Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 774 Night Raid (1)

Gidan and a hundred abled fighters stood atop their border's steel walls and scanned the field before them. He had a scowl as he remembered what Kyran suggested to keep their enemies at bay.

"Show yourself with all the abled fighters while wearing full armor. Then, appear as menacing as possible on top of the steel walls. If you do this, the enemies will think you are up to something and will hesitate to attack so soon."

To be honest, Gidan did not want to follow the younger man's advice, but he understood the logic behind showing up before the enemy with a dignified and menacing appearance right after winning a battle where they were expected to lose— it was to make the enemy believed they were about to retaliate. In short, a psychological attack.

Gidan followed Kyran's advice because of what he witnessed in the Infirmary a few hours ago.

For the record, even after witnessing how their fighters with severe injuries recovered before his eyes, Gidan still had his reservation. He thought the pill Kyran gave them only had a temporary effect and that their injuries would return once the effect was gone.

But then the Saint appeared, reexamined the fighters, and confirmed they had fully recovered. Gidan was still in denial, but Cyneah only responded by saying that compared to Kyran, her knowledge of 'apothecary' could be considered so-so.

Cyneah's admission was like a bomb to them. After all, when she became the Saint and studied in the Abbey, they saw her proficiency in pill and potion-making. Every pill and potion she concocted would have high efficacy. Unfortunately, they lacked enough resources for some of the herbs she used. Thus, they could not mass-produce her pills and potions. For this reason, her medicines were viewed as rare, and the demand for them was always high.

In the Apothecary community, if Cyneah said she was only second best, no one would dare claim they were the first. This was also true with those pharmacists who could also produce high-efficacy medicines.

  For this reason, Cyneah's admission that Kyran was better than her shocked them.

Gidan played it off by remarking that Kyran only had the advantage of possessing the rare herbs needed to increase a medicine's efficacy. But Cyneah only smiled and refrained from arguing.

After a while, the fighters that recovered reported to Gidan. Only then, after seeing they could move about and even laugh as if they had another lease in life, Gidan secretly admitted that Kyran was truly sincere about helping them. Although he said he was only doing that because Cyneah was there, it was enough for now.

Thus, Gidan ordered all abled fighters to don their armor and accompany him atop their border's steel wall.

A figure suddenly appeared beside Gidan and knelt on one knee.

"How's the other side?" Gidan asked.

The figure wore dark leather armor, and a thick black cloth wrapped his head, leaving only his eyes uncovered. His attire completely contrasted with the heavy silver armor that Gidan and the other fighters with him wore.

This person was one of Azikh's men. Unlike the fighters under Gidan, who were responsible for protecting the border when the enemies attacked, Azikh's men were responsible for gathering information and scouting.

"Although their walls are closed, judging from the noises heard from the outside, they are indeed preparing for another attack."

Gidan's eyes narrowed.

Typically, a scout would camp a few hundred meters outside the enemy wall. If he still heard the commotion inside the enemy wall at that distance, then it meant the enemy's number could not be lower than a thousand.

"Did you find out if they are preparing another beast horde or...?" Gidan did not finish his question. He only looked at the scout meaningfully.

The scout's head remained lowered. Thus, he did not see Gidan's look. Nevertheless, he understood what the latter meant and said, "Both. I heard noises from both beasts and the inhabitants."

"Night is about to fall," one of the captains behind Gidan reminded them.

Gidan looked up and saw that the dark violet sky had begun to spread from a distance.

"It seems we'll have to prepare for a night raid," he said gravely.

The fighters behind him did not respond, but it was noticeable how the atmosphere around them turned heavy.

"Please do not worry," Hilam suddenly said.

Although he was a recruit, he had a team assigned to him and was the Team Leader. Thus, he stood close to his captain and heard the exchange between another captain and the commander.

"Nar said he would return before nightfall," he reminded them. "We all know his strength is comparable to a platoon. Even if we are outnumbered, we'll win as long as he is here."

Gidan scowled at him, "Don't rely on another person to defend our borders. We will defend the walls no matter what."

