I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 81: Force of Change 6

Chapter 81: Force of Change 6

Calm yourself down, Stephen. Chi said shortly and Stephen huffed as he leaned her back against the chair.

Ill continue my explanation. The screen changed again, this time it was showing an image of an orange sun with a smiley face inside it. The sun has 8 pointed yellow triangles around it, making it look like a sun flare.

This tattoo was found in the hand of the leader of the thugs, Dorizo. Although Dorizos tattoo has black in color, the squad under my supervision managed to find the information about this tattoo when it combined with the information from the men that we interrogated.

Chi operated her holo phone again and changed the screen into showing the words Smiling Sun below the logo.

Smiling Sun, thats their organization name.

Hah! They sound fake, almost like they are imitating us. Moon and Sun, ridiculous! Hyun-Woo who never said anything until now was freed from Naomis Telekinesis because he could control his laugher, scoffed and mocking the Smiling sun.

Thats true!! Who do they think they are! Doni stood up and pointed at the Smiling Sun logo that was displayed on the monitor.

So they are our next target, Princess?! Lets crush them, let me be the one who destroyed their first base! Stephen seems to manage to reins his anger as he began to realize why Chi brought up the talk about slaves.

Wait until I finished explaining things. If you interrupted me once more, I will have you leave the room immediately.

After Chi had said that, the entire room becomes quiet in an instant. Clearing her throat with a cough, Chi continued her explanation.

They are the ones that were responsible for the explosions on Avos Island. Their motives are unknown for now mostly because they are all apprehended by the Esper Association as soon as the explosions occurred.

The image on the screen changed into a view of a warehouse that was surrounded by people wearing PD uniforms holding guns and some of them were handcuffing ruffian-looking people outside the warehouse. Naomi looked back to see the screen and was surprised.

Isnt that the warehouse that the group entered? So thats really their hiding place?! She tried to keep her cool and turned her head to look to the front again.

That warehouse was their hiding place on Avos Island. We managed to get this image with a drone that was operated by Selena here. When our last mission started, Princess had told me to bring a drone for the mission to record all things about Mischa Belyaeva in case she was present. But looking at our result, I think Princess already knew that something was wrong when Akasa Naomi was attacked. As expected of Princess.

Chi looked at Naomi with respect in her eyes. No, all members present in the room looked at her with a lot of respect in their eyes, and that included Hyun-Woo.

Naomi nodded her head and said. Mischa Belyaeva is a friend of Akasa Naomi. If Akasa Naomi is in danger, I thought that Mischa Belyaeva would try to help her in every possible way. Thats why I had Chi to brought a drone to collect information about her. Continue your explanation, Chi.

I just wanted to look at an Esper fight between my subordinates and Mischa though. Well, if Chi misunderstood it then thats fine too. Thought Naomi.

Yes. The Smiling Suns main activity is weapon smuggling, but their operation behind that weapon smuggling is actually kidnapping a young girl to work as a prostitute or sold them as slaves if that young girl has no one searching for them. They targeted mainly 15-20 years old girls and mainly low-ranked Esper. Akasa Naomi fits that description, and more importantly, shes a beautiful girl that you maybe couldnt find anywhere else.

Chi said that in a serious tone without knowing that Naomi smiled under her face because Chi complimented her as beautiful. There is no girl that disliked getting a compliment about their face unless they are a weird one. Even Naomi loved being complimented about her appearance.

Now into the main problems, they have targeted the Avos Island right on the day Akasa Naomi arrived on the island. We could assume that they targeted Akasa Naomi for two reasons. First, her ties with Akasa Inc. and her beautiful face. The second reason that I got is what I am afraid of, they couldve tracked Luna Corporation under Hyun-Woo to our organization and realized that we are the ones behind the company. But thats unlikely, considering Hyun-Woo's previous tie with the Esper Association.

Naomis eyebrow twitched when she heard that. Could it be Smiling Sun organization really targeted her? She had no way knowing that. But thats a really funny coincidence, and how she could get lost in the factory area when she was searching for Chi Diner. Could it be that there is a certain Esper that somehow put on illusion in the area so she wouldnt realize that she entered the factory area or she just got lost because she thought of unnecessary things at that time?

Well, it has become more troublesome than I thought. But I dont feel any Esper when I was attacked, so maybe he put an illusion and left the place after finishing his works.

Now the rest of the explanation will be done by Princess. Chi sat on her chair and looked at Naomi.

Naomi nodded her head and crossed her legs as she put her hand with fingers intertwined at each other on top of her thighs.

As youve heard from Chis explanation, we only roughly know their organizations name and activity. We only managed to gain a small bit of information about this Smiling Sun this time. Unlike the Esper Association which I could enter freely, this organization is different. Thats why I opted to wait. Naomi paused for a while to see the reaction of her subordinates. She

Princess, why do we have to wait? Although there is not much information gained from the interrogation, we are ready to attack them anytime. Wasnt that the case until now? We cant allow them to kidnap the young girl anymore! Unexpectedly, Mizu was the one who asked the question. He looked at the girl beside her with a concerned look.

Naomi immediately understood why he acted like that and answered him.

As I said, we lacked information. But, that doesnt mean we wont be doing anything in the meantime. We will spread our members to act like civilians and survey a place with low traffic. This time, we will use every member possible for this operation. Ive called the people on the main base to come to this base. I believed they will contact Chi when they are ready.

Mizus face brightened as he held his sisters hand. They looked at each other and smiled. While Stephen now had a wild grin on his face as he looked at Doni who had the same grin. Selena clenched her hands forming a fist in front of her chest as she looked at them with a flat expression.

Now thats enough information for now. Everyone except Chi and Hyun-Woo please leave the room, I have something private to talk about with them. With Naomis instruction, all of them nodded their head and leave the room. Selena picked her suitcase and strapped it to her shoulder before she nodded her head a little towards Naomi and left the room quietly.

After everyone had left the room, Naomi sighed as she looked at Chi and asked. Chi, where is Melaine? Could you call her here? She told me that she will go to the base herself this morning.

Chi blinked her eyes several times and tilted her head. Melaine? She never showed up in the base. At least no one saw her yet.

When she heard that, Naomi raised her head as she thought. Where did you run off to, you pervert!

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