Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 752 Integration

Over the last two months, a question arose between Mira and Dominique: What made them different from others who had integrated with a bloodline?

Was it their purity? Was it how deeply ingrained their bloodlines were? Were they legitimately part beast and, thus, were able to fully merge with their bloodlines? Or, in the creation of their new body, did they transform into a completely different species?

Perhaps, it was a mixture of everything.

Mira remembered long ago when she received the Kuraokami Bloodline. Although she gained tremendous strength from it, she didn't sprout any tails, scales, or wings. All it did was boost her strength, affinity, and cultivation speed.

It wasn't until she underwent that transformation while breaking through to the Core Formation Realm did she actually exhibit the features of her bloodline. And from the sound of it, Dominique went through a similar experience, just a little different.

With the two putting their minds together and sharing their thoughts, it wasn't long before Mira came to a conclusion.

The Soul!

As seen by herself, one's soul is a reflection of their being. To go even deeper, Mira believed that conscious life wasn't possible without a soul. A mind, body, and soul are all intrinsically linked to one another; without any one of them, there was an imbalance.

That being said, she only integrated the Kuraokami into her body. It didn't affect her mind, and certainly not her soul.

However, when she merged with her 9-Tailed Fox bloodline, it integrated into every facet of her being. She, quite literally, became a 9-Tailed Fox. The same went for Dominique.

Neither their soul nor their bodies were human anymore. However, they weren't beasts either. Which was why they had such trouble answering this seemingly simple question.

They didn't know whether beasts had a soul or not, as it generally wasn't something one could check. But, if they went off Mira's theory, perhaps the reason why the beast cultivation system was so simple, including their energy pathways, was because they didn't have a complex or strong enough soul to handle anything more.

However, when they got stronger and eventually became Rank 8, they could transform into a human form, but unfortunately, they were still stuck with the same cultivation system.

Of course, this was all just a theory, one that was untested, but Mira and Dominique were fairly confident they were right.

As for why they even cared… Well, they were about to work on Nova's bloodline, which previously belonged to Zehir, and they didn't want to give her anything but the best!

Dominique looked pensive, her fingers absently twirling a strand of her red hair. "The differentiation between the body, mind, and soul... That's a profound understanding. And this unique merging of our bloodlines into the very core of our beings... It's no wonder our cultivation experiences are different from most."

Mira nodded, her sharp eyes darting around the room, taking in the countless parchments detailing various methods of bloodline integration. "If our theory is correct, then it means the strength of a bloodline is not just about its purity, quality, or quantity, but also its connection to the soul of its bearer."

"Let's keep that in mind as we work on this for Nova!" Dominique exclaimed as she walked over to the Blood Essence of one of the corpses Nova had provided (one she accidentally killed) and began purifying it. 

Mira joined her and, with the help of a Suppression Array provided by Aelina, began working on the living beasts, forcefully increasing their strength, purifying their bloodlines, and repeating this process until they reached their limit.

Since Zehir's Ouroboros bloodline was part of the Dragon family, Mira had Nova capture beasts who had a portion of Dragon Blood in their veins. 

Of course, the amount of it was incredibly small compared to a real Dragon. So, in that regard, what she lacked in quality, she had to make up for with quality. That was why Nova was gone for so long. 

Mira forced her to hunt down hundreds of beasts with a hint of Dragon blood in them! All of whom weren't easy opponents!

A few days went by, with Mira and Dominique putting their entire minds on this project, stopping everything else. 

Thanks to Dominique's new species and abilities, Mira had a lot easier time working on and purifying weaker Blood Essences, and could spend most of her time on the more difficult ones.

She'd learned a lot over the last few months and could safely say that her ability to pump out quality Bloodlines had improved vastly since she began. Now, she was going to put all of her knowledge to the test and see how far she could push a watered-down Ouroboros.

A little over 4 days later, they had gone through all the 'ingredients' and were left with the finished product. 

The result was a shimmering, black vial of liquid swirling with the distinct energy signatures of a single beast. Each twirl and motion of the liquid seemed to be alive, dancing dragons weaving through the fire. The energy it emanated was palpable even from a distance, the atmosphere in the room charged and heated.

Dominique, gazing at the vial, inhaled deeply. "It's... overwhelming. The potency, the essence. We've really outdone ourselves."

Mira nodded, her fingers lightly grazing the vial. A tingling sensation traveled up her arm. "We've stripped every other bloodline of everything aside from the dragon portion. This Blood Essence might not have the same quantity as a real Dragon's, but the purity is about as good as it's going to get. Or, at least, as good as we can make it."

Unless they had a real Dragon to test on, Mira would never be able to enhance Zehir's bloodline to such heights. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible.

Dominique raised an eyebrow. "But is it stable? Introducing such a complex concoction to Nova... won't there be repercussions?"

Mira took a moment, concentrating on the vial. "It's stable for now. But the integration process is another story. Nova's body and soul will have to be in perfect harmony to fully accept and adapt to this."

"Then we must ensure she's prepared for it," Dominique replied. "Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. This bloodline is not just a simple transfusion; it's a rebirth."

They were going to have Nova be the first test subject for their theory. Although it was certainly dangerous, the advantages and potential benefits would be much greater.

