Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 197: Wizard of Wizards (17)

Chapter 197: Wizard of Wizards (17)


The Vigilen Family.

For generations, this illustrious family has governed the city of Sigfilrund, located in the eastern part of the empire. Adjacent to the Blue Line Mountains, the city frequently suffers from the onslaught of monsters pouring out from the saturated mountains. As such, it is well-known for the magic stones and dense byproducts from these monsters, and the high mortality rate among the guards.

Due to the characteristic that the lord cannot arbitrarily manipulate taxes and must reinvest them into the domain, they were once local nobles who couldn't even dream of advancing to the central government. However, 70 years ago, a massive undead crisis elevated their name.

Trained daily in combat against the monsters of the Blue Line Mountains, the prowess of Sigfilrund's elite soldiers proved equally effective against the undead.

When almost all national borders were collapsing under the undead assault, the city of Sigfilrund, under the Vigilen Family, steadfastly held its ground. The empire, using the still-intact eastern front as a base, managed to push back the undead.

However, standing alone in such a crisis came at the cost of many sacrifices. During the subsequent Call of Souls' ceremony conducted by the war hero Chieftain Magnauka,' it took over four hours to call out the names of the soldiers from the Vigilen Family and the city of Sigfilrund, almost all of whom had laid down their lives in the defense, earning the enduring respect of Agdan III. Despite opposition from many ministers, he bestowed the title of Margrave to the Vigilen Family.






is how it stands. The current head of the Vigilen Family, Margrave Alessio Vigilen, is a lord who inspires loyalty and respect among the local populace and nobility alike, with not a single soul to criticize him.

Thats impressive.

Moreover, he strives tirelessly to ensure that the hardy soldiers of the border do not lose their lives in vain. Although I graduated as the salutatorian of the Knight Academy, which may seem trivial, I also attend training as an instructor to slightly ease some of the Margraves burdens.

Wow! To be salutatorian at the Knight Academy where countless knights of the empire gather! Youre too modest!

Er, well! Its really nothing special. Also, even though I am quite removed from the right of succession in our family, I am tasked with defending our constantly endangered domain, which is a crucial role regardless of my succession rights.

Ah, ahaha.

Its not nothing, hes practically beaming.

Endlessly listening to the knights talk, Lucila tries her best not to lose her smile in response. Whether the knight had much to say, or if it was Lucilas favorable reactions, he seemed reluctant to leave her side.

That could be seen as his own kind of appeal, I suppose?

Just moments ago, the thick forest had started to thin out, and suddenly the clearing and the vast city walls beyond came into view.

Knight Demicas, as he passed the palisade that seemed to mark the boundary of the forest, removed his helmet and, wiping his slightly sweaty golden curls, slowed his horse to match the pace of the cart I was leading, and began this conversation.

Demicas' behavior wasn't particularly awkward. Although there was no prior arrangement, after all, Lucilla was a noble from a foreign country visiting the Vigilen domain. As a knight of the family, escorting her was a natural duty, and it was customary for a well-mannered knight to engage in light conversation or introduce the domain to a visiting guest to ensure they were not bored during their journey.

One of the most important virtues of a knight was the ability to eloquently share their exploits in various social settings, and since rhetoric was a mandatory subject at the academy, it wasn't particularly odd for this fellow to be talkative.

The issue lay in the topics Demicas chose to talk about.

Oddly enough, he's going all out bragging about his family's position in the empire, the current situation, and even his own status within it.'

In modern terms, it was like saying, My father is a former chief prosecutor, and lately, our family has been involved in this business, and I am also a practicing lawyer with my own house, car, and savings.' A blatant self-promotion.

Even though there were various distinctive companions, including me and Ottman, right next to us, he didn't even glance our way, focusing only on talking with Lucilla. It was clear from this.

This knight, Demicas, was very interested in Lucilla.

"Wow. Really."

"Hahaha. Although our domain is afflicted by war, it's not always a bleak place. If you're not too busy, I'd like to show you around. There are many places I want to show Lady Lucilla."

Lucilla kept up a smiling face and nodded along actively with the knight who was eagerly expressing his interest.

However, her true feelings were a bit different.

[Ahhh! This guy, really! Why is he so persistent!]

