I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 72: Avos Island 23

Chapter 72: Avos Island 23

Mischa right now is looking at Naomi while holding her head. She cant believe that Naomis answer would be I forgot. She took a deep breath to calm herself and began to think while remembering the clue given by Mugetsu yesterday.

If Mugetsu approached Naomi herself and she was not harmed, then what she said about protecting Naomi may not be a lie. But, for what reason? Mugetsus organization had attacked many places before they disappeared completely. Until yesterday, that is.

Mischa tried to guess Mugetsus goal, but the clue was too few. She has no other clue that connected Naomi with their organization except that Naomi is a manager of Akasa Inc. Japan branch. One of the biggest weapon manufacturers.

She cant guess it, so she asked Naomi again about yesterday's incident which she replied the same as the previous one.

Haa-, Naomi. You know, we searched for you all night, right? Mischa let out a tired sigh and looked at Naomi directly in her eyes.

You said that but why? I was in my room around 10 P.M., dont tell me, you didnt check my room?

Mischas body flinched at that. She didnt think of any possibility that Naomi was in her room after she checked it once after coming back from the warehouse. She just assumed that Naomi was kidnapped and kept in another location away from their hotel.

Mischa turned away from Naomi as sweat began to form on her forehead.

Dont tell me, you didnt check my room? Of course, you are not checking my room. If you entered my room, you will saw me inside! Naomi finally got her chance to tease Mischa. All this time Naomi was on the side that was being questioned, but with this Naomi was now finally able to tease her.

She stood up from her chair and approached Mischa while giggling as she covered her mouth with her hand.

Nee Mischa~ Dont tell me that the new SSS-Ranked Esper will make such a mistake? Was the Esper Association forgot to tell you to always double-check anything to make sure that everything is in their right place? Nee~

She approached Mischa and poked her checks with her index finger. Mischa looked annoyed but she didnt do anything to Naomi and keep quiet. She pouted her cheeks which made Naomi wanted to tease her any further.

Naomi went behind Mischa and whispered in her ears.

Mischa, the SSS-Ranked Esper, failed to find her friend which stayed in her room the whole time. That would be quite news.

Finally, Mischa cant hold herself and turned towards Naomi as she shouted.

Fine!! It was my fault that I didnt check your room again!! Im sorry okay? I was not in the right state of mind last night because I was worried that something would happen to my first friend, okay?!!

Naomi was taken aback by her outburst and she took a step back. Shes feeling guilty to tease her friend and told her a lie. But, Naomi's identity as Mugetsu shouldnt be known to Mischa or Hotaru. Because Naomi had planned something when she declared to the world to disappear for 2 years.

Mischa was on the verge of tearing again, but Naomi will not allow it. She cant allow her friend and the only person that managed to heal her boredom to cry.

Mischa will be a strong girl, a girl who will fight Mugetsu on the same ground. And Naomi will be the one to support Mischa to do that, this time she swore to herself to help Mischa to become stronger.

Thats why Naomi approached Mischa with a frown on her face and slapped her on her left cheek. Mischa couldnt believe that Naomi just slapped her. She hold the cheek that was slapped by Naomi and looked at her in disbelief.

Mischa saw Naomi frowned and stood motionlessly in front of her. She didnt know that Naomi was able to get angry, because all she saw in Naomi is a definition of a kind girl who loves having fun and smiled all day. She lowered her head to avoid Naomis gaze.

Dont cry, Mischa. The girl named Mischa Belyaeva that I know will not cry in this situation. I am okay, I am all right. Mugetsu didnt do anything to me. Dont make the state of your mind a reason to not doing something. Look at me.

Compared to her outburst earlier, Mischa didnt say anything and silently looked at Naomi in her eyes. Now Naomi was smiling again and had calm eyes.

I never lost control of my emotion. I was always calm in every situation to find a way out. Thats why Mischa, I hope you will not use your emotion as excuses. I wont allow it.

Be strong Mischa. I wont allow you to cry easily. I will have you to become strong enough to fight me, to realize my greatest dream of the greatest Esper battle.

Sorry, and thank you, Naomi. I have a rough time in the Esper Association training facility and I never had any friends. Thats why I was really worried when I heard you missing from the report. And I got angry.

Mischa gives Naomi her brightest toothy smile as she is finally able to calm down from her influx of emotions.

Good. Now, I need to tell her about that. It becomes unbearable for me. thought Naomi as she looked at Mischa with the same smile.

Good. Now go and take a shower!! I cant tolerate it any longer, Mischa. You smell bad!!

I-is it that bad? Really? Mischa blinked her eyes several times. She raised her left arms and smelled her armpits before she squinted in disgust.

She looked at Naomi who has a smug smile on her face. Right? Said Naomi.

Youre right, let me take a shower for a while. Wait for me here! I still have something to say!

After saying that to Naomi, Mischa went to the shower room and closed the door behind her.

No, I wont wait here. Naomi began to search for a rubber band, her original purpose of visiting this room and find it in the closets. She took one of the rubber bands and tied her hair in a messy ponytail. She let her bangs and her side hair fall and just tied the hair on her back.

After tying her hair, Naomi exited Hotarus room and went to her room to get her wallet and her mask. She put her mask between her boobs and put her wallet over her shoulder and exited the hotel.

Naomi's destination is a desolate area where she was attacked yesterday. She planned to hear Chis report about the mission and confirming something. She had instructed her to spare 2 men who hit on her and interrogated them instead to find out where did the thug leader get the bullet made by Akasa Inc..

And there is another reason why she went to yesterdays place. Because of Mischa, she got a new idea to make things interesting.

Esper Associations training facility, huh?  Will the school have the same training program as the training facility that Mischa spoke of? Now I cant wait for the school to start, didnt I?

Naomi arrived at the location where she was attacked yesterday and pulled out her mask and put it on her face before she entered one of the desolate factories.

She entered a factory that have lots of steel beams lying around the ground and the building itself looked like it will collapse in seconds. She proceeded deeper to the abandoned factory in a hall with lots of steel pillars and called out at nothing.

Come out. Naomis tone right now changed into the tone that she usually used when she acted as Mugetsu.

Her voice is cold, with no apparent emotion.

After Naomi called out to nowhere, a man showed himself from behind a pillar from Naomis left. The man wore full black clothes and a black mask which hide his lower face. He has black eyes and short black hair without any renowned features.

The man approached Naomi and kneeled. Princess, I am here as instructed.

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