Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 99: The Home Party!

Chapter 99: The Home Party!

After leaving Al manor, I take Anni, Al, and Eliz with me to go back to my mansion. 

Along the way, I found the houses of the noncombatant people already being built beautifully and set corresponding to the design I already provided to them before. Not only that, I found that they already installed the water system and electricity in their houses as I saw some of the young women leisurely watering their respective garden. They use the water hose to watering their garden under the bright lightbulbs on their house's terrace.

'Hmm, it seems they're a fast learner. Or maybe it's the same case as my experience? Maybe after getting their status boost by Dragonkin skill, their INT status somewhat helping them to learn anything faster. That's quite possible~'

I continued walking to my mansion with Al, Eliz, and Anni following behind me leisurely while having this thought. As for Al, Eliz, and Anni, they looked at the surrounding area in awe and shock. It couldn't be helped, since from their perspective, the technology I gave to my people considered expensive magic tools for them.

Just imagine that every house here had expensive magic tools that cost a ton of gold like Al manor, if I was in their shoes, I would have the same reaction as them.

Before long, we arrived in front of my mansion. Seeing some of the adult women already arranged some chairs and tables in the garden, Somehow, I felt a festive atmosphere slowly brewing inside the mansion vicinity. 

Some of the silver wolf members bringing the food and started to arrange it on the table like a buffet. Looking at the earth style food like karaage, fried chicken, curry, fried rice, fries, and seafood already arranged in a buffet style, I knew that the one organized this party was Chali since she was the person who studies my previous world culture the longest among the other woman.

Not only that, I also saw Sofia also arranged the place for doing some BBQ on the corner of the party place. Some of the widows already started BBQ-ing some beef, chicken, sausage, and some of the wyvern meats in there.

'Come to think of it, I'm not trying the Wyverns meat yet. I wonder that it will be delicious as the rumor said~'

As I having this thought, I remember that I brought Al, Eliz, and Anni with me. I turned my head toward them before started speaking

[Welcome to my humble abode, since it's just a casual home party, please enjoy the food to your heart-content, I bet you guys will be shocked after tasting it. Hehehe~ you know, since Chali has a Chef side job, her dish is very delicious and otherworldy!]

Al, who hearing that Chali has a chef side-job became stunned for a second, after a while, she sighed in defeat as she started lamenting

[It seems she's a perfect housewife for you sigh since I already have Magic-crafter as my side job, I can't excel her cooking for sure~]

Hearing Al told me about her side job, I become curious and started asking her

[I thought your side job is Alchemist? Hmm but magic crafter is it, so all the accessories cover your body, all handmade by yours? And after looking at it carefully, it's all have enhanced status option too...]

[Nah, Alchemist is a skill, it can assist me while doing some Magic Crafting to make accessories, anyway, it seems the rumor about you possessing some appraisal skill is true right! Look, I made this ring and imbued it with the processing magic stone you gave me before into a gem! Isn't it beautiful?~]

Al showing off her hand that was decorated with a beautiful carved ring with a big red gem in it. When I appraised it, I became very surprised as its status was really that amazing!

[Item] [Magic Accessory]

(Orc King Vitality) [Epic]


Type: Status Enhancement item

- Boundless vitality body enhancement

+ increase HP by 50%

+ 10% HP regeneration per minutes

+ 1000 DEF

- Anti poison [Poison debuff Immunity]

After getting the Appraisal's information from the ring in her hand, I looked at Al curiously and confirmed my doubt

[Chali said, people can only get status enhancement accessories from the dungeon, it seems this is not the case with you~ what a wonderful side-job!]

[Fufufu~ It's because I have Alchemist skills to assist my side job, ordinary Magic-crafter can only make low-quality Magic Accessories that will give a poor status enhancement!]

[Hmm maybe I should order some accessories from you when I got a Lord Class magic stone in my hand~]

[Just gave me the raw material, I will make one for you~ fufufu~]

[Ah, it's not for me, it's for the Silver Wolf and the others. Since it's useless to me now]

Hearing my explanation, Al pouted her cheeks in annoyance and left without speaking. Seeing Al who silently left with a sour expression plastered on her face, Eliz gazed at me with pity as she followed Al who already heading toward the party location.

I realized that I hurt her feeling unconsciously after telling her that I request the ring for another woman and sigh tiredly

[Maybe, this time I was too dense and taking it too far... let's apologize to her later, Anni, why are you standing stupidly here for, go and enjoy the party~]

Anni who still absentmindedly gazing at the festive atmosphere, back to her mind once again after hearing my voice. She looked at me and trying to speak her worry with some hesitation

[ummm master, I'm still new here, so and since I'm not that good at socializing, it's better if I follow master]

Looking at her deadpan expression that had a hint of nervousness in it, I sighed before taking her hand and heading to the party place direction. Looking at the unfamiliar woman in my hand, the noncombatant people who helped to prepare the party started asking their acquaintances beside them curiously about the new woman's identity.

I ignored the rowdy women before started introducing Anni in front of them.

