I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

This time, when you arrive on the Wizard Continent, remember to contact your fourth great grandfather1. He went to the Wizard Continent long before you, and there have been occasional updates over the years. It is said that your fourth great grandfather has become a legendary wizard. Listen to him carefully, and strive to become an esteemed wizard yourself.

Several luxurious carriages stopped in front of the mansion, and a dignified and elegant man instructed his son.

Seated across from him was a young man with refined attire and fair features. The blond-haired young man nodded to indicate his understanding.

As the young man descended from the carriage, several similarly dressed youths of the same age accompanied him.

Judging by their appearance, they belonged to the same family. Once the carriage departed, these well-dressed youths, who didnt seem like ordinary people, couldnt contain their excitement and began discussing their aspirations for the Wizard Continent.

Tomorrow, well directly visit the local noble, the leading blond-haired youth said.

Hans, this Bangor Port is just a viscountdo we really need to go? I dont understand. We are marquises. Marquis family members dont visit viscounts, one of the youths expressed his confusion.

Hans shook his head, Even if its just a viscount, we cannot break the rules.

In the evening, the steward drove the carriage, taking Hans alone to the pharmacy to visit Roger.

The wizard who is connected to the family lives here? Hans asked, looking at the dungeon in front of him.

Yes, the steward replied respectfully. It was his responsibility to maintain contact between Roger and the family.

Hans nodded, preparing to recruit this commoner wizard.

Hans wore a somewhat arrogant expression. He believed that, after hearing about his background, this lucky peasant would undoubtedly be eager to come and kiss his boots.

Their House of Golden Wind had many members with wizard talents throughout generations. Many were sent to the ship bound for the Wizard Continent. Although they heard that the Wizard Continent was harsh, their family had numerous members, and a few fortunate ancestors were sure to stand out.

In recent years, these noble wizards had also developed some experience among themselves. They heard about competition on the ship to the Wizard Continent and possible encounters with various unexpected challenges and competitions along the route. 

At such times, if some wizards could form alliances, their survival rates would be higher. Additionally, there was said to be a crucial selection on an island later, and having cannon fodder at a critical moment could help them achieve better rankings.

Hans gaze flickered, and his eyes burned as he stared at the dungeon.

He recalled the techniques his father had taught him. What kind of language should he use to deceive these ignorant commoner wizards?

As the large door opened, Hans and the steward entered the basement. Finally, when they reached the end of the path and saw the open door, the steward sensed something amiss. In the dungeon, they discovered the lifeless body of the stitched monster and the scattered bones. 

Dead, the steward said with a solemn expression.

Hans was perplexedthe follower prepared by his family was already gone without his permission?

How dare this damned peasant die without my permission, Hans cursed.


As spring arrived in Bangor Port, this somewhat chilly port city seemed to warm up in an instant.

People on the streets were no longer seen wearing heavy coats or cotton clothes.

As the date of the fleets arrival approached, many nobles suddenly appeared in Bangor Port. These high-spending nobles, accompanied by numerous attendants, significantly boosted the citys consumption capacity.

On the last day, the progress of the Earth Ring Meditation technique was about to reach one hundred percent.

Standing in front of the mirror, Lynn seemed a bit absent-minded.

This outfit looks good, and it fits you perfectly, Anika commented on Lynns clothes.

During this period, Lynn had informed his family about his impending departure. As the farewell date approached, although his family didnt mention it, Lynn could sense the faintly suppressed atmosphere. To avoid intensifying this melancholy mood, Lynn stopped bringing up the topic.

However, every few days, Anika would present Lynn with a newly sewn outfit. Some styles were even slightly larger than his current size, as she believed Lynn would grow taller and would eventually fit into them.

Before reaching level 20, each level-up only required 100 points of general experience. However, once Lynn reached level 20, the required experience points increased tenfold, causing his level progression to stagnate.

Nevertheless, the improvement from the first 20 levels had significantly enhanced Lynns overall capabilities.

Whether it was the talent for meditation or the augmentation of his physical fitness and mental strength attributes, the gains were substantial.

In the past few months, Lynns most significant advancement had been in mutation studies.

Since reaching level 2 in mutation studies a month ago, Lynns mind had been flooded with a vast amount of knowledge.

The breadth of knowledge Lynn had acquired was extensive, encompassing a vast array of mutation knowledge. Lynn was confident that he had established a very solid foundation for his understanding of mutation.

However, lacking a reference point for comparison, Lynn couldnt determine the exact depth of his proficiency. What he was certain of, though, was that the life occupation at level 2 was an entirely different entity from the level 1 life occupation.

Comparing the two felt akin to the difference between a graduate student and an elementary school student.

Many issues Lynn had faced before reaching level 2 were swiftly overcome through his dedicated study after the breakthrough.


Level: Level 20 (0/1000)

Physical Fitness: 6.97

Mental Strength: 17.7


Earth Ring Meditation (99%)

Life Occupation:

Level 2 Mutation Studies (7.5%) (0/100)

Level 1 Bloodline Studies (18%) (0/10)

Level 1 Alchemical Studies (43%) (0/10)

Level 1 Undead Studies (55%) (0/10)

General Experience Points: 1970

From the inheritance, Lynn had mastered several zero-ring spellsDark Energy Ray, Organ Preservation, Light of Darkness, Bright Magic, Restoration, Switch, and Communication.

Some of these spells lacked substantial damage but had excellent utility.

Over the past few months, Lynn had also practically absorbed all the knowledge from the books in the Alchemy Laboratory and the inheritance in the soul bead.

In terms of knowledge, Lynn believed he was not inferior to many wizard apprentices. The spells he had mastered met the standard of a second-level wizard apprentice.

In the evening, as Lynn immersed himself in meditation, something extraordinary occurred. Suddenly, beyond the existing ninety-nine earth rings in his mind, a new earth ring manifested. The entire chain glowed with a golden radiance, and intricate runes illuminated his mental space, resembling a galaxy in subtle motion.

Countless intricate nodes emanated light, ultimately converging into a spell framework shaped like a chain. Adorning it were hundreds of densely packed nodes, and Lynns mind received feedback on the details of this spell.

One-ring spellEarth Ring.

Spell Effect: Generates an Earth Ring to imprison the target, subjecting it to the influence of gravity while simultaneously sealing its magical power.

This marked Lynns mastery of his first one-ring spell, and it seemed to be more than just a simple acquisition of the spell. Lynns gaze deepened as he raised his right hand, fingertips glowing with a golden light that shimmered brilliantly.

Authors Note: A new map will be released soon, and my health was finally feeling better.

  1. TL/N: 

    -Fourth great grandfather; from the original Chinese text, it was written as ( ti yy de ti yy ), literally means great grandfather of a great grandfather. Also written as great-great-great-great-grandfather. 

    -According to Wiki, to avoid a proliferation of greats when discussing genealogical trees, one may also use ordinals instead of multiple greatsthus a great-great-grandfather would be the second great-grandfather, and a great-great-great-grandfather would be a third great-grandfather, and so on.

    -Also, according to the photo below, the great grandfather of a great grandfather was in the 6th generation, with four greats, hence the fourth great grandfather.

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