Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 198: Wizard of Wizards (18)

Chapter 198: Wizard of Wizards (18)


While Lucilla was attending a dinner party where it was hard to tell whether the guests were clients or suitors, our party was fully enjoying our meal and rest, easing the fatigue of our travels.

Occasionally, Ottman would look at me with a glance that seemed to ask, "Is it really okay for us to be enjoying ourselves like this?"

But what can we do now except wait?

"After all, Lucilla, that youngster, will try her best to help us under the contract. Though its an unwanted attention, she knows well enough as a merchant to row when the water comes in. Now is the time to let her take the spotlight."

Before entering the castle, there was some discussion in the wagon about what kind of relationship our party and Lucillas company would maintain. I too coveted her abilities, as well as the networks and knowledge solidified through repeated imperial business trips, and she coveted my impregnable position as a religious figure and the power to forcefully push through if necessary.

Thus, with each desiring something from the other, we were able to come to a fairly smooth agreement.

In reality, although it was called a contract, there was nothing very grand about it.

In this journey, Lucilla Aedran and her company are devotedly helping the Hero Professors party achieve their goal, in a state of having no leeway at all from the perspective of the elf Idrasil.

In return, the Hero Professor, using his authority, declares that the Order of Light officially supports Lucilla Aedran. At the very least, her name, "Lucilla Aedran," must be mentioned at least once in an official context by the Archbishop, and this fact must be officially recognized by the social circles and the Aedran family.

Its a simple contract, but it contains everything thats needed. The terms are not bad for either party.

Why then, after securing such a significant contract, does Lucilla find herself in a precarious position like a duck's egg in the Nakdong River?

Its because she lacks a base of support, a power base. She has the ability to grow a tree on which silver blooms, but as a tenant farmer herself, the landlord ends up taking everything.

From what I heard, her mother was a maid in the Aedran family who caught the lord's eye and became his second wife.

While her siblings received extensive support from their maternal family and jumped into the succession battle, she had to rush in empty-handed.

In such a disadvantaged position, Lucilla alone organized a company to cross to the Empire, gathered trade goods, and was capable of creating tremendous profits. If only she had as much backing as her siblings, winning the succession battle wouldnt be just a vain dream.

Therefore, Lucilla will do her utmost to keep her promise to me. Now, or it might really be too late she is ready to bear the burden of rumors about "Lucilla, who has just set out on a bridal journey."

What about my side?

"Honestly, I dont have the authority to move the church but I do know a way to get the church to support Lucilla."

In fact, for this method, position in the church isnt really necessary. All that needs to be done is to convincingly show that supporting Lucilla is also beneficial for the church.

I might not know much else, but my connection with the Archbishop is really something else.

"It won't be difficult. After this affair, we'll stop by Teldrat and I'll fly the [Prototype Airship] with Roman, which should impress the local Order of Light temple."

The Order of Light might seem, to the casual observer, to be an organization of nearly blind faith, potentially irrational. However, such a view stems from a lack of understanding of religious groups of this era.

After all, a religious group is still a group,' and the larger and more influential the group, the more it tends to drain money in various ways. From setting up parishes and educating clerics to providing relief in regions where faith has not yet spread. On a larger scale, they lobby high nobility, collect evidence of heresy, and train knights to burn villages, all subsequently smoothed over with money.

The Order of Light of the past was not used as a tool of war for nothing. They had to reluctantly accept nobles' offers simply to afford maintenance of their temples, let alone sustain themselves, because just collecting offerings was insufficient.


The Archbishop managed to elevate the Order of Light, once treated as mere tools of war, to its current influential position. He created groups within the simple religious organization to handle intelligence and dirty work, displaying a tenacity and savvy to an almost obsessive degree.

He is a clergyman who, more devout than anyone, has revised doctrines with his own hands and expanded the church's influence to the extent of committing massacres.

His near-mad competence has been sufficiently proven, so Professor could be confident.

The moment the airship catches the Archbishop's eye, Lucilla will receive the full support of the Order of Light.

"Since the Order of Light buys as much wheat and barley for relief as is produced in the entire grain-rich region of Teldrat each year. Even if they contract just 10% of that, it would be as significant as securing a military supply contract as a war merchant."

We had made a reasonable contract and were both doing our best to uphold it.

Perhaps that's why the sound of horse hooves from a four-horse carriage approaching the tavern, and the small steps descending from it, seemed unusually combative.

A familiar girl's voice, and a knight's voice that had become familiar since this morning.

The attention of our party naturally shifted to the voices of the man and woman leaking in from outside.

