Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 98: Condition And A Message From The Adventurer Guild

Chapter 98: Condition And A Message From The Adventurer Guild

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to give her a chance to avoid trouble that would come at me later in the future

'Considering Gart's feelings to Anna, it will be best for her to tell her decision to him first. If by chance Gart's situation was the same as I speculated before, it'll be better if both of us settle this complicated soon rather than waiting for it to explode later...'

[Anna, I can consider your request after you tell this decision of yours to Gart first. After that, you have to go and live at my place for some time and see what kind of person am I before deciding your decision frankly speaking, I'm not a good man I consider myself a fickle and immature person maybe you can hear some bad rumors about me from some adventurers in this town. Anyway, if you accept this condition, I will consider taking you under my wing]

Anna lited up her eyes bright as she started clenching her fist in high spirit. 

She seemed to resolve herself when I saw a serious expression plastered on her beautiful face.

'come to think of it, I'm not appraised these two yet, let's appraise them to see their status!'

Adventurer [Ex Noble]

Job : Exalted Beast-Hunter 

Lv 89

HP : A

MP : B

Skill : Bow Mastery IX [Unique] Beast Hunter [Unique] Light Incarnation [Unique] Magic Arrow VIII [Rare] Dagger Mastery VII[Rare] Sharpshooter V [Rare] Windrunner [Rare] Super Evasion [Rare] Hunter Sense [Rare] Beast Appraisal [Uncommon] AGI Up large[Uncommon] ATK Boost large[Uncommon] Projectile Attack Speed Up Large [Uncommon] Etiquette V[common] Dismantling V[common] Nimble Body [Common]

Beast Hunter [Unique] : Deal 300% more damage to monster and beast there is a 20% chance to paralyze the monster when you hit their weak spot. You will immune to any intimidation ability from a higher rank monster(Or any monster stronger than you). You can erase your presence [Complete] from any monster below legendary rating when activated this skill. Consume : 500MP/second

Light Incarnation [Unique] : When you're in rage condition, A light element will continuously heal your wound and increase your HP regeneration by 20% of your HP/second! Reduce any magic damage by 50% and any physical damage by 30%. Warning* if you overused this ability there is a chance that your lifespan will decrease [Depending on how severity when you overuse this skill]

Windrunner [Rare] : Increase your movement speed by 400% and debuff the enemy unit you passed by, by 90% for 5 seconds when activated. Consume 250MP/second

Super Evasion [Rare] : Increase your survival instinct and increase your neural speed by 3 times! * if you have a nimble body skill, you can further increase the skill effect by making your body light like a feather to increase a dodge ability to the maximum

Hunter Sense [Rare] : Enhanced your five senses [High] as well as increase your maneuverability in the forest/jungle terrain. You can detect any monster in the 5 Km area around you. *If you have Beast Appraisal skill, you can appraise the monster you smell. 



Unregistered Slave [Ex Noble]

Job : Master of Shadow 

Lv 75

HP : B

MP : B

Skill :Dagger Mastery IX [Unique] Shadow Hunter [Unique] Shadow Incarnation [Unique] One With The Shadow [Rare] Twin Blade Master[Rare] Blur [Rare] Super Evasion [Rare] Killer Sense [Rare] Poison immunity [Uncommon] AGI Up large[Uncommon] ATK Boost large[Uncommon] Poison Boost [Uncommon] Etiquette V[common] Dismantling V[common] Nimble Body [Common]

Shadow Hunter [Unique] : Deal a 600% critical strike to humanoid being after successfully doing a surprise attack. There is a chance to 20% stunning the target after you hit their weak spot. Amplified the Shadow skill by 2 times 

Shadow Incarnation [Unique] : When you are in rage condition, You will Elementalized your body into a shadow that will make you immune to any pure physical damage! Any damage that you deal, change into Dark element magic damage! There is a low chance to curse the target that you hit with the Shadow curse!

[Shadow curse : your shadow will bound your physical body and paralyzed your nerve for 5 minutes]

One With The Shadow [Rare] : You can moving your body instantly throughout any shadow within the 500m area around you. increase your movement speed by 200% [Passive]

Blur [Rare] : Making your presence become blurry and hard to detect. There's an 80% chance that any physical attack that hit you to miss. *If you have One With The Shadow [Unique] skill, There's a 50% chance that any magic attack that hit you to miss.

Killer Sense [Rare] : Enhanced your 5 senses [High] and critical damage by 200%. You can detect any target that you already marked in a 10km area around you. To mark the target, you need to directly see the target's appearance and bleed the target once with your weapon. 



'After seeing their status, I somewhat understand why Anni told me that she can find the other person to serve and help her in her revenge with these 2 unique skills, She can go to another powerhouse and serve them to get her revenge as her price'

I touch my chin for a while, before turning my head at Anna. Seeing that she seemed already made her choice, I gave her my approval smile.

[It seems you already agree with my condition and made your decision. Anyway, we will further discuss this later after you finish my first condition. For now, Anni, since you already prepare to be my subordinates in mind, so it means you already concern about registering me as your master right?]

[Master, Please do so~]


Hearing Anni's consent, I touched her slave collar to register her as mine. The collar dimly lited up in bluish hue color before it dimmed after a few seconds.

