I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 505: RIP Birds

Chapter 505: RIP Birds

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Since the Joker's escape, the Justice League had been on high alert. Their patrols had intensified, blanketing the world with their presence. News channels buzzed with reports of Justice League sightings, but the public remained in the dark about the real reason behind these activities. All they knew was that something grave was afoot, given the League's unprecedented mobilization.

Back in the Watchtower, Batman and Superman returned with their loved ones. For Superman, that meant bringing his elderly parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent, to the space station. He had decided it was best to keep them away from Kent Farm for the time being. It was an unusual sight for the elderly couple as they were teleported, via the boom tube, up to a space station filled with all sorts of high-tech marvels that they didn't come close to understanding.

Jonathan Kent scratched his head, his eyes wide as he marveled at the advanced surroundings. "Son, is this the Watchtower you've told us about? What's going on here? Why the rush to get us out of the house?"

Superman exchanged a knowing glance with Lois, who was waiting for their arrival. "Yes, Mom, Dad, this is the Watchtower, a safe place for now." He then motioned to Lois. "And as you already know, this is Lois. We'll explain everything shortly."

As they showed Jonathan and Martha around and explained why they were brought to the Watchtower, Clark and Lois noticed a sense of bewilderment on the elderly couple's faces. However, as the couple shared their concerns about the situation, Clark and Lois decided to reveal a piece of joyful news to smooth things over.

"Mom, Dad, there's something important we wanted to tell you," Clark began, a warm smile on his face. "Lois and I are going to have a baby."

The revelation had an instantaneous and miraculous effect. Jonathan and Martha's concerns about everything they've learned simply melted away. Tears of joy welled up in Martha's eyes as she pulled Lois into a heartfelt embrace. "Oh, that's wonderful, dear!"

Jonathan clapped Clark on the back, his eyes glistening with pride. "You're going to make a great father, son. I know it."

In that moment, the worries of the outside world faded away as the Kents celebrated a new member of their family. It was a brief respite from the turmoil they had found themselves embroiled in.

Meanwhile, in another part of the Watchtower, Batman was handling his own delicate situation. He had brought his most important people as well. Robin, Batgirl, and even Alfred, whom he had coerced into donning one of his old Batsuits to help hide his identity, which made the poor old man look like some sort of elderly trick or treater on Halloween.

The reason for the suit was simple, Alfred's identity is forever linked to Bruce Wayne. And although Bruce's identity may be compromised, that doesn't mean he would throw away all precautions.

As he settled them into their temporary quarters, Robin and Batgirl couldn't help but voice their discontent. "We don't need protection," Robin argued. "We've handled ourselves pretty well so far."

Batgirl chimed in, crossing her arms. "Yeah, we're not helpless, you know."

"Well, you could have fooled me."Batman looked at both of his protégé's with a heavy dose of skepticism. "Did I or did I not just pick you two up from a GPD prison cell?"

"That's not our fault!" Batgirl exclaimed in protest.

Robin nodded his head. "Yeah, it was that a*shole who knocked us out after stealing our comms."

"Excuses…" Bruce shook his head. "The fact that you were arrested is no one's fault but your own. And because of that, I'll be increasing both of your training schedules."

""What?!"" Both sidekicks exclaimed in dread.

"You heard me." Bruce raised an annoyed brow. "Besides, you're both extremely lucky that it was Commissioner Gordon who found you, or else the whole world would know exactly who Robin and Batgirl truly are."

Robin sighed in defeat. "Fine, we messed up, but do we have to stay here?"

"Yeah, can't we at least stay with you?" Batgirl asks, filled with hope. "We can handle the Joker, you know that."

"No." Batman answers simply. "This goes beyond the Joker."

Alfred, ever the loyal butler, nodded in agreement. "Master Bruce may not say it very nicely, but he is correct. We should stay here until this business is dealt with."

After their protests had subsided, Batman left them to settle in with Alfred keeping a close eye. As he walked the corridors of the Watchtower, Bruce couldn't help but feel the weight of the world pressing down on him. Not only was the Joker was still out there, but he also had to fight the growing murderous sentiments rising in his own organization.

Just then, he turned a corner and almost collided with Superman. Both heroes seemed drained, their shoulders slumped as they stood face to face.

Superman broke the silence. "Bruce, any trouble on your end?"

Batman shook his head, a brief moment of camaraderie amid the tension. "No issues. Just ensuring everyone is safe. How about your?"

A faint smile touched Superman's lips. "My parents are fine. They're a bit confused about everything, but the news about the baby lifted their spirits."

Just as the two of them were about to delve into their ongoing debate about the "kill or not kill" policy regarding criminals, an alarm blared through the Watchtower, cutting their conversation short. Both heroes immediately made their way to the situation room, where emergency calls and situation reports were received and assessed.

As they entered the room, Batman swiftly took a seat at the computer terminal and noticed the activated emergency beacon signals for Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Instantly, Bruce got to word and pulled up the CCTV cameras, which displayed a dimly lit street, and both heroes were visible, but the Hawk couples condition sent shivers down their spine.

