God Simulator

Chapter 111: The magical white boar

Chapter 111: The magical white boar

Lu Yao noticed that there was something hanging under the lampshade in the parking alley.

His vision was excellent now, and he could see at a glance that it was an envelope swaying in the cold wind. The envelope had been hanging on the lamp post for two days.

After a while, someone appeared under the lamp post.

It was a girl wearing a white bread suit. She carried a small bag, wore a camel-colored duckbill cap, and wore brown snow boots. The girl stood under the lamp post, rubbing her hands in the cold wind, as if waiting for someone.

Lu Yao didn’t quite understand Song Shiyi’s behavior.

Was she meeting someone here?


Was she looking for Isabella?

Just like the previous two days, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Song Shiyi left.

At this time, Xiaohuo had finished cooking dinner.

A plate of shredded pork with green peppers and fried noodles, and a bowl of seaweed and egg soup.

Lu Yao picked up a roll of fried noodles with chopsticks and looked at the simulator.

He first glanced at the upper right corner.

Two key data must be monitored at all times.

Population: 28,177 Faith: 8,471

Apart from the one-time population brought by the deep-sea fish people, the number of believers was also steadily increasing.

As for faith.

After a series of god battles, the consumption was huge, and Lu Yao’s faith inventory once dropped to less than 2,000.

Fortunately, he now owns 18 items that generate faith, and can earn 1,032 faith income every day. With a few days of rest, he can recover.

The two wonders created by the little people, the "Lighthouse" and the "Theological College," will have to wait a little longer.

Speaking of items.

At first, Lu Yao thought about creating various combinations of items and further developing their abilities.

He specifically opened a document on the computer called "Maximizing the Use of Faith Items."

After a while of analysis, Lu Yao felt dizzy and sleepy.

Forget it.

He closed the document and threw it into the recycle bin.

This is not important.

Items are originally meant to serve the owner.

As long as there are enough of them and of high quality, when needed, just flip through them and you can find something useful.

More is better, and better is more!

Just like instant noodles. Don’t think about making a package of instant noodles taste like a full-course meal. Just stock up on various flavors and price ranges, and choose one when you’re hungry, and that’s it.

The most important thing in the simulator is always population and faith.

The highest priority for Lu Yao now is to find the "White God" hiding in the dark.

He opened the temple and asked the two apostles responsible for the search.

There was still no progress.

Lu Yao asked Isabella.

- Is it possible that the White God is not on the ground or in the sea, but in the sky? Or in the clouds?

In the pixel world, the player’s perspective always tends to fall on the ground or the sea. This is the inertia of the overhead perspective.

But if you further raise the perspective, you can see the floating clouds in the sky. They are clusters of pixel white blocks, very simple and easy to overlook.

This can be considered a blind spot and a dead angle to some extent.

"Sir, I have checked every cloud area," Isabella replied. "There is nothing in the cloud layer. If you go further up, you will reach the world boundary, and there is no place to fix the idol."

Lu Yao finished the last bit of fried noodles in the bowl and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

Not in the sky.

So how did the White God hide himself?

This player is quite something.

Isabella put forward a guess: "Sir, could it be like the previous God of Silk? The idol of the White God has been constantly moving, so we cannot determine its location."

Lu Yao was awakened by her words.

It’s really possible.

If the apostles have been helping the idol of the White God to constantly move, it would be difficult to find a fixed coordinate.

The fish people did not find it underwater because the White God’s headquarters is not in the sea either.

Just as Lu Yao was about to adjust his strategy, there was an important breakthrough in Yao City.

A White God believer voluntarily surrendered.

This believer named Yanghu knelt in front of the temple, crying and confessing that he should not have forgotten the God Yao who had sheltered people for generations, and followed a heretical god for the sake of precious stones.

Yanghu was a shepherd.

Salt Long told him that the White God is the god of treasures, and as long as he believes in the White God, he can obtain inexhaustible wealth and unparalleled power.

Under the opponent’s gem attack, the poor Yanghu wavered in his faith.

Following Salt Long all the way, Yanghu realized that he had been deceived!

If the gems cannot be used in the city, they are just beautiful stones.

He missed the clean houses in Yao City, the smelly but warm sheep, the fragrant wheat cakes, potatoes, roasted salted fish, and refreshing wheat beer in the city.

Now he lived like a primitive savage, searching for berries in the wild, eating raw fish, and hiding everywhere like a hunted beast.

Angry Yanghu decided to go back!

To apologize in front of the temple and pray for the forgiveness of the gods and prophets.

Before going back, he decided to make amends!

To find the headquarters of the heretical god believers, so as to completely eradicate this group of cultists and prevent more people from being deceived and led astray.

After patient waiting and lurking, Yanghu followed Salt Long and saw the apostle of the "White God."

"It is a huge white wild boar, full of terrifying power."

"When it roars, everyone is too scared to move."

Lu Yao’s past memories were triggered.

Among the Pigfish Brothers, the headhunter was obsessed with a magical white wild boar that had never been caught. He wanted to capture the white wild boar as a sacrifice.The rumored white wild boar really exists.

Kneeling outside the temple, Sheep Lake continued to speak: "…The white wild boar is called Mr. White, who is also the messenger of the White God. It asked us all to spread the faith of the White God, bring people to kneel and worship it, and then it would grant us power."

"Although Mr. White looks like a wild boar, it doesn’t stay in the forest. It sleeps underground on a small island in the north of the Western Continent."

"But it didn’t tell us about the statue or the temple, it just asked us to silently recite the name of the White God and offer our faith."

"Among us, not everyone truly believes in the White God. Everyone came for the gemstones, thinking about taking the gemstones back to the city... This made Mr. White very angry and scolded Salt Long."

"Later, Mr. White asked us to find new believers, so I immediately ran back to report."

Sheep Lake knocked his head on the ground, a crying expression appearing above his head.

"God Yao, please forgive my ignorance and stupidity, I really know I was wrong! I will sincerely repent every day and spread the gospel of the gods to everyone!"

Lu Yao didn’t care about the wavering Sheep Lake.

When there are more small-minded people, all kinds of people will appear.

As long as faith and civilization maintain a leading position, people like Sheep Lake will stand on the side of the strong.

The key is to have real power.

The White God’s method of recruiting everywhere and finding believers in a pyramid scheme will only find some misfits, and cannot build a solid and lasting faith and civilization.

Lu Yao mobilized the Sea Lord to directly blockade the northern sea area. Isabella also occupied the airspace, and every move below could not escape her eyes.

At the same time, the Blood Knight also set off from the northern forest and rushed to the island.

Suddenly, a dialogue box popped up above Isabella’s head.

"Master, enemy detected!"

Lu Yao switched his perspective.

On a desolate small island full of rocks, a white wild boar drilled out from underground. It ran wildly towards the coast, seemingly trying to escape by water.

Stealing my faith and still trying to run?

Lu Yao pinched his fingers.

Today it’s Apostle against Apostle, giving you a fair chance to fight.

So you can’t say that I, a dignified god, always bully people with lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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