Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 719 A New Journey (3)

The next morning, an announcement was issued from the Royal Family. Empress Iulia would do a nationwide address in three days to explain the recent events.

The address would happen in three days to give the empire's citizens to submit their questions, have the Royal Family collate them, and pick three for Iulia to answer.

Along with the announcement, detailed instructions on how and where they could submit their questions were distributed.

When this announcement was circulated, the majority of the people were interested in sending their questions. A few even complained that three questions were too few.

Then again, most of them had the same question. So it did not matter if there were only three questions that Iulia would answer.

On another note, Aron and Rin's meeting with the other leading factions of the empire bore fruit at last. Tritus was not present in that meeting, but the second-in-command apparently had a change of heart and participated in the discussion.

Lauren and Olivia were the same. With Rin playing an equal part with Aron in leading the meeting, they were more than happy to cooperate.

Basically, their meeting was to address their differences and find a compromise. It also clarified the rumored taking over of the Regis Clan of the large factions in the empire.

In the end, they agreed to form an alliance. This was also to prevent differing sides if the neighboring countries made a move on them.

The Templar Code was particularly agreeable on this matter because they were close to the west borders, where the neighboring country appeared to show a high chance of making a move to invade them.

If the west border fell, the Templar Code's base would be the first to suffer the attack— something they could not afford to face because they had lost many of their elites during the attack in the Shaiha Ruins.

Tritus already explained that the one who led that attack had been Kyran. He also told them that the Shaiha was originally the Regis Clan's ancestral land. Thus, they were in the wrong for disturbing the 'guardian' in that place. Because of this, the Regis Clan moved by sending one of their own to protect the guardian.

As to why they did that, it was simple. The legendary beast they had thought to be a mutated Quilin was a true dragon descendant, albeit half.

The Regic Clan representative demanded to cleave the Templar Code, but Tritus negotiated and agreed to work under them. In return for Tritus's sacrifice, the Regis Clan agreed to spare the remaining members of the Templar Code.

Aron and Rin were speechless after hearing this reason. They had no idea how Tritus came up with that story.

That was right. They did not think Kyran told Tritus to use that excuse based on his character.

Nevertheless, they were curious if Kyran knew the story Tritus used to convince his men to cooperate with the Regis Clan.

Lauren and Olivia were also surprised to hear about the Quilin in the Shaiha Ruins being a dragon descendant.

They made a mental note to ask more about it. Not because they were curious about dragons like Max had been, but because one of the main rare ingredients in the medicine Lauren found that could cure her mentor— Olivia's mother— included dragon's blood.

Seemingly aware of what they were thinking, Rin offered to set a meeting with Kyran in the coming days.

The two agreed.

Their meeting then shifted toward the Conclave and the Three Noble Families because they were also considered top factions in the empire, yet they were not present in their meeting.

It was Aron who explained that the Conclave had been an ally of the Regis Clan long before the war happened. As for the Three Noble Families, they no longer existed.

When the two factions heard it, they were surprised.

Why would Aron declare such a thing? When they clearly knew the Courtenay, Lumley, and Montgomeray Families were still there. They did suffer some losses during the war, but their military strength could still be considered one of the top in the empire.

Aron clarified that the Regis Clan had officially taken all three as subsidiary families. They were still called based on their family names, but now, they were subservient to the Regis Clan.

How did it happen? Aron only replied that his grandson managed to convince the three noble families to stop competing with each other and follow them.

Obviously, the Auerole and Templar Code did not buy Aron's explanation. But hearing that his grandson was again involved in this, they were starting to see how important his role had been in all the changes.

Their meeting proceeded with the Aureole and the Templar Code asking Aron questions about the recent events.

Although the Aureole had participated in that war, they had little knowledge of what started the whole situation.

Aron and Rin did not hide anything from them to show their sincerity in the alliance they had just agreed on. They told them the truth about Kyran and how they had tried to protect him by sealing his magic.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned, and the result was devastating, especially for those who lost many loved ones and people.

When the two factions heard this, they were stunned— except for Lauren and Olivia.

Lauren already knew bits and pieces of this truth. So she was not as surprised as the rest of their members attending the meeting.

As for the Templar Code members, they became even more amiable when they heard this.

Their reaction was unexpected. Usually, when people hear about a person possessing forbidden magic, they would either be scared to death or condemn that person.

But the Templar Code did not show this. Instead, they acted like they wanted to ingratiate themselves with the Regis Clan even more.

Then again, their thinking was not surprising if they looked at the recent events.

Although Kyran had forbidden innate magic, since he played a big role in protecting the emperor against the Crown Princess, the majority would likely give him the benefit of the doubt once the truth of his magic was revealed.

Of course, others might condemn him further, while some might spread more rumors about Kyran. One of which might say that all of these things would not have happened if Kyran did not possess forbidden magic in the first place.

In the end, Aron and Rin are convinced that every person's reaction to forbidden magic users truly varies. It is better not to judge others.

While Aron and Rin were busy handling the affairs concerning the prominent factions in the empire, Cade was also busy assessing every Array Specialist in the empire.

Cade was surprised after learning there were plenty of unregistered Array Specialists. As a matter of fact, the Regis Clan also had something similar. However, instead of hiding they were knowledgeable about Arrays, they registered themselves as Abjurers since one of the requirements of becoming one was to have Array knowledge.

Previously, there were only about 20+ registered Array Specialists in the empire. Now, there were almost a thousand of them!

Most of the specialists belonged to the Courtenay Family, followed by the Royal Army's Research Division, and then the rest were from different noble families.

Cade was no longer surprised by the number of Array Specialists in the Courtenay Family because he was made aware they were the ones who reinforced the Lumley Family's Ancestral Land's array formation during the simultaneous attack by the Crown Princess's side.

He was also made aware they were the ones who tried to decipher the array formation in the Regis Estate Inner Walls.

This brought a smile to Cade's face. He knew they likely suffered trying to understand the formation.

In one of his assessments, a Courtenay Array Specialist also asked him about it, and a lengthy discussion followed.

Cade was not stingy when sharing his Array knowledge with others because he wanted to elevate the Array level in the Human plane. His reasons were simple. He wanted to avoid a repeat of how hopeless the humans were when outsiders descended.

Currently, the only ones who could do anything to prevent outsiders from destroying the plane were the Regis Clan. Cade was not trying to boast about his clan's strength, but this was a hard truth others could not refute.

They possessed the Regis Blessing, which helped them fight mages with higher mage-level attainment than them. Apart from this, they had several talents with Array Knowledge.

These talents were not registered as specialists only because they were registered as either Combat Mages or Abjurers.

Putting aside the matters about Arrays, Cade was also concerned about the upcoming War of the Sovereigns.

At the moment, Nolan had not shown any interest in joining. However, Loar had extended an invitation.

Now that more outsiders were aware of the Human plane's coordinates, they were sure more would come to either invade the plane or recruit Nolan.

But Cade knew Nolan.

Nolan could not be bothered by the war. However, the fact that the Human plane was known as the Land of the Ancients, which attracted many Sovereigns, would likely force him to care.

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