Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 848 Shocking Method

This young man was named Jun Xie, but unlike his name, he was the furthest thing away from an evil monarch.

This was a young man with a very normal bowl haircut and a large pair of rimmed glasses which made him look like someone that most people ignored.

However, this young man was also a student of the Royal Academy, the number one academy in the capital.

He was someone that was from a very rich merchant family that had bought their way into getting him admitted into the academy.

The problem with that was that he didn't have the talent to stay in the academy at all, so he was close to flunking out. If he didn't pass the next exam, it would be certain that he would be kicked out.

So he had tried looking for many different ways to increase his own strength to pass this exam. It was just too bad that even with money, he couldn't buy talent. So he wasn't able to make himself stronger and had no choice but to rely on pets.

The one business that his family didn't touch at all was the pet industry, so they didn't know any high grade Monster Trainers at all. So even if he wanted to make his pet stronger, he wasn't able to do so.

With no other choice, Jun Xie turned to this store and its large boasts that had been trending on the web during this time.

When he came into the store, no one paid any attention to him because of his normal appearance. However, when he came up to the counter to talk to Lin Fan, everyone had no choice but to pay attention to him.

That was because he had become the guinea pig that was going to test Lin Fan's services.

Lin Fan didn't pay any attention to Jun Xie when he walked up, but then he turned his head when he heard, "I heard that you can train pets here."

Lin Fan looked at Jun Xie who was standing in front of him and calmly said, "The prices are on the board to the side. Summon the pet that you want to train and pay the price. You can come and pick up your pet tomorrow."

Jun Xie didn't move at first, but then he took out a few spirit stones that he put on the table and said, "I can pay extra, but I want to see if you're really worth the price that you've set."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes to look at him before saying with a sigh, "We're not going to get anything done if you don't summon out your pet first."

Hearing this, Jun Xie couldn't help revealing an awkward look.

He had tried acting cool, but it had been completely ripped apart with just a single sentence from Lin Fan. All around him, he could hear the faint snickering of the people watching.

But he sucked it up since he knew that Lin Fan was right.

So with a wave of his hand, there was a pure white lynx that appeared in the shop.

When this lynx appeared, everyone couldn't help being shocked as whispers rang out.

"It's an Arctic Lynx!"

"No, it's not just an Arctic Lynx. Can't you see how white the fur is? It's definitely a pureblooded Arctic Lynx."

"This kid looks so normal and he has a pet that has a Star Realm bloodline? Just who is he?"

Jun Xie ignored all of the shocked whispers around him as he focused on Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's eyes were on the Arctic Lynx. He stroked his chin as he looked at it with an interested look, like he had found a fun toy.

After stroking his chin for a bit, he said, "It might look powerful, but it's nothing more than a runt."

Everyone immediately started throwing insults at Lin Fan when they heard this, but Jun Xie couldn't help revealing a strange look.

Lin Fan just ignored them all and said, "This isn't a pureblooded beast, or else it wouldn't be this weak." He turned back to Jun Xie and asked, "Where did you pick this thing up?"

Jun Xie didn't answer this question and instead asked, "Can you train him?"

Lin Fan looked around before saying, "I can, but you said that you wanted a little demonstration of what I can do?"

Jun Xie felt that the way that Lin Fan said this sounded a bit strange, but he still said, "I want to see what you're capable of first."

Lin Fan nodded before coming out from behind the counter. He walked over to the Arctic Lynx that stood beside Jun Xie and raised his hand.

Both Jun Xie and the Arctic Lynx felt that there was something strange about the way that Lin Fan acted, but they didn't know what, so it wasn't as if they were able to react to it.

Before either of them could react, Lin Fan suddenly sent a punch out at the Arctic Lynx that was beside Jun Xie. This punch picked the Arctic Lynx off the ground and sent it flying several meters until it slid to a stop on the ground.

It was a good thing that the area in the store was so big, otherwise the Arctic Lynx would have been thrown right into a wall.

There was only silence that filled the area after the Arctic Lynx had been sent flying as everyone looked at Lin Fan with eyes filled with disbelief.

But then that silence was broken by the shouts of the crowd.

"Did you see that? He couldn't stand someone doubting him and resorted to violence!"

"Report him and report this store! I won't be able to stand it if this store doesn't shut down by tomorrow!"

"Did you get it on camera just now? We'll use it as evidence against him!"

Amidst these shouts, Jun Xie still hadn't reacted yet. However, before he could even react and say anything to Lin Fan, the Arctic Lynx got off the ground.

When everyone saw the Arctic Lynx stand up, they all fell silent as they waited for it to move. It was almost as if they were waiting to watch a play.

After all, this Arctic Lynx had been sent flying by Lin Fan, so there was no way that it would remain still after recovering. Everyone was now just waiting to see how this store attendant would be punished for his violent actions.

But to everyone's shock, the Arctic Lynx didn't attack Lin Fan at all. Instead, the Arctic Lynx walked up to Lin Fan slowly before suddenly jumping at him.

Lin Fan didn't dodge out of the way as the Arctic Lynx came at him and just stood there.

The Arctic Lynx fell down in front of Lin Fan and raised its stomach to it like a dog, waiting for Lin Fan to pet it.

Everyone's chins almost dropped to the floor when they saw this.

This Arctic Lynx that had been attacked by Lin Fan not only didn't show any hostility, but rather was treating him with more friendliness than its owner.

Jun Xie couldn't help saying, "Xiao Han, what's wrong? Why are you acting this way?"

Lin Fan just petted it a few times before pointing at its owner.

The Arctic Lynx had an unwilling look at first, but then it still came back to Jun Xie and raised its head as if it was showing off.

Jun Xie was confused why it was acting this way, but then he noticed that the Arctic Lynx's aura was completely different from before. He came forward and looked over the Arctic Lynx before saying, "Xiao Han, you broke through?"

His words were like stones that dropped into a clear pond, creating ripples that spread out among all the watchers.

They couldn't help turning to the Arctic Lynx as well and using their spiritual senses to check it.

They found that Jun Xie was right, the Arctic Lynx had indeed broken through.

Before Lin Fan had punched it, the Arctic Lynx was only in the Low Fragmented Soul Realm, but now it was in the High Fragmented Soul Realm.

That was right, it wasn't just a single breakthrough, but rather two breakthroughs in a row. The Arctic Lynx had skipped over the Mid Fragmented Soul Realm and had gone all the way to the High Fragmented Soul Realm!

But that wasn't all for the people with sharper spiritual senses.

They could tell that the Arctic Lynx's aura had completely changed and this wasn't the change that was brought by just a breakthrough. It was almost as if the quality of the Arctic Lynx's aura had completely changed.

Almost as if its bloodline had been...

Naturally Jun Xie was also aware of this as he was the one that knew this Arctic Lynx the best.

He had this Arctic Lynx since he was young and he was the one who had picked it up even though it was a runt that didn't have a pure bloodline. But he had always pretended that it was a pure bloodline both for his and the Arctic Lynx's sake.

But now he could feel that the Arctic Lynx's bloodline had completely changed. It was nothing like it was before.

He couldn't help looking at Lin Fan with a strange look as he asked in a stuttering voice, "Just, just who are you?"

Lin Fan replied with a smile, "Just a normal pet store owner."

Then he pointed at his prices and said, "Those are the prices for training, be sure to pay them and you can come back tomorrow to get your pet."

Jun Xie could do nothing but give a nod in response.

After all, the results were in front of him.

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