Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 789 Prime Disciple Competition: Nurturing Zone

Chapter 789  Prime Disciple Competition: Nurturing Zone

Mira stepped off the fragile bridge onto solid ground, her feet meeting the soft, dew-kissed grass. She felt like she passed through some sort of barrier before she heard the bridge behind her crack and dissolve into pieces, cutting off her escape.

However, as soon as that happened, information about the island flowed straight into her mind. It wasn't much, just a brief overview of the different sections and places within, but it did help Mira to take her mind off of the past few days.

The weight of the days of combat lifted, replaced by awe and wonder. The vast island before her was a sight to behold, as nothing in her past journeys had quite prepared her for this.

She looked around and was immediately captivated by the Sky Waterfalls.

From the edges of the island, waterfalls flowed downwards like molten silver in the midday sun.

However, the magic lay in their descent; they didn't crash to the nothingness below but rather dissolved midway, transforming into a mesmerizing curtain of mist. This fog swirled and danced, covering the island below the surface and making it look like it was sitting on a cloud..

Adding to the island's allure were the Floating Rivers. These rivers gleamed under the light, flowing gracefully in the air. They twined and twisted, snaking their way above the island, creating gleaming paths of shimmering blue and white.

Taking a deep breath, Mira slowly continued her journey inward. The terrain was unlike anything she had seen before. The island's surface had a myriad of varied landscapes. One moment, her Soul Sense saw a lush forest with towering ancient trees, and the next, she found herself in vast meadows with flowers that shimmered in the sunlight.

The further she saw, the more diverse the landscapes became. From the distance, she spotted majestic mountain ranges piercing the skies and sparkling lakes that mirrored the world above them.

But it wasn't just the island's surface that held wonders. Above her floated mini Sky Islands, pockets of forests levitating above the main island.

These forests were not anchored to any land but floated freely. Their roots were exposed but intertwined, suspended in mid-air, forming an organic mass that moved with the wind. These sky islands moved, drifting just like clouds, casting roaming shadows below.

The wind that blew across Mira's face was fragrant, carrying with it the scent of blossoming flowers and the earthy aroma of untamed wilderness. Every breath she took felt invigorating, filling her with an energy she hadn't felt in a long while.

She looked up, noticing the peculiar phenomenon of the Zonal Glow. Like concentric circles, barriers of color encased different areas of the island, each emitting a faint but distinct light.

Starting from the outermost layer was the Nurturing Zone. It bathed the periphery of the island in a gentle green luminescence that reminded Mira of young sprouts emerging from the earth, full of life and promise. The glow reflected off the leaves, giving the entire forest a verdant shimmer as if nature itself was emanating a soft, warm light.

Further in was the Meditative Zone. This area was bathed in a deep, serene blue reminiscent of the deepest oceans or the vast expanse of the night sky. The waters of the Floating Rivers seemed to absorb this hue, making them appear as streaks of liquid sapphire meandering through the air.

As Mira's eyes journeyed toward the heart of the island, they were met with the Ascendance Zone. This was the crown jewel, glowing in a magnificent royal purple, its luminescence commanding respect and attention. The purple aura seemed to pulsate with power, and from this distance, Mira could feel a surge of energy resonating from it.

The transition between the zones was mesmerizing. The colors blended and danced, reminiscent of the Northern Lights, creating a kaleidoscope that shifted and swirled. It wasn't just a display of colors but a symphony, a harmonious balance between nature and energy. It made the island seem sentient

Before she could even start completing the various challenges that would allow her to move on to the next Zone, she felt a familiar presence nearby.

'Elenei.' Mira thought. She contemplated whether she should head over there but ultimately decided to.

'Let's see how strong she's gotten.'

Mira dashed through the greenery, and it wasn't long before she found a massive 30-meter-long Dracophoenix pummeling a group of Rank 6 beasts into the ground. However, before they were crushed into meat paste, a barrier enveloped them, keeping them alive yet unconscious.

She could sense that Elenei was a Peak-Stage Rank 6 beast on the verge of a breakthrough, but she was curious how her enemies survived.

