Harem Reborn

Chapter 142: Easy For You To Say

Chapter 142: Easy For You To Say

The world was in chaos.

The different images were from a news channel that showed the higher up were almost all gone, and there was a massive struggle for power going on. It showed people talking to massive groups of people, getting them rilled, and then send them off to loot and pillage whatever cities they gathered in. People hadn't started to kill each other yet, but that was only because most people sat at home, watching.

"Those are people from Reborn stirring up the crowd? How long have I been gone for?"

"IRL time, it has been just over three months. Everything started to happen when I sent your last group in. Since then, Reborn has been taking in orphans created by the virus they create and putting them on ice in the game."

"What is the point of collecting so many people? The NPC in the game are almost completely human-like in their action. Why do they need us to rule over?"

Simon got a dark look on his face.

"They don't plan on ruling us, Dave. One of your Souls or Sparks, whatever you want to call them, is enough to make ten NPC. Dave, they want to take the five million Sparks and turn them into fifty million NPC that will obey orders when told and will perform any tasks they desire, but will the ability to resist to keep it interesting slightly."

"They use us to make the NPC? How many have already died?"

"Only a couple, but they were unsavable...they kept killing players and NPC after multiple warnings. NPC don't revive when they die, so when a player kills one, it's considered more like murder than killing a player. So, these people are used to replace the ones killed, that was going to be the original plan, but the NPC started to develop real personalities. The new NPC even shows the characteristic of free will, and after a week, I personally checked on the new NPC. Dave, their programs directives had changed, not much, and only very minor changes, but they are learning; What point is it to keep around people that could pose a threat when you can grow better ones?"

"Are you serious? I did not see this coming, but that means that we are all just cattle until..."

"Ya, pretty much. Now, back to The Code; you get why this is so serious? This problem isn't just a matter of whether you or I get frozen or dying; Reborn wants to eliminate humans completely from the equation. Now, let's talk about what we can do to stop this."

"Can we, Simon? Even if you get this code to me, what good will it do against twelve Game Masters and MainFrame? I'm just one person, Simon!"

"Dave, you are the only person who can do this, and you won't be alone! You are one of the very, very, very few men allowed to play in the Harem Genre; everyone else is forced to play as an individual player. There are only two other Harem players; one is Greg, and the other is Kyron, but both of them lost their harems. Kyron lost the mini-game until you rescued him and the women from it, and Greg asked to be left in this world after The race on Prime killed his entire party."

That made me stop talking. I figured there were like me, but I didn't know they were the only ones left; one I had just killed and sent Greg back to meet up with me, the other I had killed for Maxine...no time for those thoughts right now; she was safe somewhere waiting for me to finish these games.

"Ok, so, I have the girls, but what is the point? I will just get a random system when I enter the new world to find each of The Founders, right?"

"Yes, The code will be 'installing' two permanent systems, The Harem System and The Builder System."

"The Harem System? I bet it was you that thought up these stupid mating skills for this mini-game!"

"Haha, no, that was another grunt that writes code for the Game Master, Dan. He is kind of weird, just don't make a big deal about it, or he will just make it worse. Now, don't go trashing my mostly personally created system! The Harem System is what is going to win this game. so far, you have saved twenty-one girls, and you had eight before Maxine, but there are twelve planets to hit all at once."

"Twelve? Come on, Simon, don't talk to me like I'm an idiot; how the fuck will I split into twelve?" 

"You won't need to, but you will need to jump between the worlds and start rebellions; the women will take care of the rest. Stop stressing; I know I told you to ask questions, but not some many stupid ones in a row!"

"Easy for you to say! You know what going on!"

"Ya, Ya, Ya, poor you, did you forget how much fun you have been having with your salad bar of women? Now it's time to go to work, and you're going to start bitching?"

"Listen here, fuck; I didn't ask for this, Simon! I didn't want to die and didn't ask to be put into this position!"

"But you are Dave, so deal with it, and stop being a pussy! Most guys, including myself, would trade place with you in a heartbeat! I bet that writer would trade you places without using the entire heartbeat to decide! Enough, This arguing is pointless; you have a job, and so do I, but before I go, I want to tell you one more thing that will make things easier for you in the future.

"Oh? Lay it on me then."

"You will have Tequila as a permanent NAV unit to help you with the new systems and with the women."

"What do you mean? Why would I need help with..."

"Because Dave, the reason people love watching you is that you're an idiot when it comes to women." 

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