God Simulator

Chapter 110: Prophet and Heretic

Chapter 110: Prophet and Heretic

The Yao City monument was engraved with a new name.

"Hamira: The first legendary prophet of Yao City, she wrote the ’Divine Gospel’ and led Yao City in spreading the belief in the gods, completing an unprecedented pilgrimage. She represents courage and perseverance, and is a role model for all future generations."

People gathered around the monument to mourn this legendary prophet.

In Yao City, everyone wore cotton to commemorate Hamira’s passing.

But life had to go on.

Before long, Yao City returned to its usual order.

A new reminder appeared on the screen.

- A believer has mastered theology. Do you want to convert her into a prophet?

[Yes] [No]

Lu Yao put away his melancholy.

The appearance of a third-generation prophet was really fast, it was truly a new generation replacing the old.

He immediately clicked "Yes" and switched to the perspective of the temple.

Inside the temple, there was now a female figure with a scorpion braid holding the "Gospel," now 30 years old.


[Prophet Lv3] Yao Shao

Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 3 Mana 0 Luck 1 Morale 0


Wisdom Lv1: Wisdom is the key for apostles to listen to the will of the gods. The higher the level of wisdom, the easier it is to improve and comprehend various abilities.

Medicine Lv1: Skilled in healing, with a certain probability of inventing new drugs or treatment methods.

Inventor Lv1: Skilled in inventing, increasing the probability of inventing new things.

Theology Lv1: Skilled in spreading the belief in the gods, able to keenly discover the traces left by the gods and comprehend and improve through observing miracles.


Lu Yao was puzzled.

What’s going on here!

Why did Yao Shao, who was a good hero, become a prophet?

With this pile of skills, she knows a little bit about everything.

However, since the other party chose to be a prophet, Lu Yao respected her personal choice.

With Hamira’s passing, Yao City did indeed have a gap in prophets.

Yao Shao knelt in front of the statue and said, "God Yao, I used to be a pharmacist and wanted to heal patients. However, the citizens of Yao City do not believe in pharmacists."

"Medicine is always in short supply, and there are not many diseases that can be cured."

"So everyone thinks that pharmacists are useless, more like frauds. Many people believe that praying and worshiping the temple is the way to cure diseases."

"I think that if I can study theology at the Theological Academy and combine it with herbal medicine, I should be able to help more people."

"God, this is my truest thought."

"I know it’s really silly, but I want to give it a try..."

"Hamira, the prophet, was my theology teacher. She told me to persevere and encouraged me, saying that this might be the new future for pharmacists."

"Before her pilgrimage, she asked someone to notify me, hoping that I could come to Yao City and continue to improve and enrich theology."

"Through her pilgrimage, I felt the immense power and enthusiasm of faith. This power can dispel diseases and suspicions, fill people with fighting spirit and cohesion, and can save many people."

"God, I will do my best to become a qualified prophet!"

Her confession made Lu Yao understand the whole story.

In general, it was because she couldn’t save patients as a doctor, so Yao Shao wanted to become a prophet and save the world through theology.

Lu Yao looked down at Salt City, observing Yao Shao’s every move.

This successor of Hamira had no stage fright. After establishing her position as a prophet, she made a series of changes to Yao City.

Yao Shao first eased various strict regulations in the city.

Drinking alcohol was no longer strictly prohibited.

Worshiping the temple was no longer a daily ritual.

The Theological Academy allowed ordinary people and outsiders to enter and study.

The Malt Beer Theater increased its opening hours.


She added several measures.

The Theological Academy openly recruited apprentices, and these apprentices needed to pay a certain amount of sea shells for further study. Passing the Theological Academy’s exam would make them recognized scholars in Yao City.

The former Temple Army was officially renamed the "Temple Society," no longer just a force to defend the temple.

The Temple Society was mainly composed of theological scholars and was responsible for researching and spreading the belief in God Yao, protecting and worshiping the temple, and managing this holy city. In short, the Temple Society was a city ruling group formed around the temple and the belief in the gods.

