Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 753 Prime Disciple Competition: Prelude

Another two months went by, with the Battle Maiden Sect rapidly growing in strength every day. 

Thanks to Mira and Dominique's efforts, a good chunk of the Sect was strengthened to some extent, with the Inner and Core disciples seeing more improvements than those from the Outer Court.

The two worked day and night without rest, working nonstop to pump out as many bloodlines as they could. After a while, they had lost count, but Mira figured they had improved at least 100,000 bloodlines over the last 5-6 months.

There was absolutely no way she would've been able to do so many without Dominique's help. Not just because she was an extra hand but she had a limited supply of Celestial Nectar, which she used up every single day. 

However, as long as Dominique had Qi, she could continue to work. Although she was less efficient, after tens of thousands of attempts, her control was bound to improve. 

Mira also taught Dominique how to use the Harmonic Trinity Cultivation Technique, which would not only assist them now but would deepen her Foundation. 

Of course, Dominique could only learn a lesser version of it, given she didn't have access to her soul like Mira did, nor did she have a World Core in there, but it would still be helpful.

Dominique's dedication and hard work were evident in the improved strength and vitality of the Battle Maiden Sect's members. The disciples looked healthier, more vibrant, perhaps a little different, and their aura resonated with newfound strength. 

The transformation was not just physical but also mental, as their confidence surged, their passion for cultivation surged. With the added pressure from the Prime Disciple Competition, the whole Sect was working harder than ever before.


On the day of the next phase of the Prime Disciple Competition, while everyone was training, all disciples suddenly received a token that immediately pierced their skin as soon as it touched them. However, this token was different for each tier of Disciple. 

The Outer Court Disciple's tokens had a single sword on them.

The Inner Court Disciple's tokens had two swords on them.

The Core Disciple's tokens had two swords overlaying a shield on them.

Excitement surged on their faces as they glanced at one another, now looking at each other as competitors instead of sisters. 

It was finally time!

Time for them to rise up! 

"My disciples!" Aelina's voice thundered throughout the Sect. "I know you've all waited a long time for this day! The competition for the Prime Disciple spot has officially begun!"





Aelina smiled, letting them holler and shout for a while before waving her hand, causing them to quiet down.

"However, this year will be slightly different than years past! For this phase of the competition, it won't just be our Sect partaking in this, but a few others as well!" Aelina paused, allowing that to settle in, only to continue a moment later. "The Immortal Sword Sect, Profound Elements Sect, Hidden Blade Sect, and Divine Weapons Sect have decided to participate alongside us. Each using this as a way to search for suitable Prime Disciple candidates."


Shock and disbelief appeared on the Disciples' faces. Even Mira and the other Core Disciples were taken aback by this news.

"Each of their disciples will also have a token similar to yours. It'll look slightly different than yours, depending on their Sect and status, but they have the same purpose."

"The Rules of the competition are simple. Capture as many tokens as you can! It doesn't matter who it's from or how you obtain it; all you need to do is take them and ensure they aren't stolen from you!"

The disciples instantly looked at each other warily and attempted to put the token in their spatial rings, only to realize that they wouldn't enter. 

Aelina smirked at this and continued, "Some of you may have already found out, but those tokens cannot enter any sort of spatial item. Thus, you're forced to hide it on your body. However, you're free to put it anywhere. In your breasts, bottom, stomach, or even vagina, it doesn't matter. But be warned, the tokens emit a unique energy signature that's easily recognizable. So, other contestants will always know whether you still have yours or not."

A collective gasp rang through the Sect. 

What the hell was this?! Wasn't this too ruthless?!

The Sect Master was basically telling them that unless they wanted to die or were confident in their strength, they should keep the token somewhere more easily accessible.

Aelina nodded, glad that her disciples weren't so stupid that they couldn't take a hint. "The point system is very simple. You will receive 1 point for every token of the same 'status' as yours. However, there will also be bonuses offered."

