I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 506: Sinestro

Chapter 506: Sinestro

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The shrill sound of alarms blared through the Watchtower, each pulsating ring echoing the urgency of the situation. Batman's voice cut through the chaos as he issued the distress call, summoning every available League member to the heart of their headquarters.

"The League is under attack. All available members report immediately to the Watchtower for emergency assignment." Peter and Tony heard his call through their stolen comms.

Instantly, they glanced at each other, tension thick in the air. Fixing the ship had been a dull and monotonous task, but this was an entirely different matter. Tony's eager eyes pleaded with Peter, the desire to be part of the action clearly etched across his face.

Peter sighed, knowing that there was no way Tony would be content sitting this one out. He waved his hand, creating a shimmering portal right beside them. "Alright, let's go see what's happening."

With an excited grin, Tony stepped through the portal, followed closely by Peter. The portal snapped shut behind them, leaving the spaceship repairs momentarily abandoned.

As they emerged in the Watchtower, they were met with a flurry of activity. League members were pouring in from every corner, each having used the boom tube, the teleportation system designed to get them to the Watchtower in record time. There was an air of tension that hung heavy in the room, especially because some of their fellow heroes were absent.

Batman, ever vigilant, eyed Peter and Tony with his usual stoic expression. He might not have liked them, but the situation demanded their cooperation, and he wasn't about to kick out potential allies in the fight against this unforeseen threat.

With everyone assembled, Batman approached a control panel and, with a swift motion, activated a massive screen that dominated one wall of the room. The screen lit up with a grim display, showing the status of various League members who were currently under attack.

Superman's eyes narrowed as he watched the screen, a mixture of anger and concern etching his features. The Joker, a man responsible for countless atrocities, stood alongside Bizarro, an entity that had brought him nothing but grief over the years. They were engaged in a brutal battle with Cyborg, who appeared to be on the losing end of the confrontation.

As he witnessed the chaotic scene, Superman's grip on the armrest of his chair tightened. Bizarro was a longtime nemesis of his, but the Joker was a much more important target now, his attempts to harm his family and the death of his friend, Jimmy Olsen, had left deep scars on Superman's heart. This was not just another mission… it was personal.

Batman's gravelly voice cut through the room, drawing the attention of every hero present. "We are facing a coordinated attack form some of our most notable enemies," he declared, his jaw set with determination. "Each of you should be prepared for combat. We will be using the boom tube to transport you to the locations of your respective teammates."

Batman and Superman failed to mention anything about the deaths of the Hawk couple, which was most likely due to the fact that they were running low on time. If they didn't move quickly, then others would no doubt succumb to the same fate.

As the room buzzed with energy and tension, Tony raised his hand, capturing the attention of those present. "We're here to help. Send us wherever you need us."

Superman, his expression softening, nodded in approval. "Thank you both. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated."

Without wasting another moment, Batman operated the control panel once more. The room vibrated with power as the boom tube activated. One by one, League members disappeared with a flash of light, ready to confront the threats that had befallen their comrades.

Peter and Tony shared a brief look before disappearing as well. As everyone left, including Batman and Superman, the Watchtower fell into a calm silence, contrasting heavily with the chaos taking place on the planet below.


Emerging from the boom tube, Peter found himself hovering above a bustling city, his keen senses immediately focusing on the turmoil across from him. High above the city, two figures, clad in green and yellow, clashed in the skies, locked in a vicious battle that threatened to tear the city apart.

The first figure was none other than Green Lantern, a hero Peter had met before. However, the state he was in now was a stark contrast to the confident and formidable hero Peter remembered. Green Lantern's suit was tattered and torn, blood trickled down from a split lip, and numerous cuts marred his body. He was struggling against a powerful adversary, clearly fighting a losing battle.

The source of his suffering was unmistakable, a sinister and imposing figure that radiated an ominous yellow light. Sinestro, the arch-nemesis of Green Lantern, was a sight to behold. His yellow power ring glowed with malevolent energy, casting an eerie illumination over his villainous visage. His skin was a sickly pale yellow, and his piercing blue eyes exuded a sense of cold and calculating menace.