"But this will be a battle of attrition, commander," Hilam's captain said worriedly. "Most of our fighters have only recovered. I'm afraid they are still unfit for battle."

"Don't underestimate us, captain."

One fighter close to Hilam's captain complained. "Even if we are bedridden for days, we can sortie anytime."

"Do not misunderstand," the captain replied and looked at him. "I know you will go no matter what condition you are in as long as you can stand and summon magic. But if the enemy will dispatch another beast horde, I'm afraid..."

His voice trailed off as he recalled what happened early that afternoon.

"The battlefield is also filled with fresh blood. Those will entice the beasts' bloodthirst and attack more fiercely."

The captain who spoke to Gidan first reminded them.

"Stop overthinking," Gidan growled, turning his attention back in front. "Their number does not matter. We'll push them back if they appear."I think you should take a look at

"Yes, commander."

Meanwhile, in the wilderness.

After Dusk greeted Kyran, Kyran's figure fleeted by and appeared in a flash in front of Dusk. Simultaneously, a dark purple dagger appeared in his hand as he slashed at the latter's throat.

"Ngrh...!" Dusk barely moved backward to avoid the dagger's blades. "Urgh...!"

However, a beautiful thin line still appeared on his throat even when the blade did not touch his skin.

"Calm down, Dark Sage!" He exclaimed and moved back a few hundred feet away in an instant. "I am not here to—!"


Kyran's figure fleeted once more and was already in front of Dusk. His hand holding the dagger was also outstretched and had cleanly sliced the latter's throat.

A shocked expression was frozen on Dusk's face as his head rolled to the ground. His body followed right after with a loud thud.

No blood splurted out from Dusk's wound because the dagger in Kyran's hand was purely made of Void magic.

Kyran straightened and looked up, "Stop hiding. I know this is only an essence."

"That is not reason enough to come after me with the intent to kill!" Dusk's voice reverberated in the surroundings, making it hard to pinpoint where it started.

"You started it first," Kyran replied with a nonchalant shrug.

"I did not know if it was you, so I did that. If it was, I am confident you can avoid that. If not, then killing an inhabitant of this plane was not a big deal."

"It depends on who you plan to kill," Kyran replied coldly.

From Dusk's hiding spot, he saw the murderous glint in Kyran's eyes and shivered slightly. But instead of fear, the shivering he experienced was more due to excitement. He had always wanted to cross swords with Kyran since they first met. However, Axil exhorted him to keep his hands off him.

"Kyran is not a prey. He is an asset we needed."

Axil had told Dusk. But that did not stop the latter from desiring a proper match with him.

"Fine, fine. You win," Dusk responded.

A figure appeared ten meters to Kyran's right side.

"I have a message from—!"


Kyran appeared behind the figure, and his dagger cleanly cut off its head.

"DARK SAGE!" Dusk's angry voice shook the surroundings as another of his essence fell to the ground dead.

Kyran did not respond. However, the malicious glint in his eyes was enough for Dusk to know what he wanted to say.

Kyran would kill him if he kept sending an essence to talk to him.

Dusk wanted so badly to attack Kyran seriously. But because of Axil's exhortation, he could only grit his teeth and hide his urge.

In the Guardians faction, all of them revered Axil. Even Dusk, who tended to defy orders. Their reverence was not because she was one of the founders of the faction but because she was among the strongest— even though her innate magic was categorized as 'support.'

Reigning in his growing annoyance, Dusk appeared before Kyran.

This time, Kyran did not move. He only looked at Dusk, who wore an oversized hood that hid his face.

"A message from Axil," Dusk started, not bothering with introductions. "Flos's side has started to move. They are already making preparations to negotiate with the Somuli's Sovereign."

"What made them decide to move?"

"The Abbot's disappearance," Dusk replied with a grim tone. "Initially, Flos wanted to make contact with the Abbot. Right. In case you're unaware, the Abbot is—."

"I know who the Abbot is," Kyran cut him midsentence. "Why does Flos want to meet the Abbot first?"

"The Saint," Dusk replied with an exasperated sigh. "Apparently, Flos wanted to use the Saint to force the Somuli's Sovereign to join him."

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