Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 773 It Has Been A While (8)

The plan was to let out Soria and Yalen once they arrived at their destination. However, after sensing several feral beasts nearby, Kyran decided against it and let them stay in the Void world.

Soria and Yalen were unhappy with Kyran's decision, but after four feral beasts appeared the moment he advanced 20 meters, they realized the severity of the situation and did nit attempt to argue.

Unbeknownst to them, the feral beasts had no intentions of attacking. They were only curious about Kyran's strange presence. Or to be more accurate, his 'empty' yet ominous presence. To them, he was like a walking abyss.

Seeing the behavior of the feral beasts, Kyran sighed helplessly. He was here to hunt, thus, his ability to keep beasts at bay was a pain.

Kyran now knew the difference from these beasts to the horde and magical beast that attacked him with zeal earlier.

The old man explained that the inhabitants of the other side grew beasts for a living. There was also a rumor that they had an amiable relationship with the magical beast community. How much of that was true, they were unsure. It was hard to infiltrate their land because every beast knew the difference between their inhabitants from the Eidums and would attack without hesitation.

Anyhow, from this information, Kyran understood that those horde were domesticated. Thus, they were unaffected by Kyran's ability. This also conformed to his initial assumption that controlled or summoned beasts were unaffected by his ability.

'I still wonder what kind of ability is this and when did I acquire it?' Kyran thought.

Putting aside his thoughts, he fished out the enhanced array he created to mask his presence. When he first created it, he had no choice but imprint it on the back of his hand. After becoming proficient in Array, he already created a token with an enhanced array.

Kyran activated the array and got ready to hunt.

As soon as the token was activated, the feral beasts nearby growled. They no longer sensed the ominous presence from Kyran. Thus, there was no longer a need to be cautious.

In a blink of an eye, all four beasts pounced at Kyran.

'Watch out!'


Soria and Yalen exclaimed in surprise.

Similar to the old man's room, there was an orb inside their room that showed them Kyran's view.

Their voices were also transmitted through the orb and vice versa.

However, Kyran could filter his thoughts when responding to them and the old man. Which was why none of them realized they were in the same tower.

Meanwhile, when the old man saw the four feral beasts suddenly making a move he was not as concerned like Soria and Yalen. Instead, he conversed with Kyran as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

'I still do not know what is it that you do to make these beasts back off at one time, and then attack the next moment.'

Kyran did not respond. He closed in on one feral beast to his right using Dragon Step and cut off its head with one swift strike of a spear.

Soria and Yalen were surprised. They had only seen Kyran used his fists and short blades. They did not know he could also use a spear. Moreover, he was unarmed a second ago. Where did he store his weapon? Did he have more of those storage rings? If that was the case, where did he get them?

On the other hand, Soria got even more ecstatic. If Kyran knew how to replicate a lost technology then it was possible to create more of those rings any time.

The two were thunderstruck at the speed of which Kyran disposed of the feral beasts. They were already amazed seeing him in action from afar. Now that they had a front seat view of him in action, they were even more amazed.

Even the old man was in awe. He had not seen anyone fight so effeciently and effortlessly like him in Somuli. This only add to the fact that he was from another plane. It made the old man wonder at the situation in Kyran's plane. What could possibly have hone him to be like this? The old man had the impression that the situation in Somuli was still mild compared to Kyran's plane. If not, how could one become a high caliber fighter without experiencing countless war?

Alas, the old man was overthinking.

Kyran's upbringing made him like this. As a matter of fact, his family even placed greater importance in his training because of his identity. They wanted him to have the knowledge and strength to survive no matter where he ended up going.

After killing the beasts, Kyran dissected them. He also took this chance to study the anatomy of beasts in Somuli.

While Kyran was doing this, Soria and Yalen had the urge to vomit. To be fair, they were not faint hearted. They would not have entered and graduated with flying colors in the Abbey if they were. They also knew how to dissect a beast's remains. But the reason they felt that way was because Kyran was meticulously dissecting each part and they could not take the gore. Good thing they could not smell the blood while inside the 'orb.' Else, they would not be able to hold the urge to vomit.

Sensing the discomfort of the two young ladies, Kyran belatedly remembered they were still watching.

'Sorry,' he apologized and was about to disconnect the feed when Soria exclaimed, 'W-We are fine. You... seem to know your way in dissecting large-sized beasts.'

The feral beast Kyran fought were called Selam. They looked like huge salamanders with dark red scales.I think you should take a look at

'I had a lot of practice,' Kyran replied.

He intended to downplay the topic of his dissecting skills, but the two took his response differently.

Did he mean to say that the place he lived in had many large-sized beasts, which was why he had a lot of practice killing and then dissecting them afterward?

Soria and Yalen shivered at the thought.

After Kyran finished his task, he placed the dissected parts in an empty storage ring before moving on.

The wilderness was truly a treasure trove. Kyran not only found beasts that could be eaten, but also those with parts that could be used for potions and weapon. Some of them even had scales that could be forged into armors or shields. Most of all, the herbs he found along the way had high medical efficacy.

Kyran was truly fortunate to have the chance to read so many tablets during his second training in the Tower of Tribulations. Because of this, he had no problem identifying the herbs he come across with.

As for the beasts, there were still many Kyran did not know. The reason behind it was their constant mutation and evolution.

Plants also undergo such phase but their evolution were mostly due to crossbreeding. Identifying them was still easier because most of their base characteristics and medicinal effect remained in tact.

'It is getting late,' Kyran thought noticing the slowly darkening sky at a distance.

'There is a safe spot nearby,' Soria's voice sounded in his head.

'We can stay there for the night.'

'We're not staying,' Kyran replied with a slight shake of his head. 'We've secured enough resources. Add it up with the ones back at HQ, it should last for a month.'

'Though there is still a few hours before dark, we are way deep in the wilderness,' Yalen started to argue. 'We won't make it out before then.'

'She's right,' Soria agreed. 'You know how beast behavior changes at night. We are not questioning your ability to fight but you've been doing that since we arrived at the border. You need proper rest.'

'And making sure you're in top shape is the reason I am here,' Yalen added with pursed lips.

'Don't worry,' Kyran tried to assure them. 'I won't suggest going back if I am not confident in leaving the wilderness before night fall.'

Before the two could argue further, he already retraced his steps and left the wildnerness.


Kyran's eyes widened as an almost undetectable attack flash past him, which he barely evaded. If he had took another step, his head would have been chopped off.


A nearby tree with thick trunk was cut in two so cleanly and easily that Soria and Yalen's scalp went numb in fear.


Soria and Yalen exclaimed.

'Young man! There is an outsider-!'

Kyran cut off his connection to them before looking at a spot in the sky, a hundred meters away.

His eyes narrowed as he saw a familiar figure hovering there.

"I had some doubts because you looked different. But no one in this plane has the ability to dodge my attack."

The figure disappeared and in a blink of an eye, reappeared a few meters in front of Kyran.

"Dusk," Kyran said after a short pause, naming the figure before him.

Dusk smiled, "It has been a while, Dark Sage."

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