"Those in the Outer Court will receive 50 points for defeating someone from the Inner Court and 250 from the Core Court. The same goes for you, Inner Disciples. You'll receive 50 points for stealing the token from a Core Disciple and .02 points for stealing from Outer disciples. As for you Core Disciples… you have no bonuses, but you will still get points for defeating those weaker than you. .02 points per Inner Disciple and .004 points per Outer Disciple. Not having your original token at the end will cut your points in half. The same point system goes for beasts killed and treasures collected. However, the Token will record those itself."

'That's so unfair!' Everyone shouted in their minds! But, the last sentence confused them, as they didn't know how beasts and treasures played into this.

What if one of the Core Disciples just decided to shamelessly go on a rampage through the Inner and Outer Courts?! What were they supposed to do? Stop them?

However, that was exactly what Aelina wanted them to do! The threat from stronger disciples should always be there. 

After all, the Prime Disciple position wasn't for anyone. They would have a status second only to her. Therefore they had to earn it, if not with their cultivation, then with their wits and survivability.

"However, there is one caveat!" Aelina suddenly grinned. 

Mira, who had stepped out of the 'dungeon', immediately had a bad feeling. 

"If any one of you can take Mira's token, the Prime Disciple position is yours! I'll stop the competition immediately and give it to you. The same goes for if Mira is defeated by someone from another Sect. If you can defeat them afterward, the position is yours!"


The disciples' eyes lit up hearing that. In their minds, a picture of Mira formed, and they began imagining a million different ways to cut her down.

The only one who wasn't amused was the person in question.

'This fucking…' Mira's eyes narrowed dangerously, but Aelina just gave her a cheeky grin and turned to face the rest of the Sect.

"Now, I'm sure you have many questions, but I have no time for answers. Instead, let me show you where this little competition of ours will take place." 

Aelina turned to face the center of the Ancient Beast Mountain Range, where there was a massive barrier known only to the strongest people on the Continent. 

Her eyes twinkled with determination as she gazed at the massive barrier nestled amidst the Ancient Beast Mountain Range. Taking a deep breath, she summoned all her strength and unleashed a colossal beam of radiant energy toward the barrier.

Almost instantly, four other energy signatures – each distinctly powerful and different in hue – sprang to life from different parts of the mountain range. The energy beams from the leaders of the Immortal Sword Sect, Profound Elements Sect, Hidden Blade Sect, and Divine Weapons Sect all converged with Aelina's, collectively launching an unparalleled assault on the formidable barrier.

The sky rippled, and the ground quaked as the combined might of the five Sect Masters met the immense strength of the ancient barrier. Energy fluctuations spread across the range, causing wild beasts to flee in terror, and the atmosphere became thick with tension. Every disciple, regardless of their sect, watched in awe, knowing that this was a historical moment.

After what seemed like an eternity, there was an earsplitting crack. The barrier, which had stood for countless millennia, began to fissure. With one last combined push from the Sect Masters, the barrier shattered into countless luminous fragments that showered the ground like a meteor shower. Unfortunately, the remaining energy from the attack was stopped by another barrier that they would have to go through personally.

The aftermath left a surreal silence, interrupted only by the panting of the five Sect Masters, whose faces were now pale from the exertion.

As the luminous fragments of the barrier settled, a vast expanse was revealed. Beyond the broken barrier lay a vast expanse, teeming with dense spiritual energy, ancient trees that reached the sky, and rivers that flowed with sparkling water. The air was pure, and even from a distance, the disciples could feel the immense spiritual pressure emanating from this land.

"This," Aelina began, her voice filled with excitement, "is where your battlefield, your future, will take place."


"It's about time we see what the beasts have been hiding all this time," She added. "What do you say we test out your new strength to kickstart this competition?" Aelina's voice echoed throughout the silent Sect. 

The disciples were too shocked to say anything. Everything happened too fast! 

"OH!" One woman finally snapped out of her reverie, took out her weapon, raised it in the air, and shouted.

This shook the others awake, and they, too, followed her lead.






Soon, the entire Sect was shouting as if they were spartans about to go to war. Their voices were heard outside the Sect and even across multiple cities. It was as if it was a prelude to the incoming chaos that was about to ensue.

'Good. Looks like they're all full of energy,' Aelina chuckled, her gaze becoming distant. 'Now, it's time to see just how strong they've gotten over the last few months.'

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