I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 73: Avos Island 24

Chapter 73: Avos Island 24

Be at ease whats your name? Naomi gave the man short order and he stood up immediately and bowed.

Im sorry, please call me Hanz, Im here by Mistress Chis command to give you the information that we got from interrogating the 2 men that Stephen secured yesterday.

How about the things that I ask her to investigate?

Yes, about that. The man pulled out a small object with red color and hand it to Naomi. Everything about the result of that investigation is in this storage device.

Good job, now tell me about the information that the 2 men have.

Hanz began explaining to Naomi about the information that they got from interrogating the 2 men. He told Naomi without hiding anything, about how the 2 men were part of an organization called Smiling Sun. They also spit out the information about their organization. Smiling Sun's main activity is smuggling weapons from all over the world. They also deal with drugs and prostitution.

The most unforgiving act of Smiling Sun is kidnapping. They kidnapped girls with ages ranging from 15 to 25 and sold them to rich people as prostitutes or even worse, slaves. It seems their main customers are high-society and the higher-up of Esper Association.

Hearing that information Naomi is surprised. She never expected that the higher-up of the Esper Association was that bad. Indeed, she told Rekka and Hyun-Woo that the Esper Association was conducting human experimentation on their sisters. But, that was a lie of Naomi.

This time, the information is accurate, coming from a scum who attempted to kidnap her. She felt rage towards those who treat humans as slaves. The factory building where they are started to shakes because of a leaked power from Naomi. Naomi doesnt realize that her power is leaking.

She focused on calming herself down. Nothing good will come if she got angry over that. Ultimately she decided, the organization called Smiling Sun, she promised to herself to eradicate them.

Naomi calmed herself from her rage and looked at Hanz who now kneeled on the ground with a pale face and sweated a buck. She realized that she subconsciously leaked her power again and Hanz who stood near her couldnt handle it and kneeled on the ground because of the pressure.

It seems that I accidentally leaked my power. I apologize for that, you can get up. Naomi extended her hand to help Hanz to get up but he stood up by himself without taking Naomis hand.

He wiped his sweat from his face using a sleeve of his clothes and nervously said. N-no problem. I was cautioned by Mistress Chi about the possibility that Princess will get angry and leaked her power, but I dont know that the pressure would be that great. It was my fault, so please dont apologize, Princess.

Is that so? Can I count you on something?

Your wish is my command, Princess. Once again, Hanz kneeled on the ground with his right fist on the ground while his left hand was on his left knee.

Why? Why do my subordinates kneel to me every time I asked them to do something?!

Tell Chi to find the Smiling Sun base, all of it. We will be going to eradicate them from this world. I bet the big guy on the bridge at that time was not satisfied with his job right? Tell him that I will compensate that mission with this.

Hanz raised his head and answered. Certainly. And yes, Stephen came back to the base with a bad mood and directly went to the training room while dragging Doni.

Well then. I am counting on you.

Yes, please leave it to me.

After saying that, Hanz's body was covered by darkness and he disappeared from the building. Naomi exited the factory building too and put her mask off and hid it on her cleavage again. She walked away from the area and went to Lunar Caf to have a morning coffee.

When she entered the caf, she was greeted by the same waitress and taken to her table. Her sitting position allowed her to see the interior of the caf clearly, she could also see the entrance of the caf from her seat. She ordered the same sandwich and Lunar Blend coffee and took out her holo phone. She called Mischa and she answered immediately with a shout.

Naomi!! I told you to wait, and you are gone immediately!! Where are you right now?! I will come over immediately.

Naomi put her holo phone away from her ears as she heard Mischa shout. After waiting for Mischa to get quiet, she put her holo phone near her ear and answered her.

I am having breakfast in Lunar Caf. Do you remember the caf that you raided? I am in that place.

Guh! You dont need to remind me about that.

Come to think of it, yesterdays document was not finished. Any explanation about that?

W-well, you called us when we were working on it. So its not our fault!

While Naomi is talking with Mischa on the phone, her order arrived and the waitress put it on the table. She smiled at the waitress and answered with a bow before the waitress left her alone.

Just forget about it then, I hope todays document will be finished in time. I will send it to your holo phone later. And I will wait for you here if you want to come over.

Give me a minute! I will change my clothes and go to that caf! Dont go anywhere before I arrived, okay?

Yes yes. Just come here.

Naomi ended the call and put her holo phone on the table. She picked up a sandwich with her hands and took a bite of it. She smiled in delight, savoring the flavor of an egg flanked by toasted bread.

I can eat this sandwich everyday~ The taste is superb!

Naomi enjoyed her sandwich breakfast when she saw Hyun-Woo entered the caf while wearing a set of gray suits. She almost choked on her sandwich but managed to swallow it with sheer power to not let Hyun-Woo see her with a pathetic reaction.

She saw Hyun-Woo looked around the caf and finally stopped his gaze on her. He smiled when he saw her and he walked towards her table, stopping in front of her.

Naomi looked at him with a puzzled expression and asked in a low voice that could only be heard by Hyun-Woo. What are you doing here? Although Naomi did her best to sound as natural as possible, there is still a hint of irritation on her tone that made Hyun-Woo shuddered.

Curse my luck! I want to enjoy a meal and there is always something that disturbed me!! You better think of your answer carefully, or you will get a free dive from the sky again. This time I will go higher though.

Miss Akasa, its nice to meet you here. I am here for a business trip but to think that I would meet Miss Akasa in a caf that I entered by accident. This is a wonderful coincidence isnt it? He smiled and spread his arm as he answered Naomi.

If someone looked at Hyun-Woo right now, they will definitely think that the man is really happy to coincidently meet with a girl in front of him. But, the truth is far from that. Hyun-Woo's back is full of sweat as he thinks of an excuse to appease his Bosss irritation.

Indeed, its such a coincidence. What kind of business trip that you do on this Island, I wonder?

Its kind of business trip to make children smiled while looking at the sun. Fortunately, the matter is still in the middle of discussion so I dont have anything to say right now.

Hyun-Woo strongly hinted at Naomi when he said the smile and sun in a different tone. And Naomi with her quick wits understood what he meant and answered him.

I see, I hope your discussion will succeed. Unfortunately, right now I cant accompany you any longer because I am waiting for a friend of mine. Maybe we could have a discussion at another time, Mr. Lee? I will contact you when I have time. Naomi hinted to Hyun-Woo that he should leave right now, because her friend, Mischa, is on her way here.

Hyun-Woo nodded at Naomi. Is that so? Its really unfortunate that you have a plan. I will patiently wait for your contact, Miss Akasa.

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