Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

“Hee-ya. Thank you so much.”

“It’s nothing. I’m glad you’ve made an achievement, Master.”

“I’m grateful that you say so. By the way… continuing our earlier conversation. What do you think we should do now?”

“First, we need to organize the basics. And research is necessary, as well as education.”

“It’s going to be busy.”

“What can we do? We have to get it done.”

“True. For you who memorized the Compendium of Medicinal Herbs in less than a month, it shouldn’t be a big problem. Then… perhaps it’s time for you to start learning too.”

“Learn? Oh. You don’t mean…”

Jin Cheon-hee’s eyes widened.

The conversation had veered in a different direction, even though they had arranged this meeting to discuss medical knowledge and future plans.

“Yes. I’ll start formally teaching you the Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique.”

Jin Cheon-hee’s expression grew even more surprised.

“I’ll be counting on you from now on.”

It was a big step forward for the master and disciple.


Time passed since the master and disciple decided to learn from each other.

Jin Cheon-hee began studying like his life depended on it.

He was able to devote even more time to studying than before.

Thanks to the antibiotic production being fully established now.

And because the quantity of tools Yoo Ho produced had become sufficient.

While pouring the time he gained into learning the medical arts of the Central Plains, he also passed on medical knowledge to his master, Zhuge Rin.

Of course, studying alone wasn’t enough.

Being a physician in the martial arts world meant having to learn martial arts as well.

As a result, Jin Cheon-hee was still spending his days busily.

Martial arts training, medical studies. Passing on medical knowledge.

He was managing a schedule so hard that he would have collapsed long ago if not for the power of the Five-Elemental Divine Technique and the Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique.

While his physical strength was sustained by inner energy, his mental strength was helped by the hardships he faced in Korea.

It was the strength of someone who had overcome the entrance exam system, graduated from medical school, and become a doctor beyond being a resident.

That wasn’t all.

Just what was in books wasn’t enough. He brought herbs from the medicinal storehouse to familiarize himself with their scents and textures.

He even tried eating small amounts of dried leaves or roots.

-Aren’t you being too hasty?

Little Wang Gak-yeon said this while watching Jin Cheon-hee.

Worried that he might collapse, he persistently suggested that Jin Cheon-hee should take a break, saying there was a good spot for swimming in the mountains these days.

But Jin Cheon-hee just smiled at Wang Gak-yeon.

For Wang Gak-yeon, if he diligently practiced step by step according to what his father Wang Chae-baek had passed down, he would naturally reach the realm by the time he became an adult.

With his talent and originally diligent personality, there was nothing to worry about.

But Jin Cheon-hee had a time limit.

He didn’t want to do something stupid like shouting “Master! I’ve finally memorized the Imperial Medical Records!” only after his master had passed away.

Jin Cheon-hee absorbed the medical arts of the Central Plains faster than anyone else.

Recently, he succeeded in combining and decocting medicinal herbs for a test assignment in front of his master, Zhuge Rin.

Normally, one would have to combine herbs by looking at the nameplates attached to the herb boxes, but when Jin Cheon-hee took the test, all the nameplates were removed.

It was done by the master ordering Yoo Ho to do so.

It was a policy to teach more strictly as he was the chief disciple, but Jin Cheon-hee succeeded in combining the decoction in half the allotted time.

All the medical pavilion members who came to watch stuck out their tongues in amazement.

-My goodness… he memorized what would normally take a year.

-A year? Don’t people usually match them by looking at the nameplates at the bottom of the herb boxes? That requires perfectly remembering the characteristics of the herbs, their names, and even their combinations…

Everyone nodded at those words.

-Didn’t the Phantom Archer admire him and voluntarily become his servant? He was that much of a genius under heaven.

Claiming to be the chief disciple inheriting Zhuge Rin’s legacy while also possessing unique medical skills from an unknown source.

The fact that he was still young and had limitless potential also played a role, and many had seen his mysterious medical skills.

That day, the master opened a bottle of precious lingzhi mushroom wine and distributed it to all the medical pavilion members.

It seemed he couldn’t contain the pride welling up inside him.

Incidentally, he also boasted about his disciple a bit.

The next assignment was the Complete Collection of Materia Medica.

It’s a book dealing with medicines other than herbs.

It covers medicinal ingredients such as animal bones, livers, internal organs, and minerals.

Like the Compendium of Medicinal Herbs, it doesn’t exceed a thousand entries. But the problem comes after that.

‘If you combine these, it would exceed ten thousand.’

Jin Cheon-hee didn’t ask much.

He started digging in like his life depended on it.

This time, he memorized while practicing footwork with a water jug on his head.

Now that the sequence of the footwork was completely ingrained in his mind, it was to maintain a steady posture using inner energy.

For that, he needed Earth Qi.

Unlike Wood Qi which promotes regeneration, or Metal Qi which hardens parts of the body, Earth Qi allows the body to endure for long periods.

However, like all training methods of this era, if done incorrectly, it can damage the spine. And no one takes responsibility for that.

That’s the martial arts world for you.

Jin Cheon-hee thought the probability of becoming a paraplegic while training might be higher than the probability of dying when venturing into the martial arts world.

Moreover, trying to do everything at once made things a bit more extreme than others.

The Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique.

One of the secret martial arts of the Zhuge Clan, it stimulates the brain to dramatically increase memory power.