The two knew the challenges ahead. While they had the bloodline ready, they had to prepare Nova for the integration. It wasn't something to be rushed. A harmonious synchronization of body, mind, and soul was crucial. Any misstep could lead to catastrophic consequences.

Over the next few days, they began Nova's preparation. Guided meditations, special cultivation exercises, and energy harmonizing sessions became a daily regimen. Mira also made Nova buy a series of potions to enhance her adaptability and strengthen her core.

One evening, as the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting a scarlet glow over the world, the time came for the final step. Nova, after days of rigorous preparation, sat in the center of a massive energy-gathering array, surrounded by radiant glyphs and runes.

"Are you ready?" Mira asked.

Nova only nodded, giving them the signal to start.

Mira and Dominique stood on either side, channeling their energy, ensuring the stability of the procedure. The vial floated in front of Nova, who took a deep breath, reaching out and grasping it.

As the bloodline merged into Nova, a whirlwind of energy enveloped her. The room trembled, and brilliant rays of light emanated from the array. Dominique and Mira focused intently, guiding the immense energy, ensuring its smooth flow into Nova.

Nova's entire body was engulfed in a radiant white light. Mira could see the energy trying to permeate every fiber of Nova's being. The blood essence seemed eager yet aggressive, testing the waters and pushing against the barriers that Nova's body, mind, and soul put up.

"It's okay, Nova. Let it flow through you. Feel it but don't fight it," Mira whispered, her voice calm yet powerful.

Painful grunts and gasps emanated from within the blinding light. Nova's form within seemed to be convulsing, writhing as the potent essence made its way through her. Every cell in her body was screaming in agony as they were remade, transformed to house the formidable power of the Ouroboros.

Dominique, seeing the violent struggle, channeled more of her own energy, forming a shield around Nova and stabilizing the environment. "Mira, she's resisting it! Her mind is battling against the essence!"

Mira's eyes flashed with determination. "Guide her, Dominique. Show her that the strength she seeks is within her grasp, but only if she surrenders."

Nova's consciousness was a storm of chaos. Memories, sensations, and emotions swirled around as the bloodline's power sought dominion over her mind. Fears, doubts, and regrets surfaced, each more potent than the last.

But amidst that storm, Mira's voice echoed, reaching out to her. "Embrace it, Nova. Trust yourself. Your mind is a fortress. Let the essence in, but be its master. Command it!"

Pain flared in her soul, a searing sensation that felt as if her very essence was being torn apart and rebuilt. It was an intimacy that she'd never felt before; a deep connection between her soul and the bloodline. As the essence reached the deepest recesses of her soul, Nova could feel a shift, an acceptance, a union.

Externally, the changes began to manifest. A magnificent, intricate dragon tattoo wound its way up her back, its eyes glittering with a fiery intensity. The scales on it shimmered, moving as if the dragon was alive and breathing. 

Nova's once-normal eyes transformed into reptilian slits, exuding a fiery glow. Her nails grew and sharpened. 

Fiery red strands of her hair gained black highlights, contrasting and emphasizing her new fierce appearance. Every muscle in her body tightened and bulged, evidence of the newfound strength coursing within. 

With the final stage of the transformation, she grew a few centimeters, her stature more imposing than ever.

Black flames, infused with a hint of crimson, danced and twirled around her, a testament to her newfound power and the successful integration of the bloodline. The atmosphere itself crackled with energy, a pulsing rhythm that seemed to vibrate with life.

Suddenly, an immense aura, almost oppressive in its strength, burst forth from Nova, its sheer power alarming the higher beings in the vicinity.

The surrounding Elders approached rapidly, sensing the surge of power, curious and wary of the sudden disturbance.

Aelina, sensing the imminent intrusion, formed a barrier, blocking the Elders. Her eyes held a warning, "Do not interfere."

Inside the protective array, Dominique and Mira breathed a sigh of relief. The process was grueling and fraught with danger, but the result was evident. Nova, with the aura of a dragon, had completed the integration!

Nova slowly opened her eyes, the newfound clarity and depth evident. With a voice that echoed power and authority, she whispered, "Thank you, Mira."

Mira gave her a nod and said, "The experiment went better than expected."

"....Experiment?" Nova froze, her eyes quivering for a moment. However, Mira ignored her and walked away, with Dominique following behind her after she had somehow cleaned the place up. 

"Did you note that down?"

"Of course! I didn't miss a thing!"

"The next test subjects should already be here. Let's see if we can replicate this process again or if it was just Nova having a high 'soul resonance' with the bloodline."

"Mm! Understood, Mother!"

Meanwhile, Nova just stood there, as still as a statue. A shiver ran down her spine when she thought back to what just happened. 

Since Mira was the one leading everything, Nova had full trust in her capabilities. Mira was a serious person, after all. She wouldn't do something she couldn't do with 100% certainty. Thus, she let the woman take the lead without asking any questions.

'A mistake! A big mistake! I seriously could've died!' Then, the faces of her companions crossed her mind, and she immediately dashed out of the clearing. 'I have to inform the others about this!'

Unfortunately, her warning did fuck all, as they were more than willing to put their lives on the line in order to have as drastic of a change as Nova.

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