Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

The merchant said this and turned away.

It was cold, but it was the truth.

Cutting off a martial artist’s leg was tantamount to cutting off their life.

And such incidents were happening in other places as well.

In the conference room of a medium-sized sect.

Inside, the chief administrator and the sect leader were sitting in a meeting.

“Sect Leader, how about moving to White Dragon Medical Pavilion?”

“You’re saying this because of Wangya’s consort, aren’t you?”


Saving a leg that was going to be amputated held great significance for martial artists.

The sect leaders who had been dealing with Hwaju Medical Pavilion were growing increasingly concerned.

“There are certainly advantages, but our sect has been relying on Hwaju Medical Pavilion to create our internal elixirs, haven’t we? Large sects may have their own medical departments and can compound medicines themselves, but we’ve already entrusted too many things to Hwaju Medical Pavilion. It’s difficult to change that overnight.”

“Sect Leader.”

“However, that’s just the thinking of old folks like us. The ones who will lead our sect in the future are young martial artists like you. Let’s gather and have a meeting together.”

A small ripple began to create a big wave.


While everyone with power in the world was in an uproar,

The Hao Sect was hit the hardest.

The Hao Sect branch where the consort had once taken refuge had already been burned to ashes.

Yet Wangya’s anger showed no signs of cooling and continued to grow.

There were also internal problems within the Hao Sect.

Branches had been burned, and branch leaders and their factions had perished along with them.

Who would fill the now vacant positions was also a big issue.

The fight grew both internally and externally.

Zhuge Rin, lying on his heated floor while reading a letter.

The letter contained information about the Hao Sect.

Zhuge Rin turned his head to the side and said to Jin Cheon-hee:

“Hee-ya. Do you know about the rule that the government and the martial arts world should not interfere with each other?”

This is a very basic story mentioned at least once in any martial arts novel.

Jin Cheon-hee nodded.

“Yes, I know.”

“Right. But as with all things in the world, it’s not so easily separated. Wangya Ju just visited our martial arts world medical pavilion, didn’t she? Similarly, places like escort agencies and information brokers are used by both the government and the martial arts world.”

“It’s a difficult issue.”

“Yes. That’s human affairs for you. Even medical pavilions like ours can be considered neutral ground, so we always have to think carefully about our actions.”

The corners of his master’s eyes curved gently. Jin Cheon-hee shook his head.

“It’s a complicated story.”

“In a way, it’s simple. You just need to set standards.”


“You just need to set standards that both the government and the martial arts world can accept and act accordingly. The Hao Sect is suffering like this because they didn’t properly follow standards and became greedy.”

Suddenly, Jin Cheon-hee realized what his master was trying to teach him.

He was speaking in anticipation of what would happen after he was gone.

To help when Jin Cheon-hee would inherit the position of medical pavilion head in his place.

Jin Cheon-hee shook his head.

“Hehehe, Master. I don’t really understand.”


“Hmm. I don’t understand adult talk at all, so I won’t listen! You should tell me these things when I’m more grown up~”

You need to live until then.

That’s what Jin Cheon-hee truly wanted to say.

The unspoken words rose to his throat.

Zhuge Rin silently looked at his disciple.


Jin Cheon-hee forcibly changed the subject.

“What do you think will happen next, Master? The Hao Sect will never disappear as long as alcohol and criminals exist in this world, right?”

He had never seen a martial arts novel without the Hao Sect.

It was the same principle as there never being a time in human history without crime.

“Their power will weaken, though. And it will probably be resolved in an appropriate way at an appropriate time. It can’t continue for too long. It seems the Mu-hwa siblings who received syphilis treatment last time have gotten a new opportunity. They have a chance to aim for branch leader positions, maybe even higher.”

Sensing his disciple’s feelings, Zhuge Rin stopped talking about the medical pavilion.

Jin Cheon-hee asked,

“When do you think it will be resolved?”

“Hmm, probably within the next week.”


The following week. The Emperor issued an imperial edict to personally pacify Wangya Ju.

This was because if she handled matters by mobilizing her residence’s troops without the cooperation of local authorities, it would shake the foundations of the judicial system.

From her perspective, she probably couldn’t stand it because there was a high possibility that the local authorities had also been bribed by the Hao Sect, but there was a limit to how much the Emperor could overlook.

The Emperor bestowed the title of Marquis of Yoo-rang on the Imperial Prince consort, Cheon Yoo-rang, allowing him to formally attain a rank befitting a consort, and had him adopted into a meritorious family, changing his household registry.

Additionally, he provided an imperial granddaughter with imperial blood as an adopted daughter to continue the lineage of Wangya’s residence.

Even Wangya Ju, with her fiery temperament, couldn’t stay angry after being placated to this extent.

On top of that, a letter came from Mu-hwa. It said they might be able to send good news soon.

Although details weren’t mentioned, there were reports that the position of the two siblings within the Hao Sect was rising.

It was exactly as his master had foreseen.


On a day when the mountains and forests around White Dragon Medical Pavilion were blooming in deep green, Jin Cheon-hee had a private meeting with his master.

