Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 847 Same Trend

Angela's face had a faint blush on it when she heard him say this.

She then raised her hand to punch him in the shoulder, but she didn't deny the things that he said, which made it clear that she silently accepted this.

Everyone looked at Lin Fan with even more shock as they couldn't believe that he had such a beautiful wife. Well, that was everyone except for Yuki who just glared at Lin Fan like something precious to her had been taken away.

After the look of surprise, Xin'er revealed an awkward look as she said, "Then…can I call you…"

She didn't finish her words, but it was clear what she was referring to.

Lin Fan gave a nod and said, "You can call me whatever you want."

Xin'er still hesitated a bit longer before finally saying, "Then I'll call you…dad."

Lin Fan nodded with a smile.

Actually, Xin'er had wanted to call Lin Fan this from a long time ago, but she could never bring herself to do it. That was because she felt like it wasn't right.

Lin Fan was the one who looked after her after her grandfather died, but that didn't mean that he would be able to look after her forever. This was something that she already had a clear understanding of.

Eventually, she would leave him and she felt that calling him "dad" would be too much. So she had settled with calling him big brother Lin since that still made it seem like she was close to him.

But in her heart, she had already treated him like a dad.

Now that he actually acknowledged it, she couldn't stop the tears from flowing in her eyes again, but these were tears of happiness.

It was just too bad that Xiao Tu was too young to recognize this.

When he saw Xin'er crying again, he immediately turned to Lin Fan and said, "Why are you making her cry?"

But before Lin Fan could even slap him on the back of the head again, Xin'er said, "You can't talk to dad like that. Apologize or I won't forgive you."

Xiao Tu was shocked to hear this, but the words were very effective. His feelings for Xin'er weren't light, so this threat was very powerful.

He lowered his head and with an unwilling look on his face, he said, "I'm sorry."

Lin Fan didn't slap him on the head this time and just patted him on the head instead before saying, "You have to learn to understand girls in the future or you will suffer."

As he said this, he remembered what happened last night…when he had been sent to the couch in the hall.

But Xiao Tu didn't appreciate his good intentions and just turned away without saying a thing with the same stubborn look on his face.

Of course, Lin Fan didn't care since he didn't approve of this kid in the first place.

With that finished, they went to have their lunch.

During lunchtime, Dongfang Ming arrived with his wife again and they were shocked to see Angela and Yuki. Especially Dongfang Ming because he was unable to see through the two of them at all.

After looking at them for a bit, he couldn't help turning to look at Lin Fan with a strange look as he said, "You, just what kind of secrets are you hiding?"

Lin Fan just revealed a smile and said, "It's not a secret, this is my wife and her friend."


Both Dongfang Ming and his wife said this at the same time.

After a moment of being stunned, Dongfang Ming quickly said, "Didn't you think that it was weird that I was married? How can you act that way when it's the same with you?"

Lin Fan just gave a shrug and didn't answer, though he didn't have an answer even if he wanted to answer.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Dongfang Ming changed the topic by asking, "Since you have them and the kids, does that mean that you no longer need any other employees."

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile when he heard this and replied, "My wife is more suited to being a boss lady, so…"

He left his words hanging, but the meaning behind them was clear.

When Dongnfang Ming heard this, he also revealed a bitter smile. He looked at his wife before turning to Lin Fan and saying, "You too?"

Lin Fan couldn't help looking at Dongfang Ming's wife with a surprised look before turning back to give a nod with an understanding look.

Dongfang Ming gave a sigh before saying, "Alright, I already have some people lined up for you to interview. I can bring them over now or I can bring them over tomorrow, which would you prefer?"

Lin Fan thought about it before saying, "Let's do it now, I want to open the store as soon as possible."

Dongfang Ming just gave a nod before heading off to make a few calls.

After lunch, the people that Dongfang Ming prepared arrived curtly and soon Lin Fan began his interviews.

A few days later.

Over the past few days, Lin Fan had been working hard on preparing for the opening of the store.

He had only hired two employees out of the dozens that Dongfang Ming had prepared, but that was enough for him. He also made sure that one of them was related to the Dongfang Family like he had promised.

After working hard for several days, the store finally opened early in the morning.

However, unlike all the other stores, Lin Fan didn't hold a big event for his store opening. All he did was pull off the curtains hanging in the window and hang up an "open" sign at the door.

Dongfang Ming had objected to this and had wanted to help Lin Fan hold a large opening ceremony, but Lin Fan firmly rejected it. He didn't compromise at all when Dongfang Ming did all he could to convince him otherwise.

After all, without an opening ceremony, there would hardly be anyone that would notice that they had opened. This would be the worst thing for a business since it would mean that they would have to start from the beginning to get customers.

But Lin Fan insisted on doing things his way.

However, he did have his own reasons.

The people that had been walking through the business street had seen that the largest store had suddenly closed up and was covered in curtains, so they would certainly be curious.

After this curiosity built up over several days, it finally erupted in one single burst.

When people noticed that Lin Fan's store was open, they immediately started calling their friends to tell them about it.

This was a mysterious store that had been locked down this entire time, it was hard for them not to be curious about it.

It didn't take long before Lin Fan's store was filled with people. It was just too bad that those people didn't stay long.

It was the same trend that came with the opening of each store.

The people flocked to the store and then when they saw the prices, they immediately left without even giving Lin Fan a chance.

However, it wasn't just the prices alone that drove people away from Lin Fan's store. It was also the claims that it made.

Lin Fan's store still offered training as its main service, but the level of pets that it could train had increased as well.

The prices for Soul Realm pets were the same as before, but now there was an added service along with this. Lin Fan's store was now able to also train World Realm pets, but it was only pets in the first stages of the World Realm, the Star Realm.

When people saw these claims, they immediately deemed this store as a fake because Monster Trainers that could train World Realm Beasts couldn't be more rare. Because of this, all of them were associated with the nobles and not a single one of them would work with commoners like them.

So they immediately casted doubts on Lin Fan.

If he had this ability, why didn't he work with the nobles?

He clearly had the finances to do so judging by the fact that he was able to buy this store.

That must mean that this was a scam!

So everyone began waiting for the day that Lin Fan's store would shut down.

Lin Fan didn't care about all of this at all since he had already expected it. He had gone through this situation several times already and was more than used to it.

He knew that a good thing wouldn't be hidden forever and eventually people would know the truth behind his store.

But that didn't come on the first day since not a single person bought a single thing from his store on the first day.

When the second day came, there were still people that came to his store, but most of them weren't there for good reasons. Most of them had come to see just how this store would collapse in the end with these prices and these claims.

There were still a few new people that came to the store, but they were also scared off by the prices just like the people that came on the first day.

By the end of the second day, it almost seemed like it would end the same way as the first day.

That was until a young man suddenly walked into the store.

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