I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 75: Avos Island Final

Chapter 75: Avos Island Final

Could you explain why I got admitted into the Esper Division, Mom?

After she got her uniforms, Naomi walked away from the lines and leaned at the schools gate waiting for Mischa. She called Mizuki, her Mom to ask why did she get admitted into the Esper Division class C when she shouldve been admitted into the Operator Division.

Do you remember when you visited your Dad when the construction of our company in Japan almost finished? At that time I managed to pull a few strings to get you into the Esper Division. I remembered that when you were a child, you wanted to become a protector of civilians right? I I managed to give you a chance Naomi.

Naomi was speechless when she heard her Mom. Sure, when she was a child she would always tell her parents that she would become the protector of civilians. But right now, her position is far from that.

Sorry, Mom. Ive become the most sought criminal instead of being the protector of the civilian.

I see thank you, Mom.

Your welcome Naomi. If you ever need anything, just call us alright? Just tell us if you ever need a weapon to support you. We will do our best to support our daughters dream.

Yes, goodbye, Mom.

Goodbye, Naomi.

Naomi ended the call and put her holo phone in her wallet.

Naomi just realized how much her parents love her. She felt a bit guilty that she kept her identity as Mugetsu a secret from them. But she cant turn back right now. Especially when she heard about the atrocity of another organization called Smiling Sun. She will turn her organization into the protector of civilians, even though she will be hated by almost everyone in the world.

She looked down on her new uniforms and began to think hard.

I never thought that the underground world would be that bad. After I scolded Mischa in the hotel, what did I do? Why do I hesitate like some kind of idiot? I could just eradicate every trash in the world as Mugetsu, why do I hesitate? Naomi will act as an obedient student, while Mugetsu will act as a deterrent for criminals and the government. I could be both, so why do I need to choose?

When Naomi was still thinking about her choice that she eventually decided to choose to live both ways, Mischa walked out from the lines and approached Naomi. She saw Naomi held white uniforms in her hand and a smile crept on her face.

Naomi! You were admitted to the Esper Division?! Which class were you admitted to? I am in S-Class. Her happy tone was apparent that Naomi smiled at her.

Somehow I was admitted into the C-Class of Esper Division. I am just C-Ranked Esper, is it fine? Naomi gave Mischa a wry smile as she looked down on her uniforms. Her plan was a mess, her plan to saw the school as someone insignificant in Operator Division had been blown by her own Mom that loved her and supported her dream.

Naomi blamed Mizuki for that, but she didnt hate her after their conversation over the phone. Instead, she rethought her plan and decided to collect information about the Smiling Sun and the supposed to be transaction partner of that organization.

She will collect the information for a few months, to see the progress of the information gathering. So her next move is clear for now, she will enter the school in one month's time and collecting information from inside.

She had a clear goal for once after she made her organization, she didnt attack a random place because of her boredom for once. Thats why she will make sure that she will use all members of her organization on this act of her. She will use her full strength to show the world that all this time she held herself back. She will show the true terror of Mugetsu, after 2 years of disappearance she will show herself on the news again.

Dont worry Naomi! I will help you to train, okay? Hotaru said your control over your ability is amazing, she even praised you and told me that she never saw someone with your level of control.

Naomi raised her head and looked at Mischa straight to her eyes. Youre right. Lets go, Mischa. Its time to have lunch!

Mischa giggled as she covered her mouth with her hand. Youre such a glutton, Naomi, we just finished our breakfast earlier. But well, lets get lunch to celebrate our admission to the same Division. Should we call Hotaru so she could join us?

Sure! The more the merrier. I am in good mood right now.

Because Ive decided to not hold myself and my organization. I will meet Rekka in my base later when I make sure that I am alone.


Naomis POV

We had lunch at the Hotel restaurant after we called Hotaru. She showed up in the restaurant with untidy hair while she was wearing a blue jumpsuit. We told Hotaru that I was admitted into the Esper Division and she congratulates me. After we had our lunch, we decided to throw a small party in Hotarus room and we separate our way when the sky turned dark outside.

Because Mischa and Hotaru were still tired because they didnt sleep yesterday, I told them to rest while I go to the roof of the hotel and bring the box with my dress inside it and flew towards my base. I flew upwards, higher than the cloud, and changed into my black dress while I put my clothes inside the box again.

I arrived at my base after flying for 5 minutes at my full speed. Because my control is improved, I could reach more than Mach 8 if I flew at my full speed. Of course, I made a Telekinesis Armor around my body and adjusted my body to the limit to endure the speed.

I entered the house on my base and saw Rekka that sat on the couch with wide eyes while looking at me.

Princess? What are you doing here?

He asked me while he walked towards me.

Call Melaine, Bel, Julia, Anna, and Dan-Bi over. I decided to change the way of our organization now. I received worrisome information. Im sure youre informed about the Smiling Sun right?

Rekka's eyes squinted and answered her.

Certainly, please wait on that couch as I call them.

Now, things will get busy for my organization.

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