I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 82: Force of Change 7

Chapter 82: Force of Change 7

Princess, let me try to look for her. Hyun-Woo's voice made Naomi look at him. She was wondering how he would find her on the Island when that girl could be anywhere on this island. Well, Naomi could feel her presence because Melaine didnt even try to hide the pressure emitted by her ability so she could find her easily.

Naomi closed her eyes and tried to find where Melaine was. She spread her Telekinesis over the Island and managed to find Melaine. To her surprise, Melaine didnt lie to her and actually went to the base. Only, she went to the caf instead of the underground base.

No need. I found her. Shes sitting on the Lunar Caf. Said Naomi as she looked at Chi. 

"Chi, could you call Melaine here? While you are at it, can you bring breakfast for me and a cup of coffee?

Chi stood up and nodded. Certainly, Princess.

She walked towards the exit as her face changed and her short hair got longer until it reaches her waist. Naomi who never saw Chi using her ability was amazed. She forgot that Chi had the ability to camouflage into anyone. To think that she forgot about that and asked Bel to impersonate her when Chi was certainly the best one who fits the requirements, it was rare that she made a mistake like this.

The door opened automatically when Chi neared the door and it was closed immediately when she walked through it.

Well, what happened in the past couldnt be changed. I bet right now Bel already has the tattoo to enhance her growth, and I cant shatter her excitement because I know that she will cry if I did that.

Naomi pressed the button on her mask and it changed into the half-mask state. She leaned on her chair and let out a long breath, taking fresh air into her lungs.

Princess, you couldnt act recklessly like that! What if someone came in when and saw half of your face?! Hyun-Woo reacted a bit excessively when he saw Naomi change the state of her mask. What if Melaine or Chi who doesnt know about you saw your face?!

Hyun-Woo spoke with a concerned voice, he genuinely worried about someone will see Naomis lower face. Naomi couldnt hold her chuckle when she saw Hyun-Woo worried about her. Well, it was rare to see Hyun-Woo worried about her.

Dont worry, because I planned to move our organization on a large scale I can afford my lower face to be seen. More importantly, I already made a backup plan so my real identity wont be known even if they saw the lower side of my face.

Now Hyun-Woo turned confused by Naomis word. What did she mean by she made a backup plan to make sure that her real identity wont be revealed even when it was known? Then he remembered about Chi. He assumed that her plan has something to do with Chis ability, if only he know how wrong his guess was.

He had a look of realization on his face as his eyes bulged and his eyebrows were raised. I see! I understand your plan, Princess. So its like that, you are really a genius.

Oh? Its rare for Hyun-Woo to understand my plan. No, Naomi. You couldnt think like that, there is no way that Hyun-Woo understood your plan, hes an idiot. Maybe he misunderstands it, right, he misunderstands it!

Unknown to Naomi, her guess had hit the correct answer. Hyun-Woo did misunderstand Naomis plan. But Naomi didnt bother voicing her thought to Hyun-Woo, she just answered him in a manner befitting a leader of an organization.

Its nothing. After she answered Hyun-Woo, Naomi could feel Melaines presence getting closer to the room and she said.

It seems theyre here. As Naomi said that, the door was opened. Melaine walked in while she was followed by Chi who changed her appearance back into the short-haired one.

To Naomis surprise, Melaine that was only wearing pajamas when she had arrived on Avos Island because she rode the box that Naomi pulled with Telekinesis now wore a black t-shirt and black slick jeans. Her hair was also done in her usual twin-tail with black ribbons to tie them.

When Melaine entered the room and saw Naomi, she smiled and strode over with high vigor. She stopped beside Naomi and sat on the chair that was previously Chis. She looked at Naomi who looked back at her and said.

Lady Mugetsu~ Are you here to find me? Even after we had a dreamy night just a few hours ago, do you miss me that much? Melaine put both of her hands on her cheeks and shakes her head as she smiled wide. Her behavior looked like an elementary school child who was complimented by their idol, in other words, childish.

Naomis edge of lips pulled upward a little as she said. Say Melaine... she spoke in a sweet voice, unlike her usual voice when she acted as Mugetsu.

Melaine, who had experienced lots of things noticed the change of Naomis tone and expression. She smiled brightly at Naomi's behavior.

Unlike Melaine who was happy with Naomis tone and expression, Hyun-Woo felt a huge dread coming.

Her tone and expression right now are too familiar to him. At first, he felt happy to be relied upon, but who knows that he will experience a free skydive after that. Thats why Hyun-Woo slowly stood up and walked away from Naomi.

Yes, Lady Mugetsu? She answered Naomi in a cute voice, either she did it on purpose or she just expressed her happiness, only Melaine know about it. She noticed Hyun-Woo that backed away from them, but she just thought that maybe he gave them space to be alone.

How thoughtful of him! I thought that no one in the base will support my love for Lady Mugetsu, but it seems that I was mistaken. I need to re-evaluate them again. Thought Melaine.

Have you ever thought about this? Only you and I alone in this world. Naomi slowly extended her hand and touched Melaines cheek and caressed it.

Melaine blushes and her face turned red. She never expected that her Lady Mugetsu would touch her cheek and caress it. She was put off guard by her move and could only blush in embarrassment. And her words only serve as fuel to make her face burn red.

Yes!! That would be the ideal situation!! She answered, half-shouted because of her excitement. She imagined the world where she and her beloved Lady Mugetsu sat on the wooden house terrace together while watching an animal running around in a meadow.

She smiled happily while imagining that, but her imagination was shattered with the next words of Naomi.

I see, then you had no problem with free skydiving right? I would take you to the stratosphere and drop you from that height, how about that? Because you can stop time, I bet you can land safely right?! Naomis hand that caressed Melaines cheek slowly went to the top of her head.

Now Melaines smile has been erased from her face. Instead, her expression turned into horror and sweat began to form on her forehead. 

Umm, Lady Mugetsu? The stratosphere is a bit high, dont you think so? Thats around 10km from the ground you know? There is no way I could survive that height.

I see, so you cant survive that height. Then I will drop you from 5KM above the ground, how about it? Thats roughly the same height as when Hyun-Woo had his skydive and he managed to survive, isnt that right, Hyun-Woo? 

Naomi turned to Hyun-Woo who nodded his head frantically while trying his best to avoid the conflicts.

How about it? I think right now is the best time to have the skydive. Naomi turned to Melaine and gave Melaine her sweetest smile.

Melaine could only smile wryly as she muttered. Thank you for all youve done, I think I will die

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