . ."

She spoke in short, light sentences, pacing herself, slurring her words- as if time was always on her side. So, when she declared that Selina would die- somehow, for some reason, it sounded inevitable.

Tufted brows furrowed, Selina staggered backwards- studying the girl, frantically wondering, searching her memories. thinking;

HOW did I fall for this? WHEN did I fall for this?

Although she never told anyone this- but Selina absolutely hated illusions.

So, staring into the dead, emotionless, red eyes of the girl standing before her, she was suddenly transported to her past. Suddenly, she felt like she was eleven years old again,? facing her best friend- Madeline.

In those early years- young, cheeky and full of youth, the pre-adolescent blond girl was an absolute terror.

Having descended from a long line of prodigies, (and being one herself), Madeline had come into her powers (and voluptuous body) quite early. It was good for her. However, for the under developed Selina- not so much.

Bustling with the combined energy of teenage hormones and her newly inherited abundant? Yin Qi, Madeline made it a priority to terrorize her white haired best friend. And she never missed a chance to do so!

Selina, being only eleven years at the time, and being the weaker of the two, found herself in the unenviable position of being Madelina's lab rat!

Whenever Madeline came to visit, she made sure to have her fun- at Selina's expense.

In the dark lonely corridors of their country home, under the disguise of playing hide-and-seek, she crept around in the dark abandoned wing, silently stepping around the creaking floorboards of the manor- inching towards the unsuspecting Selina.

Clad in all black widow's garments, Madeline merged with the darkness, turning it to her own personal playground. It took Selina several years to know that it was her white hair that always gave her up.

Slithering stealthily like an ominous shadow- arms stretched forward in a claw-like posture, at every slight chance she could get, she would sneak up on Selina in quiet footsteps, waiting- and ready to snatch her mind.

Every single time, like clockword- the blonde menace would then cast a powerful illusion in a wordless whisper, and simply disappear- leaving poor Selina stuck in deep dark ditches, and trapped with visions of swarms of bats raging at her - for hours!

Of course, to her- they were the farthest thing from visions.

Alone, in the bowels of the earth, and consumed by hopelessness, Selina's throat would go sore as she screamed her her lungs out- banging her bleeding arms on the rocky surface of her dark prison, scratching till her nails bled out.

With teary bulging eyes, and with the innocent heart of an eleven year old, she cried out her eyes as she fought off the hordes of black bats- all the while getting consumed by the? oppressive gloom of loneliness.

In the darkness- overshadowed by thousands of black leathery wings, and with time slowly creeping by- she would then wake up, only to discover that barely seven minutes had passed!

It was always a prank- never malicious really. But those moments had made Selina into a boss bitch.

With each illusion, she grew to understand how to work around it- how to prevent it, and how to force her way out of it. Eventually, she convinced herself that nothing could scare her. She had conquered the dreadful power of illusions. She was god enough to be a threat.

Well, up until that morning, it had all been true.

But Selina had never gone up against an S-rank before.

Standing there in the sea of green, legs apart, hair dishevelled, and her eyes bloodshot, she? planted her feet on the rich soil as rich red blood trickled down from her nose.

Completely oblivious of anything else, she stared at the terrifying young girl in bloodied red clothes- feeling her bones rattle under her clammy skin. Once again, she was reminded of why she simply did not fuck with illusions.

The girl was till moving towards her. Hands clasped together on her stomach, and skirt flowing freely on the rich soil beneath, she stared intently at her- as one would stare at a mouse trapped in a cage;

"I know what you're thinking," she said; "You might as well just go ahead and ask me now. . .since, well you know. . ."

Unspoken- the remaining words echoed loud and clear;

Since you're going to die.

Breathless, head spinning, and skin crawling, Selina swallowed- gurgling down a bob of saliva as she asked three full questions in a single word;


In a flat voice, and without the distortion of the illusion, the young assassin answered simply;

"You looked,"

In rapid response, the creases around Selina's already confused face tautened tighter. Worrying lines streaked across her forehead. Her eyes flashed with curiosity and her eyebrows piqued- shooting northwards;


The girl released her left hand, uncoiled her fingers, and let it travel upwards, pointing to her blood red eyes;

"My eyes," then she echoed again; "You looked at my eyes Selina."

Selina's heart sank at the reveal.

In twinkling isotopes, the puzzled began to come together in her head. Of course! It just has to be her eyes!

Selina's brain cells fired as she fought to recall- ransacking her memories, tearing apart each moment of the day, trying desperately to figure out that exact defining moment! It was there- right at the edge of her consciousness- teasing her, playing with her. . .

She faintly remembered seeing a flash of red somewhere- sometime.

But alas, like a clever, quick-footed rodent, the memory kept eluding her every attempt to grasp it.

In gentle unhurried movements, the girl lowered her hand from her face- returning it to her left hand- marrying them together in a noiseless clasp;

"You shouldn't have looked at my eyes outside of the illusion. . ."

She kept her piercing eyes locked on her with an unblinking stare;

". . .you might have as well just signed over your sanity to me. And yes, in case you were wondering, that was the exact moment you messed up."

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