[Insert picture of Sinestro here]

Peter knew a bit about Sinestro and his yellow power ring, which was fueled by fear rather than the willpower that empowered Green Lantern's green ring. However, Peter was an exception to the rule, he didn't fear most people, and Sinestro was no exception. 'After fighting Dormammu and meeting beings like the Great Weaver, it's hard to be scared of most people…'

As the battle raged on, Sinestro, with a wicked grin, sent Green Lantern hurtling toward the ground. He summoned a lance of yellow energy, poised to impale the hero. It was a critical moment, and Peter decided it was time to intervene.

With a burst of supernatural speed, Peter appeared beside Sinestro, delivering a swift and powerful Spartan Kick to the villain's ribs. Caught off guard, Sinestro spat a mouthful of blood as he was sent hurtling across the city, crashing into a nearby building with a deafening impact.

"Hey, you good?" Peter turned to check on Green Lantern, only to find him unconscious from the brutal battle. The extent of his injuries left Peter bewildered, unable to fathom how Sinestro had managed to gain the upper hand so brutally.

With a shrug, Peter opened a portal beneath Green Lantern, whisking him away to the medical bay inside the Watchtower. He only hoped someone would be there to tend to the fallen hero. 'Meh, whatever, he'll live either way.'

As Green Lantern vanished, Sinestro emerged from the rubble, seething with anger and a desire for vengeance. He had no knowledge of who Peter was, but he was ready to destroy the interloper who had dared to challenge him. "You!"

"Me?" Peter faced Sinestro, jokingly looking over his shoulder to see who his opponent was talking to.

"Yes, you!" Sinestro seemed more than p*ssed off at Peter's antics, but he soon realized that Green Lantern was gone. "Where are you hiding that weak willed Lantern?"

Shrugging, Peter began pointing in all sorts of direction. "There? No, maybe over her? Huh? Not there either… Maybe in there?"

This only seemed to anger Sinestro even more as he bore down on Peter will bloodthirsty radiating from his harsh glare. "Enough of this!"

Without another word, Sinestro launched himself at his new enemy, utilizing his yellow power ring along the way to create constructs in the form of deadly weapons, each designed to brutally tear his enemies apart. But Peter's unique combination of powers made him a challenging opponent. His extreme agility and reflexes allowed him to evade Sinestro's attacks with grace and ease.

With a burst of Phoenix flame, Peter soared through the air, his fiery silhouette illuminating the sky. He launched tendrils of flame at Sinestro, who responded by creating an energy shield to protect himself. It held for a few seconds but ultimately crumbled under the flames of destruction, which could burn away anything.

"!" Sinestro's eyes widened in alarm as his shield was eaten away.

Not letting up, Peter waved his hand and summoned a spell circle, which in turn launched eldritch powered bolts of lightning at Sinestro, who was forced to constantly adapt his defenses, running from every attack that came his way.

As the battle raged on, Peter's relentless attacks began to wear down Sinestro. The combination of his agility, Phoenix flames, and mystic arts gave him the upper hand. Sinestro struggled to keep up, his energy constructs faltering as they clashed with Peter's relentless onslaught.

Finally, as Sinestro was preoccupied with dodging a ball of Phoenix flames, Peter seized the moment. "Alright, I think this has gone on long enough… After all, I have to go and find the Joker."

In a burst of eldritch energy, Peter summoned a gleaming spear of pure energy, poised to deliver the final blow. He drove it through Sinestro's heart, impaling the villain with a surge of eldritch power. Sinestro's defiant scowl turned to shock as his chest was pierced through.

With a shuddering gasp, Sinestro's life drained away, and he fell to the ground, his yellow power ring flickering and fading. "Don't mind if I do…" Peter reached down, plucking the ring from Sinestro's lifeless hand and pocketing it as his spoil of war.

As the battle ended, the city below breathed a collective sigh of relief. Sinestro had been vanquished, and the threat had been eliminated.

Peter stood victorious, hearing the sounds of an entire city thanking him and cheering from below. He had been ruthless in the way he dealt with Sinestro, yet the people didn't seem to care a single bit. "Maybe not everyone in this universe is a pacifistic idiot?"

Now, with Sinestro defeated and Green Lantern safely in the Watchtower, Peter could finally go and check in Superman, who was no doubt fighting Bizarro and the Joker right now. "I wonder if he'll killed them?"

A/N: 1667 words :)



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