"Lady Lucilla. I must say again, such a humble place does not suit a lady as beautiful as you. It would be better to return to the castle and stay there."

"Knight Demicas. I'm sorry, but I am a noble as well as a merchant. The most important asset to a merchant is people, you know? How could I enjoy a luxurious meal, indulge in perfumed bathwater, and enjoy a soft feather bed while my companions, who followed me over the dangerous Blue Line, stay in such a humble' place?"

"That's wise indeed. Please regard it as a mistake by a warrior lacking in education."

"That's alright, Knight Demicas. Men of a war-torn domain are supposed to eliminate threats beyond their borders with their strong military and charisma, and protect their people, right? Such minor shortcomings of strong knights are usually solved by marrying a wise wife'its a traditional way of saying things, isnt it?"

"That ahem! Lady, about what you said"

"Oh my, it's getting late. It's not appropriate for adults of different sexes to be talking in the street at this hour, as it could lead to gossip. I shall go inside to rest now. I truly enjoyed today. Good night!"

"La, Lady Lucilla! Wait, just a moment! If anyone dares to gossip, I shall hang them from the city gate, just give me a moment!"



With a heart-wrenching voice from the knight, Lucilla locked the door behind her with a speed that even a skilled thief would admire.

"Oh dear. They say a woman becomes even more beautiful when she's in love."

Hey there, bride-to-be~


"Just try saying that one more time. Two silver coins will slip out of your pocket for your part."

"Just two silver coins for my troubles? The name of Gold Geyser would weep at such a rate."

"If only I could cover those sneering eyes, I wouldnt care if it were silver coins, copper coins, or even pebbles!"

Where had the seductive, tender voice that tickled the hearts of men gone? Now, revealing her teeth and growling, was Lucilla.

Where had the neat dress she changed into in the wagon gone? Now dressed in a lavish and vibrant red gown, she carelessly threw off her uncomfortable small shoes and flopped down at the table where her party was gathered.

Ah, shes adorably lethal.

"Youve had a tough time, Lucil. Theres nothing more exhausting than hobnobbing with nobles."

"Tell me about it. It wasnt just small talk; it was like a full mobilization of the family to charm the Teldrat Suitor,' youve only heard about in stories! Before even a spoonful of soup, they rolled out the family history and the Emperors blessings, and by the time dinner was served, it felt like they were about to start a duel in the drawing room. Thanks to someone, I couldnt even decline properly! I thought my stomach was shrinking from the stress of walking such a tightrope!

Lucilla, who hadnt even been able to drink properly, ordered a meat stew for herself.

Hmm. This mischievous kid.

Though she grumbled about the hardships, just from the conversation in front of the inn, it was clear who had been manipulating whom.

The Teldrat Suitor' essentially announced to the world that she was ready to receive suitors.

From a mans perspective, she was literally Ready to marry,' standing by her side as they tried to impress her enough to get her permission, imagining what might come next' was perhaps natural.

In such a subtly charged atmosphere, she tossed in imagination-stirring words like bathwater' and feather bed,' then shook the naive knights complacency with praise for her wisdom, stirring him up only to leave him hanging by fleeing abruptly.

Knight Demicas likely stood dumbfounded in front of the closed inn for a while. Then, trying to settle his restless heart, he would have driven his horse down the moonlit, lonely streets.

Mm~ Shes cunning. Thinking about it, wasnt she a daughter of a high noble family? Skilled enough in noble rhetoric that even a knight fresh out of the academy and newly involved in family affairs could be easily handled.'

Indeed, one of the reasons they teach rhetoric at the academy is so they don't get bamboozled like this outside.

Whoosh! Slick slick slick!

Ahhaaah! Now I feel alive!

Professor shook his head as he watched Lucilla, a million light-years away from elegance, scraping the soup bowl clean down to the floor.

At her age, to flip between exterior and interior so effortlessly. She was bound to give men a hard time as she grew.


Did you win?

Indeed, I did win.

The situation at the castle could be summarized in just those words.

For now, since the water has already been spilled, I've decided to make the best use of my current situation. The fantasy held by the imperial nobility about Teldrat women' that I'd only heard about in rumors it was more insane than I expected. They werent just treating me like a trophy; they were desperately pursuing me like something out of a minstrel's tale. As if my mere arrival as their daughter-in-law would miraculously expand their domain and solve all their problems! It was quite easy to throw around favorable conditions for us, given their transparent desires, but honestly, it was a bit terrifying.

Aldrich, who had been listening quietly, spoke up at Lucillas words.

