I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 144: The Storm 30

Chapter 144: The Storm 30

Mischas POV

Topaz turned to look at me and narrowed her eyes, Im sorry, but I cannot tell you. Please ask Naomi herself, or her bodyguard named Melaine. Im sure she knew something, no, I bet she had told you something about Naomi.

Something that Melaine told me about Naomi. She did tell me one thing, that I underestimate Naomi too much. That I didnt place my trust in Naomi. But, what was the relation of that with this situation?

Oh, she did tell you something. Follow me, I will take you to Naomi. Said Topaz as she started walking towards the direction of Avos School.

Kyouka who saw us talking from the distance tilted her head cutely, but it was not the time for that. I looked at Kyouka and shouted.

I will leave this place to you, Kyouka. I have something to do right now! I put a serious face to convey my intention to Kyouka.

She nodded her head and saluted to me before replying, Yes!

I saluted back to her and followed Topaz again. On our way to Avos Island, Topaz began to speak.

Do you know the history of the Esper? 90 years ago, no, 89 years ago at 2110 the Esper start appeared in India. The first discovered power was Adjustment, that ability user then call himself Esper, a name that he took from an aired movie about superhuman at that time.

What did she say? The first Espers ability was Adjustment? The record in the Esper Association said that the first Espers ability was unknown because he died after he wroke havoc in his country. No, Topaz knew something that I didnt, and more importantly, she knew something about Naomi from a certain document.

I just silently followed Topaz while having my ability ready anytime.

You must be curious why I told you about that. You had Adjustment ability too, and an ability to cancel the others. That was what was written in that document. Topaz looked over her shoulder and smiled at me.

She she knew about my ability? Even Naomi didnt know about it.

Naomi didnt know about your ability that was what you thought, right?

My eyes widened in surprise when Topaz said that. She looked forward to the Avos School that could be seen in the distance and said.

Do you think so? Didnt she the one who help you when the Moon of Akasha attacked this island? Do you think that with her connection and her position as the manager of Akasa Inc. she wont be able to dig information about you?

I knew about that a long time ago. I wanted to tell Naomi myself, but I cant because I must follow the rules. Unlike Naomi, I was bound with the Esper Association and cant move freely.

I gritted my teeth in frustration and said, I know, I know that Naomi had realized my ability. So what? Naomi is not a person who minds something like that! I know her more than you!

Mischa, calm yourself! You had it, you can control your emotion. Dont let it spill, just keep yourself calm.

I tried to calm myself and finally managed to do it after a few seconds.

You said it yourself, she didnt mind it. But, she knew your secret and you dont know Naomis secret. Its not my place to let you know this, no, its not my job, but follow me.

Topaz walked past the Avos School and looked at the building that was located right behind the Avos School. More specifically, the building was located behind the Avos School and was separated by a wide clearing about 100 meters.

We walked past the building then I had a bad feeling. With my enhanced sight, I saw someone on the top of one of the buildings behind the Avos School and that someone held a rifle that was pointed towards us.

I narrowed my eyes and saw that someone was a woman with a black moon tattoo on her left cheek.

Topaz! I shouted at Topaz, but she just rolled her clothes up and pointed at her waist.

On her waist was a tattoo of a black crescent moon. At that time, I realize it.

You I looked at Topaz and grabbed my gun from the holster and pointed it at her.

As soon as I pointed my gun at Topaz, the woman on top of the building shot her rifle and the bullet hit my gun, shattering it. My hand went numb because of the impact, but I was not injured.

Dont worry, you will not be harmed.

With that, Topaz walked towards the building where the woman stood guard. She entered with no worry, and I had no choice but to follow her. We went to the top floor and then she entered a certain room.

In that room, there stood a man with red hair that I recognized from the attack on Avos Island. He stood behind a bench, looking outside without worry.

On the bench, Naomi sat there while playing with her holo phone. She raised her head and was surprised when she saw me and Topaz.

Mischa? She said shortly before she looked at Topaz.


I was glad that Naomi was fine, but it was strange. No one in the room moved and the man with red hair just turned at me and smiled.

Welcome, I am waiting for you. Good work.

Topazs face melted and it was changed to the face of another woman with short black hair. This woman was in the database of the Esper Association, I had read about her once.

Naomis eyes were widened in surprise when Topazs face melted, but then she gained her composure again and just looked at the woman with calm eyes.

So the Topaz that was talking with me all the time was fake?! All things that she told me were a lie?!

She had escaped the prison of Hokkaido alongside the man in front of me when Mugetsu broke the prisoner out. The woman strode over to where the man was and stood beside him while crossing her arms.

That was easy. I just need to make the kid unconscious and take her appearance. It was a good thing that we tapped that kid at that time. Said the woman.

The man, who was also the right hand of Mugetsu, Homuhara Rekka, nodded his head and looked at me.

Now, I need your cooperation. The chaos will ensue on this island, and we had found a way to stop it. It was using your power. It was the best way to protect this girl over here and the other civilians on this island, are you interested?

His offer sounded so sweet, and I was enticed to agree. But, if the key to stopping the chaos was my power, then I dont need to hesitate.

I put my left hand inside my pocket and dialed Hotarus number secretly, telling her my position right now. I never thought that they hid in this building, right behind the Avos School.

For now, I need to stall time. So I said, Depending on your plan, maybe I will refuse. So, tell me your plan.

Now, this was a race of time, please be here faster, Hotaru!

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