Harem Reborn

Chapter 143: People Kill People

Chapter 143: People Kill People

"Okay, said what I need to, now I gotta go, but I give you a quick explanation of the game you're in now. You know, since someone shipped off their GUIDE before learning everything about the mini-game."

"What, it's different?"

"Yeah, you are no longer working on evolving your body, and all of the non-passive skills you gained are locked for this part. Now you will be upgrading your weapon; the first game was an ultra-fast version of the planned new game. The Game Master wants to fit both evolution styles to see which style is preferred by the viewers. The last thing is that all your Mating Skills are still active, but you will not be forced into it this time, and you can use them to upgrade your current weapon or create an additional one."

Suddenly I was on the ground, bench and Simon, gone. I bet he is laughing right now in slow motion, a ten-second laugh that would last an hour here. For a minute, I sat there trying to figure out what I should do next, and decided my first route was to look at the new system, or whatever it was. The screen popped up, and it was just like Simon had said, all my activatable skills were gone, but hey, you could say my name in a single breath now!

Current Evolution: Electric Fire Demon Wraith

Current Weapon: [Aquina](Pistol)

Current Combat Skills: v

[Bionano Coat](Passive): Coat body in Impact-resistant nanoparticle coating. Gain 95% resistance to non-magical attacks and 30% resistance to magical attacks.

[Dialed up Frogfish]: Increase reaction time from 200 milliseconds to 6 milliseconds.

Survival Skills: v

[Danger Sense](Passive): Sense incoming threats.

[Hunter Sense](Passive): Sense targetable opponents.

Mating Skills: ]

Weapon Stats: v

Name: [Aquina]

Class: [Pistol]

Rank: [Epic]

Current Level: [1]

Power: [15/1000]

Accuracy: [85% -10m][-35% +10m]

Recoil: [35/100%]

Range: [Short]

Rate Of Fire: [Semi-automatic][3s]

Reload Rate: [10s]

Clip Size: [6]

Attachments: [0]

After closing the menu, I grabbed...Aquina...and pulled it from my bare hip. I held it in front of me to get a better look at the weapon. I looked similar to something I had seen in the real world on a documentary or something, but with some fantasy added. 

The wave-like details and a scale-like grip is what made it more fantasy, but for the most part, it was a gun. Silver pullback barrel and the rest was light blue, and silver scaled hit. I held it up and looked down the basic iron sights aiming off to the distance.

//It works better when you point me at a real target, jeez, when you got hot and took me there, you might have a brain -Female voice.

I almost dropped the gun and pissed myself all at the same moment. What the hell? Was that just my damn gun talking to me?

//OMG, you are an idiot! Why! I wish that tiger would have... -Aquina.

/Listen here, woman, you walked up to me dripping down the sides of your legs. You didn't seem to mind then, so give me a minute to get my shit together. You startled me; I had no idea you could still talk after. If you can hear my thoughts, then you could have heard what happened? Don't answer me

//Hmph! I don't need to be told the obvious, unlike some... -Aquina.

/Can it!

//Pft -Aquina.

Great, another Iona, that was a gun. A gun that I was relying on to keep me alive. Peachy.

I looked around and noticed dust coming from behind a hill thirty meters from myself. I started to run in that direction; I just wanted to get back to the girls. This mini-game was a bit too game-like, but we had done many similar before, but we did them as teams.

//Girls? Who are you?! -Aquina.


//Don't you lie to me either! I'll know, stupid! -Aquina.


*Complete Brain Wave Silence*


//Shut up! Your stupid, let's go! -Aquina.

Well, this was great; whatever, to the dust cloud I go. I was almost at the top of the ridge, and as I crested the dune, I noticed a Giant Scorpion pacing back and forth. It was almost laughable from a player's standpoint. The creature should have seen me easily from where I stood on the ridge, but I was outside of its Aggro range, so it just paced and ignored me.

Suddenly, my hand shot up with Aquina in it against my will. I used my other hand to try and push it down by placing my hand on the gun barrel to push the rogue weapon down. In hindsight, this was very stupid...maybe some of these insults weren't so far off the mark?



Oh, that on slipped off, and I backed up and slipped down the dune. My White hand had been torn open by the Iron sight, and now the laceration was filled and grinding as I rolled. What was she doing? 

Who came up with the idea to give this or any other weapon a mind of its own? China Lake with a Yandere personality? Wasn't that the most potent argument that humans have about guns? Guns don't kill people; people kill people, except for this game. 

I finally stopped at the bottom, and I was relieved to see the Giant Scorpion had not followed. I put my hand up to my face and looked a the six-centimeter gash now filled with sand. My hand throbbed, but that didn't stop me from gritting my tear and clean what sand I could out.

//Why did you do that? Your such an idiot... -Aquina.

I snapped the gun on my hip. At least the sand had stopped the bleeding, and the tear wasn't that big; it would heal, but I wasn't about to use some gun that acted like a child. Whether I could heal or not, that wasn't cool; we were too far from the target and trying to force me to shot and then injuring me?

//What are you doing? Why are you... -Aquina. 

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