The annoyed voice came through message magic. This guy, despite her hearty laughter on the surface, was chewing out the knight inwardly to a painful degree.

[It seems like you know each other from before. Have you had such an encounter before?]

[Not to this extent Maybe a little? We've visited the Vigilen family's domain before due to a business trip. We met then, but there was hardly any interaction like this. There's being forward, and then there's discussing family and conditions before even making eye contact. Ewww, it's creepy! We're not a breed in mating season, are we?]


[You, that's a speciesist remark.]

Mating season. The choice of words by an agitated Lucilla barely contained his laughter, but then, the sudden change in attitude by the younger son of the Vigilen family occurred to him.

[Mating season. Maybe it really is that?]

[Aaaaaah! How dare you say such a thing in front of a grown lady! So, Knight Demicas is looking at me with those, those eyes.!]

[You're the one who brought it up, and now you say it's outrageous. I didn't mean that. I meant that the timing of your visit was just right for them to misunderstand.]

[My visit timing?]

[You ran out after marriage talks came up at home. And it wasnt just mentioned in front of youit was known enough in social circles to involve a counterpart.]

[.Wait. Marriage talks? Social circles? Could it beeeeee!!!!]


Look at that, she can't even manage her expression. She's turned as pale as a sheet.

[Yeah, that's right, you. They mistook you for a noble daughter on her honeymoon journey.]

[Ugh! ^%;$#&**;aaaah!!! No, no way! Why would I be misunderstood like that!]

[Thanks, Lucil. Because of you, I'm going to have an easy trip.]

[Don't you dare laugh!!!]

Hahaha. Who can ever predict the ways of the world?

Honeymoon (). Literally, the bride's () journey ().

I'm sorry for Lucilla, but to the eyes of the other nobles, she now appears as a woman of marriageable age who has set out on a journey to find a partner. Thats why this younger son of the Vigilen family, a knight, has been persistently approaching her with a Arent I good enough? attitude.

"Ah, we're here. Lady Lucilla, your hand."


Before they knew it, the group had passed through the open fields and arrived in front of the city walls. A heavy drawbridge that seemed at least 10 meters long was being lowered over a wide moat, and the knight, dismounting from his horse, politely extended his hand to Lucilla.

"Welcome to Sigfrilund, governed by the House of Vigilen."

"No, I, I'm just."

"If the younger son of the Margrave doesnt want to bear the disgrace of hauling a lady onto a wagon, please, mount the horse."

With a constant gentle smile, that mask finally cracked! And Lucilla, with an uneasy expression, placed her hand on Demicas' arm.

[Help me! I've never even thought about anything like this!]

[Heh. This is the honeymoon you chose. Hang in there with guts and grit, eh?]

Hmm, sorry, but its just too funny to help?

I chuckled to myself as I listened to Lucilla spew out curses that would suit a seasoned sailor, all conveyed via message magic.

It wasn't a particularly bad situation, so I planned to just watch how things unfolded.


Gulp, gulp, gulp!




"How about it. Isn't it quite palatable?"

"This is hard to believe it's from a small tavern. It's very strong. And, it has a kick that blows away the fatigue."

"Hehehe. Quite the connoisseur of alcohol, our werewolf friend. And how about you, Professor?"

"Ha! Wow. I have to admit this one."

"Hehehehe. Roderick, the Free Trade Union, and the Teldrat Triad might be famous for their beers and fruit wines with low alcohol content, but the Empire is renowned for its spirits with high alcohol content."

Professor, seemingly proud, turned his head from Aldrich, who was enthusiastically describing the empire's spirits, to take in the lively tavern around them.

The tables and wooden pillars, small and seemingly dilapidated but polished smooth from years of use.

The pleasant noise characteristic of taverns.

Small chairs to rest their weary bodies on the journey, steaming hot soup and bread, and spirits so cold and potent they make your head spin.

Upon entering the city of Sigfrilund under the knight's guidance, the group, despite Lucilla's hopeful looks, had to part with her immediately.


"Even if Knight Demicas vouches for the lady's companions, they must be inspected. The composition of the group is quite warriors, elves, trolls, werewolves, and ma magicians?"

"Yes, there's also a magician."

Rattle, rattle, rattle!

"Ma magicians, raise your hands immediately to reveal who is the magician!"


