I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 143: The Storm 29

Chapter 143: The Storm 29

Mischas POV

We have arrived at the dorm and it was rather disturbing. As weve expected, the target of the flying bottles was the dorm.

It hit the dorms side and the sharp shards of the bottles were littering everywhere. The students began to leave the dorm one by one while closing their noses because of the sting smell from the liquid that was inside the bottle earlier.

I also covered my nose with my hand, somehow I got a bit dizzy after I smelt the liquid. I quickly looked at Ryo and Kyouka.

Go away! Lets move from the dorm. Somehow my head was dizzy when I smelt that liquid.

Ryo and Kyouka who were covering their noses with their sleeves nodded their head and we retreated from the dorm.

The dorm in front of us was built for the first-year student, which meant everyone in this dorm was not experienced with something like this. I heard that the second-year students had received basic training in a different place, so I can rest assured with them.

Now, the problem was how to evacuate the student?

When we had retreated around 30 meters from the dorm, I cant smelt the liquid again.

What was that? It smelt like a perfume. Kyouka relaxed her arm and looked at the dorm.

What? A perfume? Ryo asked in a confused tone. He rubbed his nose with his left hand before he spitted to the ground in front of him. That thing stung my nose with its smell. And you said that was a perfume?

Perfume, that actually made sense. I had perfume in my room, and if I used perfume too much, the smell was similar to that. But, because the ones that crashed to the dorm had a much bigger quantity compared to the ones that I had, the smell became unbearable.

In the distance, I could see Naomis friend that she introduced me in the caf, Topaz, was evacuating the other students while covering her nose with her left hand. I looked at Ryo and Kyouka and said.

I will help evacuate the students to this place. Please calm them down when they are here. I can use my ability to keep myself from smelling that, so I will be fine.

Both of them nodded their head and I ran towards the dorm again. I used my ability, Adjustment, to make my nose unable to smell anything. This ability was really convenient at a time like this.

I approached Naomis friend, Topaz, and said.

I will take over.

She looked at me with surprised eyes, but she quickly nodded her head and said.

Thank you! By chance, do you know where Naomi is? You know, because the dorm had become like this, I think of crashing into her place for tonight.

When Topaz asked that, I put a serious face, Naomi was I dont know where she is. You can go to the  Starlight hotel if you need to find a place to sleep tonight. I will check you in after I am done here.

Oh! I will go there. Thank you!

After leaving those words, Topaz ran with the other evacuates. Because the situation was a bit better right now, I just need to tell the students to go where Ryo and Kyouka were.

After a few minutes of evacuating the students, I went back to where Ryo and Kyouka were. A lot of students were sitting on the street while some of them were calling their parents with their holo phones.

We were on the sidewalks in front of a building near the dorms. A lot of people were looking at us, while some were trying to leave because they knew that there was something wrong near the area of the dorm and they didnt want to get in trouble.

Ryo and Kyouka were consoling the students that had panic attacks. I was glad that most of the students were able to move safely, although some students had cut in their arms or legs because of the broken glasses.

When I walked between the students, I saw Topaz walking towards me. She had a serious expression on her face while holding her holo phone in her left hand. She stopped in front of me and said.

I tried to call Naomi but she didnt answer. The call connected, so Naomi didnt turn her phone off. She had always answered the call, but she didnt this time. Tell me, where is Naomi. I had a bad feeling about it.

I went silent for a while. Kyouka was approaching us from a distance while looking at us worriedly. I didnt know what Kyouka wanted to tell me, but right now I need to answer Topaz.

Naomi she was kidnapped.

Topazs eyes widened in surprise and she held her holo phone tighter.

Kidnapped? Could it be, by the one who attacked the dorm?

I shook my head at Topazs guess and said, It was Moon of Akasha. They kidnapped Naomi to protect her.

What Topaz muttered one word and the holo phone that she held in her hand was released because of her surprise.

I instantly adjusted my body to the limit and moved to grab the holo phone and then I looked at Topazs face while trying to hand the holo phone back to her.

No way Naomi was?

She was acting strange. Could it be, Topaz knew something?

Topaz? Did you know something?

I was trying to ask her, but she ignored me and then bit her fingers.

It couldnt be. Naomi is the protection target of Moon of Akasha in the document? But, I see. So thats why.

Because I had adjusted my body earlier, I could hear her mutter. Document? So Topaz did know something that even we, the Esper Association, didnt know about.

I put my hands on Topazs shoulders and shook her.

You will tell me everything, Topaz.

She had a look of realization, realizing that she screwed up. She eventually nodded her head.

I want you to save Naomi. If what you said was true, then Naomi is in danger even though she is protected by Moon of Akasha. Also, prepare for chaos in this city.

As she said that, she took her holo phone back from my hand and dialed someone. I pulled my hand away from Topazs shoulders, but I kept my body enhanced in case Topaz tried to do something.

Her character right now was really different from when I met her for the first time. So what Naomi said was true, Topaz was dangerous. Her ability, the one to control emotion was really terrifying. The energetic and cheerful girl had changed into a calm and calculated girl in just a second.

A few seconds later, her call connected and I eavesdropped on her conversation. Seeing that she didnt walk away from me, I guess she allowed me to hear her conversation.

Mother, they had moved. Said Topaz.

I could hear a nervous gulp from the other side that was connected to the call, and finally Mother said.

I see The target of protection?

As expected, it was my friend, Naomi. Moon of Akasha had protected her now, but the Smiling Sun had launched their attack.

Is that so. I will guide you from here, protect the protection target at all cost, Topaz. If the Moon of Akasha protected her, then our guess is right from the start.

Yes, Naomi is that.

Make sure you are ready to be called. I am counting on you. Said Mother and the call was disconnected.

Naomi is that what is that?!

Topaz, what do you know? I asked Topaz as my tone became cold. I hadnt lost my control like this since I trained with Melaine, but right now I really need to know. I will force her to answer even if I need to use force.

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