I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

The chain moved swiftly at Lynns fingertips, yet he didnt expend much mental energy because he hadnt infused an excessive amount into the spell framework to sustain it.

If casting a spell using 1 unit of a constant standard mental energy produces a power of 1, Lynn had only consumed 0.1 units of the constant standard mental energy. The potency of the spell was merely less than a tenth of its potential.

The spells power could be adjusted according to the amount of mental energy Lynn chose to invest in it.

Was it because he thoroughly mastered this spell through the step-by-step process of meditation? Could this complete mastery be attributed to the meticulous control he had over this spell? Lynn pondered these questions, realizing that this might be the essence of the meditation technique.

Since he meticulously constructed the spell framework through meditation, it seemed to function effortlessly when employed. Lynn thought that he might find answers from his teacher.

Getting up, Lynn donned the wizard cloak. The gray wizard cloak felt remarkably smooth and warm, and its material was unknown to him. Constantly enchanted with a defensive spell, it provided a sense of security as Lynn walked through the streets.

Its time to visit the teacher, Lynn decided.

Afterward, he conducted a brief spellcasting experiment to determine the spells potency. A one-ring spell typically required up to 10 units of standard mental energy. With a magic staff, the mental energy consumption could be halved, requiring only 5 units to cast the spell.

Through experimentation, Lynn gauged the effectiveness of the one-ring spell. When Lauren was subjected to the full force of the Earth Ring, he found himself immobilized, unable to move freely, and experiencing significant interference and restrictions.

Arriving at the teachers residence, Lynn noticed the open gate in the courtyarda sign that his teacher was already aware of him coming. Stepping inside, he pushed open the door to find teacher Angley seated on the sofa by the fireplace on the ground floor.

Teacher, Lynn spoke up.

Have you completed the Earth Ring Meditation technique? Angley inquired, looking at Lynn.

I have, Lynn replied respectfully.

A bit slower than I anticipated, Angley remarked casually.

Teacher, I have some questions Id like to consult you about, Lynn began.

Go ahead, Angley said, closing the book in his hands.

Ive successfully meditated using the meditation technique you taught me, and Ive constructed the spell framework. However, Ive noticed that this spell is somewhat different from the ones I construct through regular meditation, Lynn hesitated.

If you can discern the difference, youre already ahead of many, Angley nodded in appreciation.

Long before ancient times, the meditation technique used by wizards differed from the current one, Angley explained.

Please, go on, teacher.

In the distant past, wizards employed meditation techniques that focused solely on enhancing mental strength, Angley said. However, many wizards found this to be a wasteful use of their time, as constructing a spell framework itself is a time-consuming process. Some wizards believed that most of a wizards time shouldnt be squandered on constructing spell frameworks. Consequently, a transformation occurred, and modern meditation techniques have been refined. The improved techniques not only enhance mental strength but also construct the spell framework simultaneously after a successful meditation.

Lynn nodded in understanding.

At first, some wizards considered this approach a waste of time, and there were concerns about the instability of the purified mental strength obtained through the new meditation technique, Angley continued. However, certain academies conducted experiments and discovered that, in the early stages of a wizards development, apprentices utilizing this new meditation technique could master several crucial spells more effectively than those using the old technique. Moreover, there was no subsequent impact on a wizards mental strength. Consequently, this new meditation technique gradually gained popularity.

Lynn nodded, indicating his understanding.

Furthermore, the proficiency of spells obtained through meditation far surpasses those constructed through spell frameworks, Angley added.

Do you think mastering a spell is as simple as constructing the spell framework? Angley smiled.

Isnt it? Lynn questioned, puzzled.

Of course not, Angley began, Constructing the spell framework merely signifies that you have mastered the spell and can release it.

In reality, even for the same spell, there can be significant differences when it is cast, Angley continued, raising a finger.

As he spoke, a ball of bright light emanated from Angleys fingertip, illuminating the somewhat dim living room with its warm glow. The brightness of the light at Angleys fingertip seemed to adjust autonomously, transitioning from dim to bright and then back to dim.

Being able to freely adjust the power of a spell is what constitutes a more proficient mastery of it. Sometimes, the effectiveness of a spell depends on the amount of mental energy expended rather than the spell itself, Angley explained.

Youve already mastered the Earth Ring Meditation technique, and it seems your mental strength should have reached the standard of a second-level wizard apprentice, Angley remarked.

Compared to noble wizard apprentices who have been exposed to meditation from an early age, youre not far behind. Your talent would be considered commendable even on the Wizard Continent, Angley added.

Theres only half a month left until the fleet arrives at the port. Prepare yourself during this time, and when the time comes, board the ship directly.

Lynn was momentarily puzzled. How did teacher Angley know the exact arrival time of the fleet? Moreover, wasnt it mentioned earlier that it would take five months? Now, theres still a month and a half until the agreed-upon time, yet teacher Angley stated that the fleet would arrive a month early.

Now that youve completed the Earth Ring Meditation technique, take this new meditation technique, Angley said, his ring flashing.

In the next instant, a new magic book appeared.

Lynn took the magic book from Angleys hands and then saw Angley, who was sitting on the sofa, waving his hand in a gesture of dismissing people away.

Leaving the room with the magic book, Lynn returned home. He took out the book, and the cover bore large charactersHellfire Meditation Technique.

Upon flipping open the magic book, there werent many pages insidethe first page displayed a dynamic image.

Lynn was intrigued, it was his first time seeing such a moving picture. On the image, a stone giant burning with emerald-green flames stood on a scorched land.

In the next moment, the image of the stone giant gradually distorted and transformed into a complex star map.

The star map displayed countless stars interconnected, forming an incredibly intricate pattern.

As Lynn observed the celestial tapestry, he couldnt help but wonder if this meditation technique represented a spell and, if so, what level of spell it might be.

Staring at the myriad stars, Lynn felt a headache coming on after just a cursory glance. Attempting to delve into the subsequent content, he realized the magic book seemed fused together, making it impossible to turn the pages. Unless he resorted to using brute force to tear the pages apart, it appeared that he wouldnt be able to access the content beyond.

It seemed he wouldnt be able to glimpse the later content until he had started the meditation technique.

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