"Th three? Three magicians inside the city?"

"It's an emergency! Emergeeency! All guards to the gates!!!"

Ding ding ding ding ding!!!!


Just when it seemed like Lucilla, who certainly looked every bit the noble, would get them through with a simple identity check, suddenly the guards started panicking and gathered around screaming.

Demicas, visibly troubled, said, "Lady Lucilla. I'm sorry, but it seems I cannot allow them into the castle." Hence, Lucilla, adhering to guest etiquette, proceeded to the castle, and we followed her last desperate words, [Honey Badger! Meet at the Honey Badger Tavern], scattering to the tavern to drown our sorrows.


Ottman, either displeased with such treatment or worried about Lucilla venturing alone, slammed down his glass.

"Aldrich. Even though we are magicians, isn't this treatment a bit too harsh? Professor even revealed a relic to prove that we are warriors on a mission from Ro Haram, and yet they treat us with such rudeness! I cannot understand it at all! Are they watching us from outside the tavern as if we are potential criminals?"

"It's because you, Ottman, don't know the affairs of the Empire. As you know, there's that damn den of wind tamers in the Empire, which means there are a lot of wandering wizards. Most other wizards are holed up in towers, so their infamy is confined to that neighborhood, but those guys roam around spreading their notoriety everywhere. People in the Empire who have suffered at the hands of wizards are especially more afraid of wizards. What we're seeing now is largely due to the influence of the nobles Lucila and Demicas."

Unlike Ottman, Aldrich seemed accustomed to this treatment and nonchalantly continued eating his bread.

"It's surprising, though. That Aldrich is from the Empire."

"There's no law saying a dark wizard must be without a hometown. On the contrary, it's rare for dark wizards to stay in their hometown."


".Think about why someone would become a dark wizard, and you'll find the answer."

With those words, Aldrich downed a rather strong distilled liquor in one gulp.

Thus, each in their own way, the members of the party eased the fatigue of their arduous journey. When they were leaning back in their chairs with satisfied expressions and patting their full bellies, I explained to the group why the young noble Demicas had been so ingratiating towards Lucila.

"A honeymoon? Are you talking about the custom I know of, where women from Teldrat set out to find a suitable groom for themselves?"

"Yes, that's the one. I didnt think youd be aware of such things, Master Ottman."

"Hmm. Dont underestimate me. I was young once too, and during my spirited youth, I harbored a strange anticipation about that peculiar custom of foreign lands. The Bride from Teldrat' is still one of the most favored tales among bards."

Aldrich nodded in agreement with Ottmans words.

The strange culture of Teldrat was well-known enough to be recognized by both a water mage from Roderick and a dark wizard from the Empire.

Honeymoon. This term, meaning the brides journey' or a journey to become a bride', is an ancient custom and legendary tradition in Teldrat, known for its granaries and commerce.

Indeed, it's an insane custom by noble standards to decide, I'll find a husband, but it must be a man who suits me.' and to literally set out to find a spouse.

Naturally, a nobles marriage is not simply about two people falling in love and promising to live happily ever after. It involves calculating the numerous benefits gained through blood relations between families, and sometimes spending a lifetime with a partner one does not love, in a cold and merciless affair that is a noble's marriage.

The reason such an illogical thing as the honeymoon could exist in Teldrat is..

Entirely because of an action taken by Princess Rabbit during her play in World 2.

Strong, beautiful, nearly a perfect woman, who had been close to legendary heroes like brothers since World 1, and with the immense wealth of the Princess family'.

Every day, hundreds of letters would fly to her, and when she woke in the morning, the serenades outside her window could form an opera-level symphony.

Enduring noblemen who clung to her like leeches, Rabbit officially made a statement.

[I am a person who knows my own worth better than anyone. Sorry, but I must say, none of the people I've met so far are worth dedicating everything I have. That's why I roam like this. Someday, I hope to find my perfect other half, end this long journey, and settle down beside him.]

Hmm. Thinking about it again, it was an incredibly clever play.

The message was clear: I will choose my man, and those not up to the standard shouldnt even dream about it

Her declaration spread through the social circles, turning Rabbit into the idol of noble men worldwide.

Why, you ask? Let's think from the perspective of the nobility.

A beautiful and mysterious woman from a distant land.