What do you mean by terrifying?

Hmm Should I say it was almost like an obsession? It was quite blatant. Not only did they say they would send separate greetings to my father, but they also opened up their family's armory to show off their shiny armors, spears, and arrows, claiming [Look how well-prepared we are]. And at a dinner where a ballroom dance suitable for a social party was played, they gave me suggestive looks, and the countess invited me to have tea in a small drawing room after dinner, dimming the lights and leaving Demicas and me alone while saying, Its not polite for an old lady to intrude on young people.


It was to the point of being rude. I had to cite the old traditions of a merchant family that no one cares about just to escape the castle.

Right, that makes sense. Its just rumors among the nobility, but the cases of Teldrat women are consistently proven, arent they? There are more than a couple of high-ranking noble families in the empire who have turned their fortunes around by marrying such women.

Thats true. For instance, when Duke Glenn was falsely accused of treason, Duchess Nadia Glenn, alone, combed through an entire librarys worth of imperial legal precedents to prove the judgment against the Duke was baseless. And theres the case of Baron Schwartz, which was practically bankrupt with just a barren domain left. Even while Arthur Schwartz build fences covered in mud alongside his people, she recognized his hidden talents, and volunteered to become his wife. Now, the Dukedom of Schwartz, known as a Sword Factory for producing swordsmen, is flourishing. There are many historically proven cases indeed.

That much? Then its not just rumors, something real must be there?

Clearly, with such an abundance of successful precedentsnot just ordinary successes but jackpot-level triumphsits no wonder the families were eager.

Its entirely possible that its not just coincidence. This world is created by the imaginations of the vast majority of NPCs.

What might have started as just part of the grand narrative of a hero could have evolved over time with various coincidences. As the major success stories Lucilla mentioned piled up, the notion that marrying a woman from Teldrat equals success became common sense among the people.

And among the nobility, who possess far greater influence and resources, the news that Lucilla Aedran is a woman who has set out on her journey spread far and wide.

Lucil. Did the Vigilen family say anything when you left?

Lets see When I asked for a ship to cross the rocky region, they told me to come back tomorrow evening, and they would consider it.

Is that so?

They called her back to the castle. Not for a light-hearted lunch but for an evening engagement. And again, it was just Lucilla they invited, not the rest of the party

Then come with me tomorrow. Even if its a Margrave, a wizard of the Order of Lights caliber shouldnt be dismissed lightly.

As my expression turned serious, Lucilla, sensing the mood, asked me quietly.

You dont think the Vigilen family might force the issue?

It seemed she sensed the atmosphere or perhaps my intention even before I spoke.

Yes. I thought it was just a little seasoning added to your conditions, but hearing more, there seem to be some crazy ones out there.

Professor recalled the scenes of the city they had traveled through. It was still peaceful, but there was an odd tension, the streets not bustling even in the midst of the day.

As Sword Users patrolled deep into the Blue Line, the number of troops along the eastern border of the estate increaseda sign of mounting tension.

"I'm not sure how much Mute has influenced the empire, but it's clear that preparations are being made on this side."

Above all, the head of the household had shown off a warehouse, not casually disclosed to outsiders and filled with new weapons as if gearing up for war, asserting they were "prepared."

If the local nobles really view Lucilla as a genie who brings success, perhaps they believe that by showing potential, like the Schwartz Dukedom, they could gain approval?

An air of war often speaks of impending chaos, and in such chaotic times, there are always those who dream of rising against the heavens.

A Margrave, with power equivalent to the emperor within his own domain, wields significant authority as a local noble.

Perhaps the scent of war carried by the wind and the unique tale that everyone hesitates to call mere "opportunity" might have fueled his dormant desires.

Of course, this is assuming the worst-case scenario. It might simply be a case of parents wanting to find a good daughter-in-law for their second son, or it could be that the family is inherently more open.

But if that "worst-case assumption" becomes reality


"This won't do. I definitely need to meet them."

When Lucilla revisited the castle, there was a risk she might never be able to leave again.

Crack, crackle!

Professor stood up, his neck cracking ominously.

"Lucil, do you know where the nearest temple of the Order of Light is located?"

"Yes? Yes it's inside the square. Why?"

"I need to borrow a priest's robe."

"A priest's robe?"

"Yes. They seem serious, so I should respond in kind. As a champion of the Light."

Professor, thinking of the unknown lord of the Vigilen family, gave a menacing smile.

As Ro Haram said, "One who carries the good light should never mistreat the weak."

For the villain who harms others, regardless of gender or status, the penalty was death.


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