Elenei noticed Mira's presence, but before saying high, she leaned down and plucked a flower with her beak and put it in her Spatial Necklace.

Due to their connection, she could sense the turmoil within Mira but decided not to comment on that.

"Seems you made it here in one piece," Elenei commented.

Mira nodded without any change in her expression. Glancing at the unconscious beasts, she asked, "Why are they still alive?"

The Dracophoenix shook her head, "I'm not entirely sure, but I think it has to do with the difference in power."


Mira's reply felt oddly cold and distant to Elenei, but she didn't mind it as she'd always been… eccentric. "Well, I've only been here for a few hours, but from what I can tell, this island is providing some sort of protection to the weaker people."

She then pointed at the fallen beasts with her wings. "Take those guys as an example. My current strength is somewhere within the Rank 7 range, maybe Rank 8 if they're weak. Obviously, I can kill them in a single hit if I'd like, but the island won't let me. Only when I use a power that's comparable to theirs will the barrier not activate, and I'll be able to kill them. But…"

Mira interrupted, "But unless you have a grudge against them, it's not worth it."


They both speculated that this was probably the island's way of keeping fairness while, at the same time, not wasting all the rewards that these beings received from prior islands. This wasn't a charity, after all.

Most of the items found here were impossible to gather in the outside world. Even if they were, they would be incredibly rare. Surely, there wasn't an infinite number of resources that this Realm could spit out to whoever it desired.

Mira contemplated Elenei's words for a moment before deciding she had to see for herself. The urge to explore her strength and the island's peculiar defense system was too strong. She said her goodbyes to Elenei and set off, determined to conduct her own experiments.

She didn't have to venture far before encountering her first group of beasts, a herd of horned elk-like creatures that radiated Rank 5 cultivation. In her hybrid form, she summoned her trusty scythe and swung it at the nearest beast.

True to Elenei's observation, a barrier appeared, deflecting the deadly swing and leaving the creature unharmed.

"Interesting," she muttered to herself.

She next tried channeling her Qi, attempting to incapacitate one of the beasts with a potent burst. The same protective barrier appeared, causing her attack to dissipate harmlessly.

Mira frowned, contemplating her next move.

She tried a few more things, such as attacking with her bare hands, limiting her strength severely to the point it was below the beast's, and a few more, but nothing worked.

The only remaining method was to embrace her beast form. Despite it being insanely powerful, she rarely found a reason to transform fully. It always felt... different, unfamiliar. She had trained her Martial Arts, Techniques, Scythe, and Qi for decades now.

To switch to a completely different style, especially in a dangerous Realm like this, seemed foolhardy.

But now, her curiosity was piqued. She needed to see if, as a beast, she could bypass the island's protective measures.

Closing her eyes, Mira started her transformation. Her limbs elongated, her face morphed, and thick silver fur sprouted across her body. Nine magnificent tails fanned out behind her, each one shimmering with power. As the change was completed, Mira the hybrid was replaced by a large, majestic 9-tailed fox.

She found the world looked different in this form; colors were more vibrant, scents were more potent, and sounds were sharper. She approached the herd again, trying to match her energy with theirs, ensuring she didn't overwhelm them with her superior power.

This was the challenge - to hold back, to be precise.

Mira lunged at one of the beasts, her jaws aiming for its neck. There was no barrier this time, and her teeth met flesh. The creature let out a pained cry before going limp in her grasp. She'd done it.

She continued her experiment, discovering that while she could overcome the island's protection, she needed to carefully manage her power. Too strong, and the barrier would save the creatures; too weak, and she would be vulnerable to their counterattacks.

Mira also realized that combat in this form was wildly different from what she was used to. The instinct-driven actions of the beast conflicted with her calculated human strategies. Several times, she found herself making the wrong move, allowing her prey to escape or even counterattack.

After a few hours, Mira reverted to her hybrid form, panting from the exertion. It was clear she needed more practice in her beast form if she wanted to make the most of her time on the island.

'I guess… with that out of the way, it's time for me to search for the purpose of this Zone.' Mira thought as she walked deeper into the island.

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