[Cough*, everyone, I will introduce a new member that will join us from right now, this is Anni, she is our new comrade, please welcome her warmly~]

After being introduced by me, She bowed her head and greeted the people in front of her

[Nice to meet you]

Plak plak plak* applause sfx

I observed the people and found Chali who just put the last dish in the silver container among them. She turned her head toward me and winked her eyes playfully.

Knowing that she teasing me, I hurriedly winked my eyes to give her a sign that I need her help!

She moved her gaze toward Anni who still somewhat nervous but trying hard to cover it with her flat expression. After observing the situation for a moment, she seemed somewhat understood what I mean by asking for help and approaching us closer with a gentle smile plastered on her face

[Hello Anni, I guess you already know me since we already met on the battlefield before. I welcome you here, let's go! I will introduce you to the other Master's women one by one!]

Chali abruptly linked her hands into Anni and started acting intimately. She dragged Anni around to introduce her to the others.

'Fiiuhh... that's really helpful, as expected of Chali'

I sighed in relief before decided to roam around the party place. I spot Al and Eliz who delightfully trying each dish with a happy expression.

'Did she already cure her annoyance with tasty food?'

Seeing that they already enjoyed themselves and blending themselves with the others, I decided to not disturb them and talking to the other ladies who seemed free


As the day became darker, the young woman and children started coming to the party place one by one. Looking at their excited expression after seeing their parents, my heart became warmer as a gentle smile unconsciously appeared on my face.

With all the resident of my hidden base already coming here, the casual home party slowly begin to get more festive~




----3rd Person POV----


While Alex started enjoying his home party, far away in the Gharam Kingdom Capital city, Ashbern, in one of the rooms inside the Duke Grenfilts manor, a young man absentmindedly looking at the outside scenery from his window.

He is Piter aka the Doggy, the idiot who survived from Alex massacre. In these couple of days, he had a bad mood.

After going back home from that accident, his father scolded him to no end before locking him in his room.

The punishment and sorrow were not the ends for it, for some reason, he started having a strange dream about a gigantic white wingless dragon who living in solitude! 

Inside his strange dream, this dragon liked to mumble some bullshit and incomprehensible things! Doggy didn't know exactly why this idiot crazy dragon's reason to act crazily in his dream, but somehow he speculated that maybe because this stupid dragon lived in solitude inside of a seemingly dark place for a long time. Maybe, the harsh and lonely dark place slowly twisted and eroded his mind.

As this stupid dream wasn't enough, the worst thing that happened since he started dreaming about this dragon was, he often lost his consciousness at a random time! And when he started sobering up, he always ended up finding himself lying in his bed.

While he lamenting his grieves by absentmindedly looking at the scenery outside, he found two maids walking out from the manor in the corner of his eyes. As he observed them carefully, he found out that they started chatting and gossiping about him

Maid 1 : Did you hear the news about the young master's strange disease from the Head-maid this morning?

Maid 2 : Do you mean the one about him suddenly starts acting strange and hallucinating about whatever immortal dragon incarnation? Come to think of it, since the young master coming back here, he started having this strange disease for unknown reason

Maid 1 : Yes, the Head-maid said there's a chance that the young master get a curse from the mysterious person who killed franklin young master

Maid 2 : What kind of powerful curse that can make people losing their mind and hallucinating? It seems the Grenfilts house enemy is not an ordinary powerhouse this time... hey, do you want to resign? for some reason, my heart feels unsettled these days...

Maid 1 : Getting this job is not easy, why are you become a scaredy-cat for? do you want to end up becoming a prostitute?

Sigh since the death of Franklin's young master, the atmosphere in this house became darker day by day. I can't blame you to feel worried about this situation. Anyway, let's just be extra careful in our work from now on.

Hearing the maids' conversation, Doggy became enraged and tried to open the window to scold the two ungrateful impudent lowly maids! But before his hand could touch the window, all of a sudden, his consciousness started fading away as he closed his eyes!

After a while, he opened his eyes once again. If you observed his eyes carefully, you will find out that there were strange and crazed glints in his eyes, indicated that the one who woke up wasn't the usual doggy!

Doggy : ku kukuku! Kuhahahahat!! Finally! Finally, I could resurface to this world once again!! That stupid Alex, you dare to suppress this exalted one all this time and became ungrateful from the power I gave to you!! Hmph!!

After saying a stupid and cringe thing, Doggy opened the window in front of him and started shouting loudly!

Doggy : Behold Mortal!! I, the guardian of this world, the Immortal dragon Jormunngar, rising from the ashes to be the messiah that will guide you, the lost sheep to the light!! Kukukuku!!!!!

Hearing a sudden loud voice from their young master, the maids become startled and turning their head toward the window where they found their young master puffed up his chest in an arrogant manner!

Maid 1 : Hey, let's call Head-maid!!! The young master disease occurred once again!!! Hurry!!

Hearing her friend hurried tone, the maid nodded her head with a nervous expression before running inside the manor to relay the message! 

Before long, the people inside the manor started to become rowdy as they started running into the Doggy's room in panic.




At this time, Alex who still enjoying his warm home party still didn't know that the Immortal dragon soul inside his body already moving into Doggy's body

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