Encouraging worshippers to donate sea shells, Yao City needed funds to maintain order and preserve the sanctity of the temple. The prophet would lead the Temple Society in regularly clarifying doubts and explaining theology to the believers.


Lu Yao saw Yao Shao’s policies being implemented one by one and was a little surprised.

This third-generation prophet was young, but had great courage and a bit of the momentum of the reformer Fish Walk from back then.

After a brief period of turmoil and questioning, Yao City quickly adapted to the new order.

The most crucial thing was that the city’s resources, which had been depleted due to massive cultural exports, were rapidly recovering under Yao Shao’s series of actions.

The Temple Society officially took over the city’s ruling power and dispatched some scholars to Salt City and Sanilo, maintaining close contact with the other two cities.Hamira’s death and the appearance of the medicine spoon symbolized the beginning of a new path for Yao City.


As Yao City was rapidly developing, a major incident occurred in the neighboring Salt City.

A heretical group emerged within the city.

A small group of people worshipped a so-called "White God". Since the followers of the "White God" were few, Lu Yao didn’t notice any changes in the faith column, but the nature of this was extremely bad.

Commander Salt Ger captured five followers of this evil god.

They were all locked in a stone room under the lighthouse, surrounded by hunting dogs. Any movement would trigger the dogs to bark and alert.

Lu Yao took this very seriously.

Apart from the very beginning, this was the first time that other gods had infiltrated his territory.

What was strange was that this evil god did not have a specific altar or statue. The "White God" seemed more like a legend passed down by word of mouth.

Selus drove the "Skeleton King" all over the Eastern Continent, but found no suspicious items related to it.

The Lord of the Deep Sea patrolled the oceans and found no stone statues or temples.

Isabella rode her magic wand, flying over the entire world, but still found nothing.

Lu Yao was a bit puzzled.

If it couldn’t be found on land, sea, or air, could this "White God" be a fake?

Did the little people make up an evil god?

He ordered Isabella to interrogate the heretics.

Isabella quickly gave feedback.

"Sir, they have never seen the statue of the ’White God’, they only heard about it from others. They say that as long as you worship the White God, silently recite the name of the White God in your heart, and offer your faith, you can receive the grace of the White God."

"The White God will give them gems and pearls."

"That’s why they believe in the White God."

This reason for belief was very sufficient.

Lu Yao became interested in the identity of the "White God".

Isabella continued, "According to them, the first believer who spread the faith of the ’White God’ was Salt Long. However, Salt Long has been missing for a long time, and they don’t know where to find him."

Salt Long.

Lu Yao suddenly remembered.

Wasn’t he the oldest of the three children from the Salt Clan?

The last time he saw Salt Long, he was only eight years old, and now he should be quite old.

Others might not know, but Lu Yao, as a god, saw it clearly. Salt Long’s father was the commander of Salt City, the "Corrupted Guard" Salt Ger - he was suspected of embezzlement.

Faced with the Apostle’s questioning, Salt Ger showed a fearful expression.

"Apostle, I don’t know why this happened... Salt Long went out to sea with a ship when he was thirteen."

"That ship sank into the northern deep sea, and there were no survivors."

The commander of Salt City said tremblingly, "Not long ago, a merchant in the city said that some islanders came to sell gems, and the leader of them claimed to be Salt Long. I thought it was just a coincidence."

"But when I saw the person, I realized that it was indeed him."

"But Salt Long absolutely refused to tell me what had happened in the past twenty years."

"Later I found out that they were using gems to tempt the citizens and secretly spreading the faith of the evil god in the city..."

It seemed that the "White God" did exist.

The sea and the land had been searched over and over again, it was impossible to hide.

So, could it be possible that the "White God" was hiding under the sea?

Lu Yao was somewhat eager to try.

Finally, a new player had entered the game!

(End of Chapter)

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