If the woman, who even the Empire's crown prince and the absolute ruler of the desert known as the God Among Men' have outright rejected, chooses a man, wouldn't he be considered the greatest man of this era?

This thought has been ingrained in the minds of the nobility. Of course, in addition to such fantasies, she truly possessed a goddess-like appearance, came from a prestigious family, had enormous wealth, and had connections as deep and wide as the Milky Way, making her the ideal bride.

Since that day, wherever she visited, she always received the highest treatment, and the high-ranking nobles who faced her firm rejection would think, If I was rejected, I cannot stand to see my underlings take a place by her side!' This led them to automatically ward off any undesirables, allowing her to enjoy a much more pleasant experience than before.

The point is, the legendary tale of the strongest bride-to-be from Teldrat' in World 2 remains, even exceeds, into the World 3 of today. It has been blown out of proportion by many bards in their songs, creating an immense illusion among the noblemen of foreign lands that any man chosen by a woman from Teldrat is acknowledged as the greatest man.'

This wasn't seen as a bad thing even by the noblewoman's family because, combining various factors, if they were to say they have a daughter of an 8 out of 10, sending her abroad would increase her value to 11, thereby obtaining an excellent son-in-law, something unimaginable through ordinary matchmaking.

Of course, this was a double-edged sword. Imagine if a minor noble family, dreaming of high society, spread the word that our daughter is going on her bridal journey~' and if she, despite all the romanticizing, returned home without any marriage proposals because she was far below the required standards.

The disgrace would be unparalleled, their family's standing in society would plummet to rock bottom, and the daughter would forever live alone, branded as a fool who didn't understand her own worth and tried to choose a husband.

Thus, fearing a catastrophic failure that could ruin their family, daughters with mere confidence rarely set out on a bridal journey, and only those noblewomen who seemed truly eligible, whose families believed our daughter could indeed rise in status,' were allowed to travel, maintaining their reputation. In a way, what started as gossip truly became reality.

"But, captain, Lucilla didn't go on a bridal journey; she ran away from home of her own accord, secretly, right?"

"The problem was the timing of her leaving the house. She ran away right after her family officially announced her marriage engagement to the social circles. This was akin to announcing, Our daughter is ready for marriage~ Interested nobles, please send your stewards~'. It is said that, on average, noble marriages go through three broken engagements, but all that was known about her was that she was engaged to some old man from a distant land, without even a contract in place. The madams and stewards, acting as matchmakers, hardly needed to worry about it."

Lucilla had just stepped into the transfer market of noble marriages, carrying the title daughter of the wealthiest family in the empire' no less, at the very time she left her house. To the matchmakers, she was an irresistibly lucrative marriage prospect, and they were eager to make a connection, lighting up their eyes, approaching young lords with, I hear the third daughter of the Aedran family is seeking a marriage partner' while pushing forward her portrait.

"At such a time! Unthinkingly, as this nobleman Demicas was patrolling, the very woman from Teldrat, who was reportedly seeking a marriage partner, appeared before him. As she was listed in the marriage market, a marriageable woman from Teldrat, with a decent appearance and a wealthy noble background, she matched exactly the legendary woman from Teldrat.'"

For Demicas, it was as if the legendary woman had walked right into his path, and with all realistic conditions fulfilled, it was a situation worth diving into.

"Hoo, boy"

"Interesting, isn't it?"

"Hmm. I cannot deny it. But shouldn't we help her? If we don't, we might unintentionally create enemies among the empire's nobility. It might be worth explaining the situation, even using the church's name."

"Well, we're just going to watch for now. That guy is persuasive enough to seal deals with the stubborn dwarves on her own. Surely, she can handle this much by herself, right?"


Professor patted his rounded belly, imagining Lucilla enjoying what must be a rather uncomfortable dinner party by now.

Hang in there, high-pass. If all goes well, it might even cut our time in the empire short by a few months.'

One cultural aspect regarding the women from Teldrat: Do not cling disgracefully after being rejected.'

Enter with the highest welcome, and leave smoothly without any fuss. What other authority allows one to traverse the estates of foreign nobility so smoothly?

I'm glad I renewed the contract.'

Recalling the terms of the contract he had discussed with Lucilla over message magic before arriving at the city, Professor smiled contentedly.


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