Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 169 169 Illusion

Chapter 169 Chapter 169 Illusion

It was resentment- resentment for their maker.

Louder than a storm of raging ocean waves, one word echoed in her beautiful head- RUN.

And run she did.

As she swung her wide hips- she arched both her hands in opposite perpendicular angles, and shot forward towards the grove of trees northwards. Her vision turned icy blue- the color of haze as the dashed like a cornered rabbit.

It was a wrong fucking day to be caught wearing a gown.

In a single breath, Selina raised up her gown- all the way to her upper thigh- freeing up more space for longer strides. Her full round buttocks shot out behind and bounced in heavy jiggly motions as she raced forward- breathing in heavy gasps.

Behind her, the awful screeching of the ice dragons shredded the air between them- assaulting her ear drums, and worming their way into her brain. Above the ringing sounds in her head, the sound of beating wings boomed on the ground.

The cackling sounds of ice crystals screeched against each as all five dragons, raged towards her. Jaws snapping wide, and with their long icy necks craned forward, their blue crystal eyes burned deep in their sockets as they lurched at Selina.

Stomping wildly on their feet, they shredded the grounds of the herb garden, and spread their powerful crystallized wings- taking off in whirring sounds- and honing their vengeful lust on poor Selina.

Face puffing, feet thumping, and arms swinging by her sides, Selina's fists shredded the open air as she tore through the garden- desperately looking for a way out.

Behind her, their whirring their wings cackled like thunder. Side by side, and in near perfect formation, the dragons cruised at a low altitude, darkening the snowy white field with their dark looming shadows- slowly gaining on her.

Heart wildy, Selina's mind went into full overdrive. Literally thinking on her feet, she surged right ahead while her mind raced frantically;

'A plan! I need a plan!' she screamed inwardly;

'Shit, this feels like a bloody nightmare. . .so this is how I'm going to die? Running like a–'

Suddenly- like a bolt of lightning, a thought struck her!

'No. . .could it really be. . .'

Her eyes lit up, and her brows shot straight up on her face! Still running, her quick searching eyes darted back and forth in her sockets with excitement;

'That's it! A nightmare!'

In her brain, several sparks went off as various thoughts connected with each other- linking different memories like optical fibers, and isolating the common denominator between them;


Of course, it made perfect sense.

It all made perfect sense! Selina's nostrils flared- with a mixture of victory and slight annoyance- at herself, and at the illusionist as well!

The wind rushing in her face suddenly felt unreal. The darkened sky overhead suddenly seemed a little scripted. Gradually, she began to decelerate- pacing herself. Fighting against inertia, the soles of her naked feet skidded along the surface of the earth- slowly forcing her body to a halt.

With the impending threat of her own dragons looming over her- ready to tear her to nothingness, Selina chose to remain still- fighting against every instinct to run!

She closed her eyes- and muscle memory came into play.

She had done this before.

More than once-

With Madeline.

That was the thing with illusions- they preyed on either fear- or desire.

With the sky darkening overhead, and with the whirring sounds of ten wings raging towards her, Selina closed her eyes- ignoring the icy call of death. Mentally, her consciousness roved across her body- forcing herself to find the flow of mana.

Her lips pursed, and her heart beat stilled as she found the river of mana.

Like a black river, it was surging through her- supplying her with the rich powerful psychic essence.

Standing in the middle of the open field, with sky raining down ice crystals, and the icy beasts closing on her with their jaws open, she planted her feet firmly- forcing her eyes even tighter- trying to induce a disruption of the flow.

This was the only way.

But quickly, right there and then, Selina learned a harsh truth.

Madeline was an A-rank mage. But this crazed red bitch was an S-rank! The gap between their powers was insurmountable!

Selina's eyes flicked wide open in despair! Panic set in once again as she literally saw death in the horizon- beating with blue crystal wings, coming to snatch her. Above, the screeching dragons tucked her wings. Riding on the wind, they descended, jaws apart- ready to break her bones in pieces and tear her apart.

Less than seven seconds out!

In one desperate attempt, Selina did the only other thing she could- PAIN.

Five seconds out!

Eyes still focused on the horizon, she thrust out her hand at her side.

Four seconds. . .

A dazzling white ice cystal- as long as a foot, and in the shape of a cone, formed on her palm. . .

Three seconds. . .

The dragons were so close, she could literally see the rows and rows of sharp icy teeth in the large jaws.

Two seconds. . .

She closed her eyes, and tightened her grip on the ice crystal.

Just as the burning cold breaths of the first dragon blasted on her face, Selina rammed the icicle into her thigh-


Her soft flesh broke immediately.

The mind numbing pain forced out a sickening cry from her lips, and forcing her eyes wide open.

From the two inched wound, thick red blood came spurting through- followed by a sharp raging pain. It dove her mad, surging through her entire body with a rabid frenzy- traveling along her spine, and lighting her brain on fire.

The pain brought moisture to her eyes- clouding her vision, and robbing her of clarity.

However, her teary eyes soon came into focus- opening her eyes to a clear blue sky above. The dragons had vanished! The sun was bright and loud in the sky! Even the snowy terrain appeared to be gone!

All that was left from that nightmare was the intense pain rippling through her right thigh- the price for freedom.

Head swooning, and out of breath, her heavy chest rose and fell sporadically. Actively loosing strength, Selina lifted her gaze- spying out her environment;

'Shit.' she thought; 'I've expended way too much energy. . .need to get the outta here. . .now. . .'

But, fate just wasn't done with her yet.

As she turned around- ready to take off, suddenly, at the corner of field, just beyond the rising of tall corn stalks, the girl's figure came into full view.

Selina scowled; 'Oh no. . .not again. . .'

For a painful couple moments. . .both women neither moved, nor said anything. From across the earthy distance, with the sun bearing down overhead, and with a soft wind rustling through the field, they simply stared at each other- each one sizing up the other. Having fought each other, in both their eyes was something that was birthed from adversity- mutual respect.

The girl, slender- and yet still somehow bursting with sex appeal, finally opened her mouth;

"I won't lie to you Selina, that was pretty impressive. . ."

Her voice was raw- plain, without the filter from the illusion...

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