Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 788 Prime Disciple Competition: Bridge

Chapter 788  Prime Disciple Competition: Bridge

The bridge beneath Mira's feet had an enigmatic shimmer to it, reflecting shades of silver and gold intermingling. It was oddly calming, but the serenity ended there. The vast expanse on either side of the bridge was a chasm, an endless void filled with just a dim ambient light that emanated from an unknown source.

For as far as the eye could see in front of her and beyond, there was nothing.

'So, the next island is at least over one hundred kilometers away.' Mira mused. With her speed, that normally wouldn't take long, but there was a slight problem.

She stomped on the bridge with about half her power in an attempt to speed off into the distance, but the bridge below her cracked. It didn't crack in just one spot either but over 10 kilometers!

'Well… That's new.' She thought before testing out if she could fly. But as she suspected, she couldn't, not even with her Paragon Wings.

Mira shrugged, not bothered by this, and kept walking. She needed time to adapt to her strength anyway.

She had taken no more than a dozen steps when her hand unconsciously touched the obsidian ring on her finger.

She stared at the ring with worry and doubt apparent in her gaze. Was Maria still there, waiting on the other end? Or did she really kill her? The sheer idea of sending Qi into the ring and not feeling that familiar connection was terrifying.

However, as she walked, her resolve solidified. Her mind was too preoccupied with this. If any sort of danger arrived, she didn't know if she'd be able to react fast enough, considering the bridge was an unknown factor.

She took a deep breath, pushing her Qi gently into the ring.

For a split second, there was nothing. But then, a scrambled, chaotic connection vibrated back. It was as though the pull from Maria was coming from all directions simultaneously. Bewildered, Mira tried to isolate the direction, but it was impossible. It was as if Maria was everywhere and nowhere.

Mira's worry intensified. The connection had worked in the Abyssal Torment Steps, but she failed to test it when she first entered this Realm.

'Is it because Maria was standing right in front of me? Was that really her? Or just an illusion?' She couldn't know, not until she left this place.

Shaking her head and trying to push the dread to the back of her mind, Mira continued her walk. She would need all her focus for the journey ahead.

The atmosphere shifted abruptly, the bridge's dim luminescence dulled by looming shadows overhead. Mira's senses sharpened immediately. Her instincts screamed at her just before she caught the glimpse of razor talons and sleek feathered bodies diving toward her.

Avian creatures, their eyes a fiery crimson and their wings spread wide, darkened the skies. The ominous beat of their wings created a symphony of foreboding.

As they neared, Mira could see the gnarled feathers, the rough texture of their skins, and the hunger evident in their gaze. They weren't ordinary birds. Their size, the eeriness of their calls, and the menacing aura surrounding them signaled the danger they represented.

Her fingers clasped the handle of her scythe, drawing it in one fluid motion.

However, the thought of the bridge's fragility nagged at her. One wrong move, one overpowered swing, and she could be plummeting into the nothingness below.

The first beast lunged, talons outstretched. Mira sidestepped, gracefully deflecting it with the side of her scythe. The bridge quivered beneath her but held.

Another avian creature swooped in from her right. With precise calculation, she angled her weapon just so, allowing the momentum of the creature to carry it past her, the blade barely grazing its feathers.

Each movement she made was measured, and each swing of her scythe was carefully controlled. The bridge's fragility forced Mira to tap into a more refined form of combat, relying less on brute strength and more on skill and strategy.

Little by little, she was slowly getting accustomed to her new strength, but it would still take time.

'Right now, I just need to not use enough power to destroy the bridge.' Mira thought, dodging another attack.

However, the birds, perhaps sensing her hesitance, grew bolder. They began to coordinate their attacks, coming at her from multiple directions.

Each dive bomb and strike was choreographed like a dark ballet in the skies. Their screeches resonated, creating a discordant tune that echoed in her mind.

Mira's world became a whirlwind of feathers and talons, the golden and silver reflections of the bridge no longer a calming sight but a dangerous stage.

Suddenly, a particularly massive avian beast, its wingspan casting a formidable shadow, joined the fray. Its beady eyes fixed on Mira, and with a deafening screech, it led a wave of its comrades in a unified assault.

Mira's heart pumped. Their numbers and the combined might of their onslaught presented a challenge she couldn't ignore.

Even her finely honed instincts were being tested, as every second demanded a fresh decision: defend, evade, or retaliate, all without shattering the bridge beneath her feet.

With a spin, she swung her scythe upward, creating a barrier of Qi that deflected several of the creatures.

They collided in mid-air, disoriented and momentarily thwarted. Seizing this chance, Mira focused her energy, her Qi pulsating around the scythe.

Instead of using brute force, she formed a razor-thin arc of energy that cut through the air, slicing the attackers in half and sending them plummeting to who knows where without needing the might of a full swing.

The larger beast remained undeterred and made its move. It dived straight for Mira, the force of its descent threatening to shatter the bridge outright.

Mira braced herself, her Qi converging to a focal point at the tip of her scythe.

As the creature was about to collide, she thrust the scythe forward, it flap back awkwardly and regroup.

not to impale but to channel a burst of Qi right into the beast's path. The energy discharge was enough to halt its descent, making it flap back awkwardly and regroup.

'Although it's a bit dangerous…' Mira glanced at the bridge, 'But, it'd be a waste to get rid of these creatures right now. This situation is just what I needed to help control my strength!'

Her breakthrough to the 9th Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm brought significant changes, ones that would need longer than a few seconds to adapt to.

She wouldn't treat this as some random attack; this was an opportunity, a live training ground.

The next few days were a blur of unending combat. She moved in sync with the bridge's rhythm, letting its sways and vibrations guide her movements. Her scythe danced alongside her, its arcs a testament to her control and precision.

The massive avian beast, clearly the leader of the flock, seemed to sense her intention. Rather than a full-on attack, it started employing tactics, sending smaller groups of its subordinates in waves, each more skilled and tactical than the last. These were no mindless creatures; there was intelligence behind those fiery eyes.

As the hours passed by, Mira found herself falling into a trance-like rhythm. Dodge, deflect, strike, repeat. Every encounter tested her limitations, every evasion improved her agility, and every strike honed her control.

Rest was a luxury she couldn't afford. She would occasionally pause to catch her breath, using her Qi to sustain her energy. The dim ambient light around the bridge never wavered, making it difficult to gauge the passage of time. However, her internal clock told her it had been days.

During these brief pauses, Mira would also try to connect with Maria through the obsidian ring. The chaotic vibes were still the same as ever, but she held out hope, hope that the fact she could feel 'something' was good. This added to her determination, fueling her drive to reach the end of the bridge.

Mira noticed the avian attacks becoming more sporadic as she neared the bridge's end.

Perhaps they sensed the nearing boundary of their territory, or maybe they had grown wary of the woman who could fend off their relentless onslaught for days.

On the final stretch, the massive avian beast made one last effort, its screech echoing through the void. It led a massive wave of its comrades, their numbers dwarfing any previous attack. But Mira was ready.

Drawing upon every ounce of her skill, she met their assault head-on. But this time, she felt different.

There was an ease, a flow to her movements, a result of days of relentless combat. Her swings were measured, and her steps were precise. Every move she made was an embodiment of perfect control.

It didn't take long for her to fend off the last of them, including the massive beast, which ultimately fell below the bridge bisected and spurting blood.

Mira regained what little Qi she used from her black runes and looked ahead, ready to face the next challenge.

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