Jin Cheon-hee sat in his master’s room, staring blankly at the mountain scenery through the glass window.

The exchange with Dark Palace Medical Pavilion was taking place gradually and secretly.

Also, the Bloodborne Elder Eccentric agreed to visit occasionally to pass on martial arts to Jin Cheon-hee. She left a few basic secret manuals for this purpose.

However, he had no intention of learning them yet.

It was best to firmly establish the basics before learning everything else. Otherwise, he would end up neither here nor there.

Thinking this, Jin Cheon-hee was looking at the fresh green life blooming.

Then he suddenly came to his senses at the sound of his master calling.

“You look like someone seeing summer for the first time.”

It was half wrong but half right, so Jin Cheon-hee smiled slightly.

“The summer in the mountains is so refreshing, Master.”

“Still, the night air is still cold, so don’t let your guard down.”

Jin Cheon-hee nodded.

Yoo Ho crossed between the two of them.

“It’s apple tea. Made with early summer green apples.”

The unique sour and sweet scent of green apples filled the room.

It was the smell of early summer sunlight.

The master took a sip of tea and closed his eyes, seemingly satisfied. After a moment, he opened his mouth.

“By the way. Didn’t you say you had something serious to talk about? Are you ready?”


Jin Cheon-hee nodded.

This meeting was requested by Jin Cheon-hee.

A few months after entering the medical pavilion.

He treated Wang Gak-yeon, gained recognition from the Four Great Hall Masters, and established the Surgery Hall.

After that, he received the transmission of the Five-Elemental Divine Technique, and created books to systematically transmit surgical medical knowledge.

He also performed surgeries to pass on surgical medicine knowledge whenever he had the chance, and even produced the antibiotic penicillin.

“I’ve been passing on the medical skills I have so far, but it was actually quite haphazard.”

“Such systematic knowledge was haphazard…”

“So. I thought I should share medical knowledge more thoroughly and systematically. That’s why I requested this conversation with you, Master.”

There was still much knowledge that Jin Cheon-hee hadn’t shared with Zhuge Rin, saying it was premature.

For example, the concept of cells was one such thing.

Even the true efficacy of the antibiotic penicillin (named White Dragon Distilled Elixir and White Dragon Divine Pill) was not properly understood by the physicians, including Divine Doctor Baek Rin.

-Hee-ya. You are my disciple, but I think of you as a fellow physician. You don’t need to tell me everything, but teach me about the medical skills you know. I will also teach you everything I know.

It wasn’t a typical master-disciple relationship in the martial arts world.

However, they were physicians, not martial artists, and it was something that had to be done to save people.

‘What should I talk about first.’

He had pondered many things for this day.

In the end, there was only one answer.

He decided to tell everything, whether his master understood or not.

Calculations were meaningless in the face of life.

He believed that if their knowledge was combined, they could save many martial artists.

“First, the knowledge I have is biased towards surgery. Also, I think much of it is different from existing pharmacology.”

The master nodded.

A calm light began to shine in his eyes.

Jin Cheon-hee realized that he was using the qi from the Five Elements True Qi to operate the Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique, the secret technique of the Zhuge Clan, to awaken his brain.

In this state, neither notes nor a voice recorder was necessary. It was a matter of using the innate weapon that humans possess, the brain.

Jin Cheon-hee continued to bring up one thing after another that he knew.

He didn’t hesitate to draw pictures to explain when necessary.

Whenever the master had questions, he immediately asked Jin Cheon-hee.

Since they were not essentially martial artists, they didn’t care about things like pride.

Only enthusiasm for learning and the joy of discovering unknown things filled the space between them.

But this wasn’t a conversation that could end in a short time. So when the sun set,

The master, Zhuge Rin, said,

“It’s astounding. Such knowledge…”

“What I’ve explained so far is close to just a general concept. To teach in detail… it would take at least a few years.”

“I see. It’s amazing. Truly amazing.”

The master, Zhuge Rin, nodded his head.

“Cells… I see. Small things come together to create one life.”

The master’s eyes half-opened. And a five-colored brilliant energy began to scatter like mist from the master’s body. And it slowly rotated.

“Could it be…”

Jin Cheon-hee tensed up.

A frequent guest in martial arts novels.

He was a bit excited, wondering if the phenomenon that had happened to Phantom Archer was happening to his master.

However, the mist that had arisen from Zhuge Rin’s body was sucked back into Zhuge Rin and disappeared.

Light shone and sparkled in the master’s eyes.

“Master. Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Yoo Ho. Huhuhuh. To gain enlightenment at this age… If it weren’t for my constitution, I might have achieved a great accomplishment, what a shame…”


“Still, even with just this, I feel quite light-hearted. I’ve improved quite a bit.”

“Is that true?”

“Of course.”

‘Ah… how unfortunate…’

Jin Cheon-hee sighed deeply at his master’s appearance.

If he had undergone a rebirth from this event, he might have escaped his heavenly punishment.

It seems it’s not that easy.

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