Gate of Immortality

Chapter 140: Guests of Mo Clan

Chapter 140: Guests of Mo Clan

" Elder Chen, Are you telling the truth? Someone said that they could forge the two treasures??" A young man was astonished as he asked with an excited voice. " Is it Master Fang or Master Xiu?" He asked. They are the renowned Blacksmiths in the kingdom who can make Quasi True grade weapons. " Well, They are both out of Firmament City." Elder Chen smiled lightly. " Then who is it?" The young man asked.

" It's a new member, He recently became a Master grade Blacksmith." Elder Chen replied. " Oh? I heard a couple of people has become Master grade Blacksmith." The young man became doubtful. " You shouldn't doubt him. After all, You know about the reputation of Golden Fire Tower. Becoming a Master grade Blacksmith isn't easy at all." Elder Chen chuckled. " But I feel he should be able to make it."

" If Elder Chen is saying, Then no way I will doubt him." The young man hurriedly said. " He asked you to meet him tomorrow evening." Elder Chen said. " Alright." The young man nodded. " Young Master Jiang has been trying to forge that particular weapon for months, but there were no solutions back then. But now, Someone actually able to forge such halberd? I need to inform Young Master quickly. Hopefully, he can come till tomorrow evening." The young man thought for a while as he pulled out a yellow paper and ignited it. The burning paper soared in the sky like a rocket and dashed off to the distance.

Yang Shi played with the halberd. It was giving off a silver shine, but one could see black lines like veins drawn over it. The lines converged at the central blade, making an abstract shape of a flower. Yang Shi clutched it tightly as he made a forward thrust.

*BOOM/ The halberd tore through the air black lights swirled around it. Yang Shi pulled it back and made a full moon slash. Yang Shi made a few basic moves without using spiritual qi, and he was satisfied.

" Hmm, It's already par on what he asked to do, but I feel he omitted many things." Yang Shi frowned. It looked like there is much more information about this halberd. The person who asked to make this must have seen a blueprint or the actual weapon beforehand. " Was it supposed to be a prototype of an ancient weapon? Well, Once I meet him, I will only give it in exchange for Dark swamp spirit fruit." Yang Shi chuckled. He spent three hours on the Second Floor and read most of the tomes and scroll. He was able to identify their faults and mistakes in a single glance. " I wonder if I can get more money if rewrite the books and sell them?" Yang Shi laughed inwardly.

Yang Shi suddenly looked outside and saw the there is still darkness. " Well, I should rest." Yang Shi went on his bed and slept soundly. After few hours of sleep, he got up instantly. " Eh? Its morning already?" Yang Shi rubbed his eyes. It was still dawn. " Wait! Isn't today is the day of the duel between Brother Mo and Sister Liu? I have to hurry up." Yang Shi got up and dressed. Then he left Golden Fire Tower and went to the Mo Clan manor.

As he reached Mo Clan manor, his eyes squinted a little. " Eh? Silver Wing Falcons? Could it be some important member came here from far?" Yang Shi wondered. Silver Wing Falcons are Demonic Beasts that are used for transportation. But other than noble Clans and Sects, no one able to able a demonic beasts. These falcons are very big and can carry three people with ease. In a day, It can travel till ten thousand li.

Yang Shi entered the manor, and suddenly his expression became strange. He saw many unknown young men in the courtyard. He also saw Bao Ruxue, Liu Jie, and Mo Yi. " Sister Ruxue, Your sword technique is so beautiful. Can you spar with me?" The young man said with great enthusiasm. " Sorry, Young Master Kui, But my strength is far below you." Bai Ruxue refused politely. " Haha, Sister Ruxue, It's fine. I hope we can discuss about sword techniques. Junior sister, Have you ever went to the capital? I feel your talent will be very useful there." The young man didn't stop.

" No, I am from a small town. I would really like to visit the capital." Bai Ruxue thought and said. It was indeed the truth as she would like to visit the capital. She heard from his father about the stories of capital, where experts are like clouds. After coming to Firmament City, she realized that her town was nothing more than a small well. " Haha, Sister Ruxue, Don't worry. You can come along with us. I am sure Brother Mo Yi won't refuse?" The young man looked at Mo Yi. Mo Yi gave a ridiculing smile but quickly hid his expression, " I don't know. I should ask Brother Yang."

" Who is he? I don't think Sister Ruxue needs his permission?" The young man frowned. There aren't many who can match the beauty of Bai Ruxue even in the capital. Whenever he looked at her, he felt an indescribable sense of attraction. He became even more happy since Bai Ruxue never came to the capital. She is like a little village girl who is easy to trick. As for this Brother Yang, He had heard the name for some time, but he didn't feel anything. He might be just another country bumpkin. After all, the true geniuses are from capital.

Yang Shi saw everything from afar. He couldn't help but sneer. He has seen this expression many times. " Judging from their clothes, They are from the Main Mo Clan. Hehe, do they think I am easy to bully?" In Yang Shi's eyes, that young man was nothing more than a clown prancing around. As he was standing near the main get, he suddenly got bumped from behind.

" Hey! Why are standing in the middle of the way?  Can't you see me?" A yelling startled Yang Shi. " How can I see you? Do I have eyes on the back of my head?" Yang Shi frowned as he answered. " What? You dare to talk to me like that? Do you even know who am I?" The young man shouted back. " I don't remember having a son like you?" Yang Shi scratched his head. " You-" The newcomer stammered as he pointed at Yang Shi.

" Enough Mo Xi." Mo Yi shouted. " Haha, Brother Yang, I hope you won't mind him." Mo Yi laughed. " Ah, Second Young Master Mo." Mo Xi startled as he bowed slightly at Mo Yi. " It seems I am not late for the fight?" Yang Shi laughed. " Haha, We are waiting for you. How can I not let my dear brother see me win?" Mo Yi chuckled. " Hmph, Talk after you defeat me." Liu Jie sneered.

" Young Master Mo, Who is this young man?" The young man who talked with Bai Ruxue approached Mo Yi." Mo Xiang, He is Brother Yang Shi." Mo Yi gave a simple introduction and didn't say much. Yang Shi instantly understood that Mo Yi has some evil ideas. " Let's see what prank he wants to play." He laughed inwardly. " Ah, So you are Yang Shi." Mo Xiang's eyes showed a bit of mockery as he raised his hands for a handshake. He grabbed Yang Shi's palm as he secretly used Spiritual qi to squeeze it. But surprisingly, Yang Shi's smile didn't budge a bit. 

" Hmph, Let's see how tough you are!" Mo Xiang was unwilling as he added more spiritual qi. " Ah! So you are brother Mo Xiang." Yang Shi's smile became radiant as the sun, but looking at that, Mo Xiang suddenly felt a bad premonition. Yang Shi shook his hands lightly. Suddenly Mo Xiang's body trembled. as his facial expression twitched violently. He felt he had kicked on an iron wall this time. " Haha, Brother Mo Xiang is indeed a promising cultivator with a tough physique." Yang Shi chuckled. Even till now, he was still smiling.

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