On the screen, Hawkman and Hawkgirl lay in a puddle of their own blood, battered and broken. Their faces contorted in pain, and it was evident that they were in dire need of assistance. The feed showed them in a condition close to death, breathing shallow breaths as blood quickly drained from their bodies.

And not a single perpetrator was in sight…



Moments earlier, high above a bustling city, Hawkman and Hawkgirl soared through the night sky. The couple was on patrol, their keen eyes scanning for any signs of the Joker, as well as the accomplice that broke him out of Flash's custody. The Justice League was on high alert, and the winged duo had taken to the skies in search of the notorious criminal.

Their wings flapped gracefully as they glided through the cool night air. The anticipation weighed heavy on them, knowing that the Joker was a cunning adversary, but their determination to bring him to justice spurred them on.

"I've got a bad feeling about tonight," Hawkgirl confessed, her golden mace clutched tightly in her hand. "It's just too quiet."

Hawkman nodded absentmindedly as his gaze scanned the city below, the feathers on his wings rustling. "Just stay alert and we'll be fine."

As they continued their patrol, their sharp eyes picked up a hint of movement down on the darkened streets. It was a familiar figure, clad in a purple suit with a bright green hair. The Joker had appeared, his malevolent grin visible from even this height.

"There he is!" Hawkman exclaimed, his voice determined. "Let's take him down."

They dove swiftly, aiming to corner the Joker before he could escape. But as they descended, the Joker led them further into the dimly lit streets, a sinister laugh echoing around them.

The narrow alleyways swallowed them, and their descent landed them in a concealed courtyard, surrounded by tall buildings. It was a trap, and the Joker had lured them right into it.

From the shadows emerged a figure, massive and imposing. Bizarro, the reverse version of Superman, stood there, his pale, chalky skin and unnatural features contrasting sharply with the night. His crimson eyes locked onto Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

"Joker brought friends?" Bizarro grumbled, his voice distorted and twisted. "Me fight you now."

Hawkman and Hawkgirl shared a quick, concerned glance before they surged into action. Hawkman lunged at Bizarro first, his mace swinging through the air with the intent to strike a powerful blow.

Bizarro, however, moved with astonishing speed. He dodged Hawkman's attack effortlessly, then retaliated with a crushing punch to Hawkman's midsection, sending him hurtling backward into a brick wall. The impact left cracks in the wall, and Hawkman slumped to the ground, groaning in pain.

Hawkgirl, undeterred by her partner's plight, lunged at Bizarro, her mace whirling around her like a deadly weapon. She aimed for his head, hoping to disorient him.

But Bizarro was ready. With his superhuman reflexes, he caught her mace in mid-air with one hand and yanked it from her grasp. His other hand snaked out, gripping her by the throat and hoisting her into the air.

Hawkgirl struggled, her wings flapping frantically, but Bizarro's strength was overwhelming. He grinned sadistically, reveling in her futile resistance. "You weak," he sneered.

Hawkman, having recovered from the wall collision, lunged at Bizarro again, his wings spread wide. But Bizarro was too fast, shifting his grip on Hawkgirl and using her as a shield. Hawkman's attack struck his partner instead, sending her sprawling to the ground, dazed and bleeding.

The fight was completely one-sided, a brutal display of Bizarro's power. Hawkman and Hawkgirl tried their best, but they were outmatched in every way. Bizarro battered them relentlessly, his blows striking with bone-crushing force. They were left battered and bloody, on the verge of death, their wings tattered and broken.

As Bizarro continued his assault, the Joker watched with sadistic glee, reveling in the first of many hits he had orchestrated on behalf of his new club. It was a nightmarish encounter, a brutal reminder that even the mightiest of heroes could be brought to their knees with the right weapon.

Flashback End


Batman and Superman arrived at the grim scene too late. The perpetrators were already gone, leaving behind a the bloodied forms of Hawkman and Hawkgirl in the middle of the street.

Rushing to check them over, Batman soon came to a startling and soul crushing realization. "They're dead…"

Superman knelt by their side, his eyes filled with sorrow and regret. His super-hearing confirmed what his friend had already told him… there was no heartbeat, no breath. They had bled out from their wounds, their lives extinguished.

"We're too late…" Clark muttered in regret.

Batman stood silently, his fists clenched, feeling the heavy weight of their loss. 'Did the Joker do this?' He wondered, regretting his past actions more and more.

As they beat themselves up for being too slow to intervene, their comm devices buzzed with urgency. A chorus of emergency beacons were going off, each signal representing a fellow member of the Justice League in distress. Instantly, the realization struck Batman like a bolt of lightning.

"The League is under attack," he declared, his eyes wide in shock.


Whilst Peter and Tony worked on repairing their ship, the earpieces they stole from Batman's minions suddenly started going off like crazy.

"What the hell is goin on?" Tony asked as he turned off his blowtorch.

Peter sighed and tossed his screwdriver aside. "No idea, but it's probably not good."

A/N: 1917 words :) No offense to Hawkgirl and Hawkman, but they are my least favorite DC characters, so they were chosen for the chopping block. RIP



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