I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 76: Force of Change 1

Chapter 76: Force of Change 1

Naomi sat on the couch as Rekka said and pulled out her mask from her cleavage and put it on her face in a half-mask state. She is in her base, so she used her half-mask state just for her convenience. 

She turned on the TV in front of her and changed the channel to watch the news. She watched for a while and lost her interest because there is nothing special going on, except the news about the explosions on Avos Island.

Naomi turned off the TV and leaned her back on the couch and sighed. Haa- I have no information. The news from Hanz, Chis subordinate was surprising. I need to move carefully to eradicate all of them. So we first need information about their base, their client, and their members. I can leave them to Rekka while I will attend the school. Well, we can do it slowly, but we need to rescue the kidnapped girls.

Naomi muttered to herself as she looked at the ceiling. Not too long after she thinks to herself, Naomi heard a voice coming from the second floor alongside quick footsteps of someone, no, two people.

Naomi looked at the stairs that lead to the 2nd floor and saw Melaine and Bel ran towards her in their white pajamas. When they saw her, their expression turned into that of a woman in love and shouted.

Lady Mugetsu~ Melaine suddenly appeared in front of Naomi and hugged her. Its been so long since you visited us, how are you doing?

Naomi looked at Melaine that buried her face on her chest and tried to pull her away.

Im fine, now get yourself up and get away from me. I have something serious and needed to tell you at this moment.

Big Sister! Get away from Lady Mugetsu! As Naomi tried to pull Melaine away from her, Bel arrived in front of her and helped Naomi to peel Melaines hand that hugged Naomi.

Melaine finally released her hug as she cant face to force that tried to peel her away and stumbles to the ground. The back of her head hit Bels chin in the process and they both rubbed the place where they got hit.

What was that for?! Melaine looked up at Bel and shouted.

Bel stood up after she stumbled to the ground too because of Melaine and shouted back. It was because you suddenly hugged Lady Mugetsu! Dont you know that she felt uncomfortable with that?! You should wait until she completes her matters here before hugging her! That way I can enjoy her hug longer!

Hey! You said I didnt you! You just wanted to hug her yourself! Melaine, still rubbing the back of her head stood up and pointed her index finger to Bel.

Of course! I love Lady Mugetsu more than you after all!

Haa?! Do you want to fight, you little runt?!

Melaine and Bel leaned their head towards each other while growling. They butted their head and had a fight like they are a little child, while in fact, Melaine is the oldest one in Naomis organization.

Naomi looked at them and sighed in exasperation. She looked towards the direction of the stairs and saw Anna and Dan-Bi walked down alongside Rekka and Julia who walked side by side. Dan-Bi now has long hair that stopped on her waist.

Oh Rekka. Could you be? Naomi smiled slightly when she thought that maybe Rekka has some kind of relationship going on with Julia.

She turned to see Melaine and Bel that now tried to push each other with their hands in the other persons shoulder.

Naomis smile was gone from her face as she stood up and put her hand on Melaine and Bels head.

Enough. She pulled them away from each other with her hand. Lets start now, I cant be away from Avos Island for long.

Naomi turned back and sat on the couch and gestured Bel and Melaine to sit too. They approached Naomi and sat on her left and right respectively, with Bel on Naomis left side and Melaine on Naomis right side.

Rekkas group now arrived in the room. Anna that saw Naomi with a half-face mask got surprised and covered her mouth. Dan-Bi also stopped, but for a different reason. She stopped because she saw that Anna didnt move from her spot and waited for her. Rekka who saw Anna and Dan-Bi stopped and stood surprised, urged Anna to move.

Why are you stopping? Just sit on the couch. Rekka passed Anna that stopped on her track and sat on the couch on the left side of Naomis. Julia strode in and stood behind Rekka with her hand in front of her apron as she closed her eyes and smiled lightly.

But Brother!! Princess use a half mask! What about the thing that we talked about a year ago?! Now that I saw a half of Princesss face!

Anna, just sit on the couch for now. Princess will explain it.

Lets sit, Anna? We dont want Princess to wait right? Dan-Bi held Annas hand and pulled it, urging Anna to walk and sit on the couch on the right side of Naomis.

After all of them sat on the couch, Naomi cleared her throat with a cough and said.

Im sorry for my sudden visit, but there is an urgent matter that I need to convey directly to you.

Most of the members tensed when Naomi said urgent matter. Only Melaine remained calm with a smile on her face. After looking around the members to see their reaction, Naomi crossed her legs and continued.

Yesterday, when I was walking around without my mask, I was attacked.

Whaa?! You were attacked? Princess is? Anna shouted in disbelief. She cant believe that someone was foolish enough to attack Naomi, but when she thought about Naomis sentence again, she understood why she was attacked. They didnt know that Naomi is in fact Mugetsu, the leader of Moon of Akasha.

Anna Rekka held his head and muttered his sister's name. He thought that his sister had turned better this last year, but shes still the same Anna in the end.

I will continue. The one that attacked me was affiliated with an organization. A disturbing organization that made me mad just by thinking about their actions. Naomi frowned as pressure washed the room when she remembered Hanzs report about the Smiling Suns act.

Lady Mugetsu. A soft hand was placed on top of Naomis right hand. Naomi realized what she had done and looked at the owner of the hand. She saw Melaine's lip tugged down and she looked at her with concern on her face.

Naomi took a deep breath and looked at her subordinates. Sorry, I got angry just by thinking about their actions.

She saw her subordinates nodded and continued. Anyway, I think that we need to show ourselves to the world again.

Naomi stopped for a while before she looked at Anna and Dan-Bi. Anna, Dan-bi. Do both of you want to go to Avos Island? I know that both of you had enough of being trapped in this base. I will allow you to go out from today onward. Just ask Chi to take you to the base in Avos Island in case you want to go out. Dont worry about your existence being known to the world. We will not hold ourselves back again, Moon of Akasha will show our force to the world.

Anna and Dan-Bi were tearing up when they heard her words. Theyve been in the base for more than a year, now they could go out because their Princess decided to not hold her organization again. She said that its time to show the world about their organization's force.

Yes Said Anna weakly.

And, we will start it slowly. I mean very slowly. I managed to enter the Avos Schools Esper Division. Melaine, this time I will need your help. Bel, you too. I know that this will be hard for both of you, but I am counting on you.

Dont worry about it, Lady Mugetsu. You can count on me and that runt. Melaine said as she puffed her chest with her hands on her side.

Hey! Who are you calling runt! Bel yelled at Melaine for calling her a runt.

Although my subordinates are all weird, I think I can count on them. Naomi thought as her edge of lip pulled up in a smile.

In exchange, please sleep with me for a night~ Lady Mugetsu~ But Naomis gratitude instantly gone with the next word of Melaine.

Ah, I take back my words. They are weird, just weird.

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