Gate of Immortality

Chapter 139: A Demonic Halberd

Chapter 139: A Demonic Halberd

" Elder, Can you show me the special request from Demonic Sound Sect?" Yang Shi inquired at the mission desk. The person there nodded and handed Yang Shi a jade slip. Yang Shi took it and began to read carefully. His eyes became surprised after he looked at the order. The disciple of Demonic Sound Sect requested two treasures. First, A Halberd, with two crescent blades on both sides, and a short but wide blade on the tip. 

It must be at the peak stage of Spirit grade or Quasi True grade. Quasi True grade weapons are like Yang Shi's longsword. With appropriate rules and metals, it will become a weapon that can form its own intelligence. And the additional requirement for this weapon is, It must be able to resonate with Yin and Demonic energy.

The second item was a light weight armor. Its requirement is also at the Top Spirit grade treasure. The total reward for making these two is three million gold coins and a Sky Enchanting Pill. Yang Shi rubbed his chin as he thought about it. "Demonic Sound Sect. That disciple must be an Inner Disciple. But no way he will able to afford such riches. " Wait, Could it be a Core disciple is trying to buy this? If its the matter, then there is no surprise." Yang Shi thought.

Core disciples are the chosen ones of a sect. But one should not be confused about why they try to buy treasures from outside and not from their sect. The internal fighting in the sect is very fierce, and most of them like to hide their trump cards. They would hide their weapons and techniques till the last moment, only to give a deadly surprise to their opponents. " Wow, To give such specifications, that person must be amazing." Yang Shi tapped his fingers on the table, " Elder, Can you contact him? If yes, then please call him tomorrow to meet me. I will take this task." Yang Shi said.

" Are you able to do it? It's from Demonic Sound Sect." The Elder said, but seeing Yang Shi confident he nodded, " Fine, I will call him in the evening tomorrow." Yang Shi nodded as he walked back. But after some thought, he went to the library of Golden Fire Tower. There are quite some people reading scrolls. Although it looked like no one is guarding here, the runes inscribed on the walls and pillar showed that there is a powerful formation here. A little mistake one the formation will kill him.

" Spiraling Flame Arts, Hundred Fire Blooming Technique, Three Styles of Blacksmithing by Xie Lu, Introductions of Herbs and Pills." Yang Shi browsed through the basic sections of the library. These books are almost free to read because they are for beginners. Yang Shi was amused to find some of the books have completely twisted the basics, making it harder to learn. " Hah, Even here, The education is still fucked up." Yang Shi shook his head. If one doesn't grasp the basics well, one can't go much further. It's like you want to cook, but don't know how to use a lighter.

The library has three floors. Yang Shi went to the second floor. He saw a book, " Spirit Grade Diagrams: Techniques and History." Yang Shi's brows raised. It was a thick book, elaborating about the different structures of diagrams on Spirit Grade Weapons. With different diagrams, the effects on the weapon will be much different. Yang Shi saw various types of diagrams, which can carry many unique types of energies.

After reading for a while Yang Shi felt his mind stir, as a vast amount of information suddenly poured in his mind. Rather than saying it appeared, it's more like unlocked. Yang Shi guessed it's the part of Samsara Emperor's memory which he didn't digest before. Yang Shi checked it and found it was the advanced version of Blacksmithing knowledge. " So reading the corresponding knowledge, I can unlock the fragments of his memory." It's like looking at a race car and you suddenly remember that you are a world famous racer.

But suddenly he frowned as he flipped through the pages. His eyes squinted as he read through the texts. " No wonder." Yang Shi muttered. According to the norms of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom, Having Nine spirit diagrams on a Spirit Grade weapon is the pinnacle. But the book states that a Spirit weapon can have nine more diagrams. Firstly, To make a Spirit Grade weapon to ascend to True grade, The requirements are, At least Nine spirit diagrams, then inscribing the corresponding runes on them and using special metals, it can be reforged into a True grade weapon.

But the thing is, The power of the True grade weapon will be very normal if it's made from a Spirit weapon having nine spirit diagrams, whereas, if a Spirit grade weapon had Eighteen diagrams, Even without advancing to the True grade, It can clash with low rank True grade weapons with ease. Yang Shi also remembered that he saw such a difference when he sold the Yin Nourishing Pill recipe to the Hundred Flower Palace. It was a normal pill recipe in Samsara Emperor's memory, but it sought highly here.

At the end of the book, Yang Shi saw something amazing. " Thirty thousand years ago, A great upheaval happened in heaven and earth, which shook myriads of realms. With the appearance of the path of reincarnation, chaos exploded everywhere. And due to changes of heavenly laws, the spirituality of the atmosphere lessened, and sensing the heavenly laws became difficult. During that time, many techniques were lost in the rives of time, pushing back the progress in both cultivation and supplementary paths. Later on, cultivation path fully restored while the supplementary path's knowledge still remains damaged."

" No wonder, so a part of history is blacked out. Hmm, this is quite an opportunity for me." Yang Shi rubbed his palms as he already started to make ideas about fishing in the troubled times. He knew many methods to draw more than nine spirit diagrams on a Spirit grade weapon from the newly unlocked memory of Samsara Emperor, so he wanted to try it fast. He closed the book and hurried back to his allotted house in Golden Fire Tower.

He took out his forging table and Sky Breaking hammer. He snapped his fingers as the flame blazed around his palms. It slowly took shape of a flaming, crimson lily which burned with terrifying heat. Yang Shi threw it in the furnace as he started it. He took out a bunch of ores and metals and threw them into the furnace to melt it. Yang Shi controlled the heat of flames, to not to burn those precious ores. The ores melted and fused together, and made a colorful billet.

Yang Shu pulled it out and used his hammer to make a shape of a halberd. Sonorous sound resounded as the metal billet slowly expanded and took shape of a halberd. After two hours, Yang Shi finally gave it the finishing shape. " Whew, Now it's time to draw the diagrams." Yang Shi muttered. But this time, it would be much different than the normal diagrams. Yang Shi summoned his Azure Lotus primordial spirit. A pale blue light condensed in his fingertips as he used it to draw the Spirit diagrams.

*SWISH SWISH SWISH SWISH* His hands flowed like water as he was immersed in drawing the new spirit diagram. He felt a slight cold qi going through his fingers and making the Spirit diagrams. It was none other than the Yin qi of Azure Lotus spirit. He used Yin qi to make the special Spirit diagrams. After making nine diagrams, his body trembled a little. This spirit digram too much energy than an ordinary one, but Yang Shi is able to afford this.

" Now, The tenth one." Yang Shi slowly breathed as his hand became much slower. Making more than nine diagrams not only means to draw another one, but to connect all previous ones and making balance between them.

Yang Shi made a quite complicated structure, but with the last stroke, he sighed in relief. " Finally, Diagram of Lesser Yin flower is done." Yang Shi smiled. The weapon shone with a bright silver light with streaks of black lines in it. Yang Shi nodded in satisfaction. " Now, That's the thing. Let's call you..."

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