Feeling my soul seemed slowly connected to her, I confirmed that the registering process successfully complete as I patted Anni head gently

[Dont worry, After I deem you trustworthy, I will release the slavery contract immediately. Just take this as a probation period to get to know each other better~]

[I understand. Thank you so much for your kind intention, Master]

I nodded at her gently as I continued caressing her head. With Anni's problem already solved, it's time to end this discussion. But before I could speak to Anna, my senses started tingling as I feel someone presence not far from me

[This smell Marie? What is it?]

Marie, who seemed to suppress her presence, showed her appearance and walking toward me while puffing her cheeks in annoyance

[How did you know it was me by just a smell!! Are you a pervert?!]

[hahaha~ joke aside, is that something you need from me?]

Hearing my question, she shrugged her annoyance off before taking something like an envelope from the pocket of her maid dress

[This is a message from the adventurer guild. At first, I planned to give it to you until you finish your business with the guest here, but since you already found me out, I think it's better to give this to you right now]

[Is that so? Thanks a lot, Marie~]

I take the envelope and held it in my hand. Marie who finished her duty left without a word, I could hear her snorting in annoyance while she walking off into the distance

'This woman sure is short-tempered. Or is it just her defense mechanism after get a painful experience with the male in the past?'

I shrugged after moving this thought at the back of my head before turned my head at Anna once again

[Okay~ let's finish the discussion here for now. After you finish telling your decision to Gart, come back here once again, I will take you to my place after that]

Anna looked toward Anni direction and hesitated for a while, she gazed at Anni direction for a few seconds before sighing

[Sigh then, excuse me. Thanks for hearing our circumstance and take my sister to your protection]

[Don't mind it too much, I have some business with that bastard prince to begin with, so it's just in my convenience to take someone who knows about the bastard information in the first place~]

Anna nodded her head before standing up from her seat. She bowed to me in a polite manner and left the garden silently.

Seeing her leaving back, I sighed tiredly before looking at Anni. For some reason, I could feel a hint of sadness in her eyes

[Are you really okay with this, Anni? Serving the same man with your sister, even I feel that's kinda inappropriate]

Anni looked at me weirdly before speaking to me with a confused expression

[Master, I think it's common for a sister from some noble's houses to serve a strong powerhouse together. And by serving the same man, we can always be together and living together, don't you think it's better to struggle together with the people you know in some competitive noble house?]

Hearing her absurd remark, I realized that my mindset was the mindset I had on earth. I decided to answer her with my doubt while having a troubled expression

[It's a little bit make sense if you taking it that way, but... I'm not a noble so...]

[But master harem is the same as Noble house tho]

Hearing her direct remark, I became speechless and didn't know what to say to her

'Come to think of it, my harem already expand to a terrible degree...'


'Right, this world wasn't the same old world I live to Even though I already adapt to the new environment quite well, but the mindset about some political correctness I have on earth is still there'

I stop dwelling on this thing further and decided to respect Anni's choice.

'Since she already consents with it, why should I dwell about this thing further?'

'More importantly, I wonder what the adventurer guild send to me? Let's open it'

I opened the envelope in my hand before taking the things from inside it. There are a new guild card and a letter inside.

I curiously checked the new Adventurer card that had my name engraved in it. The card had an Iron-y steel color in it, but I know it's not iron since I had seen the Iron rank adventurer card that I already gave to adventurer back then when I ranked up after subjugated the Orc King before.

While I still intriguingly observed the card, Anni suddenly answered my curiousness with her deadpan and stiff expression as usual

[Master, Congratulation for ranking up into Titanium rank. But this rank is quite unsuited to master power level since a Grandmaster powerhouse usually ranked into an Adamantite rank]

[So this thing is a Titanium rank card? And you said most of the Adamantite adventurers are Grandmaster powerhouses? Hmm mah, maybe my contribution point wasn't enough to rank up directly to Adamantite, anyway, let's see what is written in the letter that they send me here]

I opened the letter and read it carefully, it's quite a formal letter as I could see the language it used was the same as corporate and business paper. After reading it, it's basically written to congratulate me on my rank-up and the special quest mission completion. It's informed me about the contribution point I get in detail and telling me about taking my quest reward and the town defends reward at the adventurer guild.

'I could skip the town defense reward as I didn't have any intention to take Al's money. Hmmm... It seems Eliz already told the Guildmaster about my special quest completion, what a hardworking butler~ she's really helped me a lot, didn't she? what a charming woman~'

[It seems the Adventurer Guild specially treat Master and made Master as VIP. Usually, they didn't send something like this to their adventurer. Most of the time, they will just give rank up service inside the guild building]

Hearing Anni word, I somewhat understand why they did these troublesome services

'Sigh It's just a special powerhouse treatment... Anyway, let's just send some of the Silver wolf members there to take care of this thing. I want to take a few days off from this adventurer thing'

[Anni, let's go back. I will take you to my place~]

Anni obediently nodded her head and following me from behind silently like a duckling following its mother.

'This emotionless woman sure has a cute side of her~ hehehe~ what a cutie~'

I walked toward Al manor direction with a lighthearted feeling and smile on my face as I having this thought inside my mind~

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