‘If this were taught to modern-day students, it would make a fortune.’

Jin Cheon-hee practiced footwork while using Earth Qi to maintain his posture, and on top of that, he awakened his brain by circulating the Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique.

It was truly days of crazy training.


Under a sky tinged with gray, Jin Cheon-hee was practicing in the training ground again today.

“I’ve never seen such a fanatic as you, young master.”

“Is that so?”

Yoo Ho watched Jin Cheon-hee with her hands in her sleeves.

Time had passed, but Jin Cheon-hee continued to push forward with his training without missing a single day.

“And in the midst of all this, you have private meetings with the master at night?”

‘I had to teach the basics of modern medicine.’

Just as Jin Cheon-hee’s learning couldn’t be resolved in a day or two, it was the same for the master. Moreover, the master was quite an ideal student.

When Jin Cheon-hee talked about the concept of cells, the master said this:

-If that’s the case, cells could change according to internal cultivation.

This was an idea he hadn’t even thought of.

‘Indeed, it’s different from Earth. Very different.’

It was possible because this was a world where qi actually exists.

The master often brought up topics that Jin Cheon-hee hadn’t even considered.

Not only was his comprehension fast, but he was a student who suggested different directions that Jin Cheon-hee hadn’t thought of.

‘If I were a professor, I would have held his hand tightly and sent him to graduate school. We would have been together until he became a pitiful dew in the lab.’

Jin Cheon-hee casually thought such cruel thoughts.

At that moment, he felt something cold on his shoulder.

It was a raindrop.

Yoo Ho opened his mouth with an expressionless face.

“It’s cold rain. Thanks to you, the master has spent this season very comfortably. I’m grateful for that.”

“You don’t look very grateful though?”

“The expression isn’t important.”

“You sure have a way with words…”

“Judging by the size of the drops, it looks like it’s going to pour. Aren’t you going inside, young master?”

Jin Cheon-hee let out a small sigh.

“It’s fine to get a bit wet. There’s not much time. I need to prepare as much as I can.”

“Is that so… Then I’ll be going. Thanks to someone, I’ve got a lot of work to do too.”

Jin Cheon-hee was also using his spare time to train Yoo Ho.

Yoo Ho asked,

“Are you really human, young master?”

“Why? Don’t I seem like it?”

At Jin Cheon-hee’s question, Yoo Ho nodded.

“Yes. Sometimes.”

“Want to kill me again?”

At those words, Yoo Ho replied,

“I don’t have a hobby of destroying towers that have been built up.”

It meant he would watch until it was completed.

Jin Cheon-hee felt that Yoo Ho had completely made up his mind as he watched him treat the Phantom Archer and Wangya’s patient, and cure incurable diseases.

Jin Cheon-hee smirked.

“Good boy.”

Yoo Ho was offended by the tone, which was like talking to a pet.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

It was Jin Cheon-hee who was building the tower, not him.

“Sometimes I’m really curious about what your liver looks like.”

“It’s bright red, of course. I don’t drink, smoke, or eat greasy foods. So, my friend, question: what complications can occur after a liver resection?”

“Liver failure, ascites, gastrointestinal bleeding, intra-abdominal infection… No, why do you keep doing this?”

Yoo Ho grumbled, stopping halfway through his answer.

Jin Cheon-hee devilishly mocked such a Yoo Ho while moving his feet according to the pattern of the Three-Elements Stride.

Because training must continue.


This world is maintained by the harmony of yin and yang.

As the summer was long and hot, naturally the winter became long and cold as well.

This winter was like that. Therefore, this summer naturally became so too.

When such a summer comes, the master Zhuge Rin’s condition improves.

Because the summer heat suppresses the Nine Yin Meridian Obstruction.

And Zhuge Rin’s life up until now had been enduring with inner energy and braziers until such a summer came.

But this winter, he spent it quite healthily.

Although he collapsed in the middle due to using too much inner energy to treat patients, he was fine otherwise.

It was even more so because he gained a small enlightenment during Jin Cheon-hee’s medical knowledge transmission. But that didn’t mean he could let his guard down.

Because there was still no sign of improvement in the master Zhuge Rin’s condition.

Jin Cheon-hee, who frequently examined Zhuge Rin’s body with true qi, knew this best.

Today was no exception.

In the master Zhuge Rin’s heated room.

A place full of warmth with good sunlight.

There, Jin Cheon-hee finally removed his hand from the master’s wrist. It seemed the pulse diagnosis was over.

He closed his eyes and organized what he had diagnosed.

‘Pulse diagnosis with true qi is certainly good. It somewhat replaces modern imaging.’

It’s cheating if anything can be called cheating.

He recalled what he had just seen of the master’s body.

‘How are you even alive, Master? Is this biologically possible?’

In the past, when he first diagnosed the master, it felt like an ultrasound with noise.

Now, thanks to the Secret Zhuge Pulse Diagnosis Technique, he could feel it more clearly and accurately.

‘What kind of body is this? Does this make sense common-sensically?’

Come to think of it, his reincarnation into a novel and the existence of qi were far beyond common sense too.

The master watched as deep furrows formed between his disciple’s brows.

Finally, Jin Cheon-hee spoke.

“It’s still the same, Master. As before, your body continues to produce cold energy.”

As if wishing to freeze to death, the cold energy inside his body was stealing away his body heat.

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