Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 718 A New Journey (2)

The journey back to the Regis Estate had been long, and Kyran and the rest were spent. Although they still had things to do, they decided to call it a day and start with the things they discussed tomorrow.

Kyran also went to his room after dinner. Kyra initially wanted to play with him, but seeing how tired he was, she 'let him off' for the day.

That night, Kyran slept.

It had been a while since he had truly fallen asleep. After returning from his training, he could only get a shut-eye. The last time he did sleep had been in the cottage after Cyneah healed him.

Of course, the times when he passed out from exhaustion or fell unconscious did not count.

When Kyran sleeps, he rarely dreams. Only on rare occasions would it happen, and even then, he could not call it a 'dream' but an omen or a nightmare.

That night had been one of those 'rare occasions.'

There was no scene before him— only darkness. But he felt a strong feeling of familiarity at something beyond the darkness that clung to him like a huge dark cloak. That familiar feeling was not hostile. As a matter of fact, he felt a vague sense of being embraced.


Kyran stirred as he heard a faint voice. It seemed to beckon him, yet not really calling for him.

It was distant, yet it felt like the closest thing in the world.


Kyran furrowed his brows and strained his ears to hear what the voice was saying. But it was too faint that he still could not grasp it no matter what he did. He knew he was dreaming. Thus, he expected what the voice was saying would have registered to him unconsciously. But nothing of the sort happened. Instead, he felt strange being aware he was dreaming and even sensed something warm appearing around his pocket.


Kyran's eyes snapped open as he heard the voice loud and clear.

'Neah!' He sat abruptly, causing intense pain to rack his brain from the movement. But he ignored the pain as he belatedly realized that the warm feeling in his pocket was also not a dream.

He did hear Cyneah's voice just now. It was faint, but he recognized where it came from.

It came from the item that was heating up inside one of his storage rings.

Kyran immediately let his magic sense rummage inside his pocket and checked the storage ring where the item was. After which, he waved his hand, and a small token in one of his storage rings appeared on his hand.

The token was still warm to the touch, meaning it had been active just now.

But that was unimportant. What was more important to him was that the token was the one he created to mirror the token he gave Cyneah.

When Kyran gave it to her, he told her that she only needed to call his name and that he could find her through it. He never expected it to actually work now. Especially when Cyneah was no longer in the Human plane.

For all he knew, the token would no longer work because the magic law in the plane where she was now might not exactly employ the same laws he used to create that feature. Besides, they were likely several planes apart. Putting it simply, the reception would not allow such long-distance communication.

Or, would it?

Kyran's face slightly brightened as he recalled how he could use his Void magic in all the planes he had been. It was not because those planes' magic laws did not restrain him, but it was as if his Void magic easily adapted to the plane's rules. Thus, using his magic was not that hard. The hard part was adapting to the magic law in that plane.

Kyran possessed a good brain. But there was a limit to how many magic laws one could learn. So far, he had yet to see his brain's limit. However, he was not about to find out.

Putting those things aside, Kyran could not help but feel elated that he might be able to locate Cyneah using the token.

This thought washed the fatigue and even sleepiness he felt. He got up, went to a small table, and examined the token. He even hoped Cyneah would try calling him again. Maybe then he would better grasp the energy wavelength of where she was, and he would use that as a reference to search his memories of all the planes he had gone to and locate her.

After more than an hour of checking the token, Kyran found no clue.

With an exasperated sigh, he leaned back and stared at the token.

"I should have included a location sharing in this token," he grumbled.

He might have said this, but he knew it was impossible. He could create it but could not because of the Human plane's available materials.

Kyran had once thought of creating an item from another plane using materials available in the Human plane. This way, his creation would set a standard, and he could easily recreate them using his magic. Unfortunately, he did not have the time to collect the needed materials.

The Conclave's Chamber of Commerce and Mercenary Hall could not help him gather those materials either. Those materials were not only rare but they were also considered items from myths.

In any case, the fact there were records about them meant they were available. They only need to find and collect them. It sounded pretty easy. But the latter two were the hardest part.

Kyran glowered at the token as he fell into contemplation. He knew that even if he learned the magic wavelength of the plane Cyneah was in, it might not belong to the ones he had been to. If that happened, it would be pretty useless.

He needed to find others— outsiders— who had been to different planes. It did not matter how many they were. If the planes they visited were different from one another, all the better. From there, he could gather enough data to find Cyneah.

Now, the only problem he would have was going there.

Kyran could easily warp to where a person he knew was as long as he thought of that person. The same went with places. As long as he had been there or had seen it from afar, it was easy to picture the location in his mind. Then he could warp there successfully.

But if that person were not within the range of his warp target, then it would fail.

Kyran shook his head. There was no point in dwelling on matters he did not know how to fix. He had to first focus on things he could do. If not, he would only waste time.

'My knowledge of the other planes are limited,' Kyran thought. 'Father, Nolan, and True Void probably have more information about the planes.'

"Someone wants to meet with you. He said you know him."

Nolan's voice sounded in Kyran's head. Then he remembered Loar's request to meet him.

Kyran had not given his reply yet. But he planned to meet him once his father finished gathering the Array Specialists needed to create the array formation.

Kyran's expression lit up as he recalled Loar was part of a faction that would participate in the upcoming War of the Sovereigns. The latter definitely knew other Sovereigns.

It would be better if Kyran could gather samples of magic wavelengths from those Sovereigns' planes and those they rule.

If he had all those samples, narrowing down the plane Cyneah ended up in would be easy.

Kyran suddenly stopped his train of thought as he recalled a crucial point. Even if he gathered all those data, if he did not get the one from the plane where Cyneah was, then it would be meaningless.

With an exasperated sigh, Kyran pushed aside his doubts.

Once again, he reminded himself to focus on things he could do and not dwell on those he could not do at this point in time. When True Void recovers, he might be able to glean more information from him.

Kyran stood up and went to the window.

The sky was still dark outside, with stars blanketing it like a sea of diamonds.

'Cyneah is out there,' he thought, his brows furrowing slightly.

Truth be told, he wanted to find her because he sensed the matter about the 'Dark Sage's Legacy' was not over.

Now that the Macabre Glacier was in Cyneah's possession, she technically became involved in the legacy.

Kyran did not fully understand it but knew there was more to the story of the original Dark Sage.

Cyneah would be vulnerable if she were out there alone. Thus, Kyran had to find her. He had an inkling that they could understand the legacy only when all four Ancient magic users were together.

Right. Currently, there are only three users, with one possessing two.

Besides, when Kyran heard Cyneah's voice just now, there was a sense of urgency— even longing.

He was worried she was in danger. At the same time, he wondered how long she had been away from the time she had left.

After all, every plane followed different timeframes.

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